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10 years of pin ownership !

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach

I just realised it was about this time 10 years ago that I finally took the plunge and bought my first pin - Tommy !

A decade of silver ball madness :D Been a lot of fun, met a lot of good people, bought and sold a lot of games , seen a lot of changes in the scene, played A LOT of pinball , faced divorce on several occasions :cool:

Oh and Tommy is still here, pride of the collection, a lot of good games have come and gone but when Tommy goes that will be it. Game over for Sgt GrizZ. Thats not looking likely anytime soon though ........here's to the next decade ! :D

I'm gonna have a cheeky beer to celebrate <checks watch ....yep gone midday>
Good stuff!!! first machine I got was a jokerz for Christmas 17 years ago,think I was 13.It was kept in the shed.Long gone now though.
I bought my first pin at an auction I went to with my dad in about 1983 (Gottlieb pinball pool) For I think £35

A couple of the drop targets where missing but I still loved it (with its rusty ball) Long gone now, would like to have fixed it up
Yep, 10 years for me too.

Bought a TZ in 2003 and the love affair for doing up old ****ters began!
Congratulations Grizz.

Given the enjoyment i've had in the past 3 months I can see why 10 years in the hobby is something to celebrate. Great stuff and long may it continue.
What a decade, great work Sargent. Many a machine are alive today due to your quick thinking and repair work. I salute you.

I think you always love your first pin. I started with a Tri Zone and would never have given it up - sadly the boards gave up on me instead. I still miss it :(
Go on, how much did it cost you back in the old days grandad;)

If I told you I would have to kill you. Don't know why...just would.

Seriously ...I did the classic noob thing and prob paid over the odds, didnt even try to haggle, it was from an op ...however it had been shopped and to this day is one of the nicest condition Tommys I have ever seen - of course at the time I had no idea about condition , what 'shopping' meant etc ! was just over the moon at finding a Tommy to buy :D .... had fallen in love with it years previous during the 90s golden age.
Nice one GrizZ.... but on a serious note I do think its about time you moved it on , How about donating it to the
new pinball for deprived children society which amazingly I am head patron for . This is how it works we take your machine off you
promising to use it for the benefit the deprived and immediately list on a well known auction website.

yours faithfully John Oliver (totally unconnected to any other Oliver or those of similar sounding names)
My first was a Wh2o around 11-12 years ago. Drove all the way to Blackpool to get it (I don't know that our lovely friends existed at that time!). Guy had it in his garage - all complete other than a missing Big-foot, which had apparently been nicked after the pf glass got smashed in a bar brawl.....

Sold it for £600 (Complete WITH a big-foot head i managed to source from Australia and had shipped across by my uncle!!), which was the same as i paid for it, to my boss in work when i picked up a TZ (the kids told me at the time Wh2o was Much better, however I was like "but it's a TWILIGHT ZONE"!!!, Hated TZ and wished I'd never sold Wh2o in the first place!!!
My first pin was LW3 I bought it about 14-15 years ago out of the Friday ad. The phone number was wrong on the add and I remember taking a written letter to the Friday ad shop, which they then sent to the advertiser with a contact number for me. Got the call agreed the deal at £175 went round in my mates van and managed to just fit it in the lift to my flat which was top floor, the downstairs neighbours hated me after that.
Some pics I found of it bellow, and before you judge me for living like a pikey it was in the spare room and these pics were taken during the refurbishment of the flat :)


image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
My first machine I bought as a job lot of 18 video machines from some guy in Wellingborough who was about to open an arcade, but had his mind changed last minute by his missus who bagged her dream job down in Devon somewhere. Half of them didn't work and there was also an X-Force (by Tecnoplay, prev Zaccaria) pinball thrown in. Total cost was 400 GBP.

That was in I think 2000. Everything was repaired and sold, over the next six months, as I realised what a stupid purchase it all was, except the pinball which hanged around for 3 or 4 years.

Never seen an X-Force since, quite a fun game, all the sound bites were in English accent and had a 68000 processor but wasn't a DMD. Apparently an Italian specialist collector in the UK also has one, but not confirmed.

So, 13 years and still going...and up to 17 years with the video games!
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