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Found it! 1 x rubber leg leveller protector

Jon Fletcher

Nov 9, 2013
Has anyone got a spare rubber boot that goes under a leg leveller foot? My dog has made off with one! Any help is much appreciated.
This any good?

IMG_20150316_205133480.jpg IMG_20150316_205141923.jpg
If my dog would have made off with one we definitely would not be finding it ever again, or maybe just small chewed up pieces.
I have a complete U.K. coin door that could be up for sale if you want it.
If my dog would have made off with one we definitely would not be finding it ever again, or maybe just small chewed up pieces.
I have a complete U.K. coin door that could be up for sale if you want it.
Great, could you send some pics please and a price? Do you have a one slot coin box aswell? If you want to email pics my email is jon.jue@ntlworld.com thanks Jon
Jon, before we go any further let's check it's suitable for your machine.
What machine is it for ?
Yes it's a one slot U.K. and will fit right on a CFTBL.
And yes I have a one slot coin box as well.
Will get some pics for you tomorrow evening.
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