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2024 New Years Resolutions in Pinball


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Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
Never been one for NY resolutions as they mostly fail but along with getting my fitness up after 2023 destroyed my health I'm determined to get my Pinball collection down to a manageable 9.
These will be all playable so the wife can have her corner of the garage back with no Tombstones blocking her daily driver a Scooter of all things.

So yesterday saw me make my 1st concerted effort with both BSD and Mario leaving the fold, collection has been arranged and thankfully both are going to good homes in the community here.
So with 2 down, a further 3 to go I'm almost Bon Jovi’ed and half way there 😜

Anyone else have pinball targets and plans set out for this year? Maybe doubling the collection, giving up on NIB or even possibly getting out all together?
  1. Finish my Alien Poker restoration in time to line it up with @Steve brum’s Laser Cue at this year’s Pinfest! 🥰
  2. Attend more matchplay events
  3. Work out how to manage league with my appalling health and suck less at pinball, generally
I’m also hoping to host another London and SE League event this year and my ambition is to serve more tasty biscuits/cakes, and fewer of the awful falafels that no one ate 😋
Honestly I'm not sure. I've hit my first little lull in interest since joining the hobby. Not been playing very much the last 2 weeks and whilst before I've bought so many games I've gone over what I have space for, I've now sold 2 games without anything to replace them, I never would have done that before!

My apathy is probably partly why I've not been super enthusiastic about Jaws. There's a couple of used games I wouldn't mind having but I'm also not massively bothered if I don't get anything atm.
Honestly I'm not sure. I've hit my first little lull in interest since joining the hobby. Not been playing very much the last 2 weeks and whilst before I've bought so many games I've gone over what I have space for, I've now sold 2 games without anything to replace them, I never would have done that before!
Looks like you've only had Stern LCD games - I'd highly encourage you to get something a bit different as IMHO these spike2 titles to tend to get a bit same-y.
Honestly I'm not sure. I've hit my first little lull in interest since joining the hobby. Not been playing very much the last 2 weeks and whilst before I've bought so many games I've gone over what I have space for, I've now sold 2 games without anything to replace them, I never would have done that before!

My apathy is probably partly why I've not been super enthusiastic about Jaws. There's a couple of used games I wouldn't mind having but I'm also not massively bothered if I don't get anything atm.
I struggle with too much choice be it films, music or Pinball. If I've got too much choice I won't choose anything, which was an issue with my V-Pin. It's a bit of a blessing I've only got room for 2 Pins, and just having one would be my ideal number.
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Lulls are common in this hobby, good time for a line-up shake-up.
My NYR are
  1. Win lottery
  2. Buy first NIB
  3. Fix up sad old machines 90's machines full time for a hobby
  4. Attend more pinball meet-ups (serious one)
Have you been sneaking a look at my list, as mine are virtually the same!!

Unfortunately i suspect the first one will be more elusive than the rest :(

I dont "do" NYR since they are easilly broken - I like to think of this as more of a "i want to get this lot done this year" list:

1. Win Lottery
2. Buy First NIB (Dependant on the first!)
3. Get my Gamesroom built, meaning i can recover my machines from my parents and actually be able to play them reguarly!
4. Get my company/side hussle up and running (More to come once i have done!)
5. Deffo attend more meets that i did in 2023 (shouldnt be too difficult to get more than one!)

EDIT - forgot.. top of that list... Find myself a new job!
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My main one I’ve promised myself this year is to not buy any NIB pins. Enjoy what I have and maybe add one or two used pins if the ones I have my eye on come up.
1. play more pinball
2. meet more pinheads
3. drink more with the pinheads i know, including those from 2. above. even if it means sacrificing a bit of 1. above
I also would like to find more pinheads local to me and have socials between games rooms and few beers etc, or even just tea‘s 🤣
1. Try not to buy another pin until the house is finished (tricky one 😅)
2. Make the East Anglia league a big success
3. Run more great events, so pinheads can meet other pinheads and make more friends, and encourage more people into pinball

Not start (and not finish) any new projects
I currently have 10 games in parts. Usually I stop because of a lack of knowledge or a skill. Or a lack of confidence in my skills
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