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Sold 2 x Spy Hunter Pinballs


Site Supporter
10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Hi All,

I have 2 x Spy hunters, one plays fine but playfield has planking, it has been stripped cleaned and re-rubbered, I have a touched up and clear coated playfield which can be put in which will make this a very nice machine the, 2nd Spy hunter fires up and plays but has stood for a LONG time and needs stripping and cleaning, playfield is pretty good on it, Ideally I want to sell both machines and the spare play field together, am asking £700

In Norfolk if anyone wants to view

I'd be tempted - if my R&B wasn't already in about 500 pieces. :rofl:

Good luck with the sale - a nice price in my view.
No real rush, unfortunately I have had to move on to other hobbies due to ill health, These SH's are the last 2 pins I have,I am sure someone will take them

come on noobs, this one is practically begging for you.

anyone with the interest, space and time could take this on, and end up with two machines - a good one, and a crappy one. you may need to spend about 100-200 on parts depending on what's needed, but i doubt it'd be more than that from the description. the crappy one you could sell on ebay for 500 or so if you're lucky, or at least 300 even if you're not. that would leave you in possession of a nice working pin for a decent price, and the experience you'd get and the fun you'd have would be worth their weight in gold. then you have a chip and you're in the game, offer the good one up for sale or trade when you get bored of it, and your next one is a bit better, and you ride the market and expand your stable and take it from there.

get away from the nagging missus or the screaming kids, create an alibi while you go out gambling or whoring, pretend to yourself that you're learning when really you like to sit next to them and just daydream ..... either way, do yourself a favour - two pins plus a playfield offered here for peanuts and no bites. make the man a decent offer ffs

gif james bond plays mario kart.gif
did you split these up?,I see one just sold for £350 on ebay
Hi, no these should be sold to a forum member, he is collecting on Wednesday, I haven't closed the thread as the pins are still here. Andy
Wow, a pin you never see much of and there's been an abundance of them recently.
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