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No Longer Available Workbench

Andrew wants ball sizes holes to place his balls on.
I have a router. May give it a go when i pick mine up at the show in April.

Ouch! That sounds like a terrible splinter. I'm pretty much immune from wood splinters now. Just never seem to get them or never notice. It's the pesky metal splinters that really cause my grief. Good look with having it removed. Leave the blood on the bench as a super LE
My balls have a life of their own at times. :rolleyes:
You wouldn't need dimples just a rounded channel then all the balls go in it in a line if that makes sense. Lidl had a router for sale a week or so ago
Over an hour in surgery to have the splinter removed, he THINKS he got it all.
Lidocaine is starting to wear off now, so using alcohol instead.

Taken orally.:)
All ready for delivery to 8Bit Flip. for
@Mike Kindler

If anyone else wants one delivering then let me know, as I'm running out of time to be able to build them.
Garry Speight has kindly offered to pick mine up from 8Bit Flip from you Wayne. :thumbs:
Get your **** to 8bitflip Andrew.
You know you want to, it's a great social weekend and pinball if you like that kind of thing.
Get your **** to 8bitflip Andrew.
You know you want to, it's a great social weekend and pinball if you like that kind of thing.
Usually go to Lincoln at Easter mate to visit the in laws.
Shame you will be missing a great weekend of pinball, beer and good company.
Unfortunately I don't have a router. All of these are made by hand.
As I have found to my detriment. I'm currently at work waiting to go into surgery to have a splinter removed from my thumb. Yes a f@*king splinter. None of the sisters were willing to try and remove it as it is so deep and there is none of it accessible. 3 different surgeons have looked at it and the consensus is that it needs a nerve block putting in, before making an incision into my thumb to get in deep enough to remove it.

I think I managed to sand all of the blood off the bench I was actually making when I did it.:eek:

The next question would be how many dimples would be needed? There'll be someone complaining that they own an A13! :p

Well - every heard the phrase 'every job gets it's blood' ?

Buy a router and use a copy bit to churn these out. Be quicker! Plus they will need a lot less sanding as long as you invest in some good bits.

I made something like this about 10 years ago with a slot that let you move the right hand side over to go onto wide body games. Plus I used rubber on the bottom to protect the side rails - this would stop any slipping and IF it did slip it wouldnt scratch the side rail.

Personally I drilled a few holes in mine to put the nut spinners/screw drivers in. The dish idea is great.

I am sure I had mine in a photo somewhere but I couldnt be ****d to look for it.

Its a great little bit of kit to have, and at these prices - its not worth getting your hands dirty making one yourself. I found mine useful.
Buy a router and use a copy bit to churn these out. Be quicker! Plus they will need a lot less sanding as long as you invest in some good bits.
I've worked out I'm "making" about £5 per bench - for 2 hours per bench. I'm certainly not doing this as a business, I enjoy making them and any profit is basically paying for tools to add to my sawdust making kit :)

I made something like this about 10 years ago with a slot that let you move the right hand side over to go onto wide body games. Plus I used rubber on the bottom to protect the side rails - this would stop any slipping and IF it did slip it wouldnt scratch the side rail.
Way too ambitious for me to attempt an adjustable version for widebodies, I have toyed with adding pegs so they also sit level on the old Bally tables, but as I don't have one to hand I haven't tried. Anyway, it still sits level enough to hold a cup of tea:clap:.
I did trial fitting rubber to the underside to prevent slippage and scratching, but just didn't feel it necessary. The wood is so soft that it's never going to scratch the paintwork, plus the width tolerance is such that the legs sit perfectly either on the screws holding the side rails on or the flipper buttons.

Personally I drilled a few holes in mine to put the nut spinners/screw drivers in. The dish idea is great
I was going to do this, but it sits too low if the glass is still on (if you have it on a neighbouring machine) that they'd hit the glass. I'm thinking of having an additional 2 - 3 inches overhang on one side which could then have the holes in for this exact reason, but then started thinking that it is becoming a little too over-engineered. Led strip lights, crocodile grips, magnifying glass and an angle poise light have already been mentioned as additions.
I'd be interested for 2 Pros:
1 narrow and 1 wide body if that's possible! :D
I now believe that all but 1 of the benches have been delivered (or in the process of being delivered).
If anyone else wants one let me know as I have 2 left.
I doubt very much I'll be making anymore of these.
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