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3D Translites coming soon

The animated gif looks sweet! No idea how well this'll work in the final translite though since they say it's not as sharp as the regular ones.
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I'd have a WH20 one. Might look good with the topper effect.
We've established JT won't be buying one :rofl:
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I'm not sure. I think I might be with JT on this, feels a bit gimmicky. Maybe when I've seen one in the flesh
If I had a MM I'd be screaming "shut up and take my money".

Love lenticular backglasses. They should make them for more games.
Colour DMD is supposed to be finished and in final testing. (according to PPS who in turn sourced the info from CGC) :)

Well the doorbell just went and it was the FedEx man delivering a 3D MM translite from Henrik and Pinball Dreams to review!

I'll be writing a bit more about it later on Pavlov Pinball, but WOW. The photo doesn't do it anything close to justice - in fact it's almost impossible to photograph the way the light bounces off it. But it is absolutely stunning: really bright, not blurred like you sometimes get with lenticular printing, and the 3D effect has been done very well. It's quite subtle - the king and trolls are in the foreground and the castle and everything else a little behind, but the pike pokes out towards you (without being in yer face) and the arrows by the king and the trolls' feet are also poking outwards.

I'll have to figure out how to photograph it better later, but first impressions are that this is top quality!
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Well to be honest I got the email from them as I had registered interest there but knew postage and import tax would kill any saving, but getting it posted to an address in the US I thought would be ok then I will bring it back with me when I go.
Plus they worded it like it was very limited so order to ensure I got one, will sell out fast etc etc so I just did the purchase thinking I may not get hold of one too quickly anyway.
Not worked out savings or extra cost doing it that way but figured at least I will have one in April.
Now........ I wish I had ordered from Germany, April seems a long way off!
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