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williams door control


May 2, 2018
Hi Guys,
Has anybody got the instructions on how this works?


  • door.jpg
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With the 'three button' set-up of the older Williams games (even though one is a flick switch here^), only two are really concerned with the diagnostics/adjustments - 'Advance', roughly equivalent to Enter on the Wpc system, and the centre switch/button, 'Up/Down'. The door has to be open, btw. What happens on pressing advance depends on the status of Up/Down. If it's set to Down, Advance puts the game into diagnostics, beginning with the displays AIR. Once in diagnostics, Up/down becomes Manual/Automatic, e.g. in Manual the displays remain showing one number, with Advance changing to the next. Up/Down has to be at Up to move to the next test section, feature/matrix lamps ('01'), followed by solenoids/sounds* ('02') and then switches ('03') before moving into the Book-keeping and Adjustments, '04'

Beginning with Up/Down at Up by-passes the diagnostics and goes straight to Bookeeping/Adjustments, beginning with game I.D. (the same thing as displayed when a game has suffered memory failure). The audits (04 #'s 01 to 12) and the standard adjustments (#'s 13 to 30) follow a template for all games, with each particular games' feature adjustments beginning at # 31. Some of these entries control unrelated features, with one digit of the stored two digit value for each, e.g. FirePower uses one for lighting Specials and background sound

High Score Reset is simply part of the switch matrix (switch # 8), and replaces the current Highest Score (the final audit item, 04 # 12) with a back-up value, which is actually the first adjustment item, 04 # 13

^ Later games use the same type of push-button switch for this, which latches in the Down position when pressed, and releases when pressed again
* Pre "Level 7" games such as the Laser Ball I see above use some of their solenoid circuits to control the audio circuit board, while L 7 onwards have a separate test section for sound
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