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No Longer Available Williams Indiana Jones and Bally Cirqus Voltaire

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Apr 7, 2013
Details are a bit thin on the ground right now, but i'll hopefully put some photos and a bit more information online very shortly.

At the moment I can say that my Danish colleague is looking to sell his Williams Indiana Jones and Cirqus Voltaire. Both are in great condition.

The original message i've got says he's looking at £5500 for the pair, but i've then gone back and asked if he'd consider selling seperately. Of course both machines are in Denmark so a discussion would have to take place about shipping prices and how best to get them into the UK.

Note that the CV was missing the ringmaster decal but this has now been sourced and fitted (as evident in some of the photos). I'm happy to act as intermediary if anyone has questions or I can put you in touch with each other via e-mail.

Edit: He's now come back and said he WOULD consider selling seperately at the prices of £3000 for the CV and £2500 for the IJ. If anyone wants to make an offer then PM me and i'll happily pass it on to him. No idea if he'll accept but i'm willing to ask.



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Thanks Steve. I'm waiting to hear back from him about splitting them and what prices he'll take seperately.

I'll post more info here when I hear more. :)

Slightly sad to see him movnig his CV on as I was hoping to take it off his hands in a year or two - but he's looking to make a NIB purchase so he's decided to move these on now.
It's a lovely pin.

The seller has the home 2.0 roms fitted but he'll include the original 1.3 roms in the sale too. As he said they're no use to him once he's sold the machine.

Here's some photos of the boards. No burnt connectors and the GI is also fine. Hopefully have some pictures of the main cab interior too soon.

Still a bargain @ £3200, I would be all over it like a cheap suit if I didn't already have a peach, IMO the nicest looking pin out there except for maybe BBB, TOTAN is also a beaut.
The one at NLP this past weekend was a joy to play too, apart from when it kicked out balls for no apparent reason. Maybe it was trying to be forgivingfor crap players :rofl:
I will fix it if it kills me....or I know a man who will! Kev (Newdos) got to the very end and it behaved. I watched and we had a good laugh too, he was wrecked when he finished must have played for over 20 mins. Got all the top scores though.
As you'd expect there has been quite a bit of interest.

Currently we're working on getting the best price possible for shipping. Once we have that then we'll see if people are still interested. Thanks for all the positive comments guys.
Noticed DoP was also interested in the CV.
Not heard much from the Duke for a long time.
Despite a number of people being interested in the CV i'm sad to say that it won't be winging it's way to the UK. :-(

John has managed to find a buyer who wants both the CV and the IJ and as he's selling to finance a NIB purchase he really needed to shift both of them. Under the circumstances he's done what you'd expect and sold them as a pair. As a result they'll be heading to Sweden.

A shame as I was looking forward to the prospect of one more CV in the UK.
Is DoP based in Sweden then? That's where they're headed but no clue who it was that nabbed em.
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