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Wanted Where to buy xmen wolverine le pinball


10 Years
Sep 30, 2012
The only current place I know that sells them in pinball heven just wondering is their any where else within the uk.thanks
There might be one or two other distributors but they wont be any cheaper than pinball heaven unfortunately.

£6500 is megabucks for a pinball with a happy meal toy in the middle imo. Someone just sold their Tron LE for £5500 which looked much better value. Each to their own though
All new pins are becoming mega bucks:Cry:

Tough choices as JJP seems to be focusing on build quality never seen before.
And yet, even with the poor quality at Stern, I would rather play the new Stern games as they are so fast.

Ideally it would be great to take the best of both companies but that cannot happen.

Think this is pretty cool.........

We don't know how fast WOZ will be tbf. The leg levellers are up and the coils are set at low on the test games
It is all personal opinion of course, but I have seen and played Xmen LE and thought it looked and played incredibly. Most impressive Stern for some time, though ACDC LE a cracker too. Seems much more of a game there already compared to Tron, even at this early stage.
We don't know how fast WOZ will be tbf. The leg levellers are up and the coils are set at low on the test games

Wonder why they did that to be honest ?:noidea: Just resulted in a lot of people seeing the gameplay and being horrified . Strange marketing move.

Widebody games are never as fast playing anyway, regardless of setup.
Im not sure anyone was 'horrified'!

Jack did give an explanation on the group about why he did it but id be lying if i said I could remember what he said!

As for X Men, ive never played it so couldnt comment on that aspect. I was talking about the aesyhetics of the game which to me dont look dissimilar to the marvel zizzle that was released. Not that a pretty game makes a good game of course
It is all personal opinion of course, but I have seen and played Xmen LE and thought it looked and played incredibly. Most impressive Stern for some time, though ACDC LE a cracker too. Seems much more of a game there already compared to Tron, even at this early stage.

Played X-men it yesterday at NLP. Amazing game - Best one ive played for a LONG time.
Looks . . .

Like X Men 'looks' like its from Toys R Us?


The proof will be in the pudding. I'll happily find 5 people who say WOZ looks amazing to every person you find who says it looks **** btw.

Well we could go on all day with the 'my pin is better than yrs' ...but its kind of all been said before and isn't what the OP was asking anyway . In summary ... I think WOZ looks dull to play from the videos SO FAR RELEASED. And you hate Sterns latest games, and take every opportunity to remind us of the fact. So best leave it at that. Until the next time ;)
I think everybody will agree that WOZ looks like it has great build quality. But that won't make it a great game and doesn't mean that it will play better than a cheaper looking Stern. I am reserving judgement until I have been able to play it.
I don't get this whole Stern Vs JJP thing! Why does it seem impossible for people to like/dislike both!??

I've already said I haven't played X-Men or AC/DC so can't pass judgement on the gameplay yet, just how they look. Same with WOZ. Obviously I hope the gameplay isn't **** as I've got a fortune invested in it, that goes without saying

Just realised X Men LE is £6700 on ebay :suspicious: Is it really worth £2200 more than the standard version!? A guy on Pinside took a week to shift his at $6100/£3795.

Sucks being in the UK sometimes
Should of snapped his hand off at £ 3,795

Duty at 20% 759

Shipping around £ 500 tops I shipped an AFG to Aus for less than that

Got your self a LE for just over £ 5 k then
X-men, Iron Man and Transformers didn't do it for me at the NLP show, I just don't think they are my sort of game.
However, AC/DC at Mooseman's house might have been the best game all weekend, it would be the one I would buy next if money was no object. :rockon:
I played XMen this weekend for a half hour at the NLP and even had a high scoring game on it, which is normally enough for me to like a game.

Didn't like it. Just my take on it, I fully endorse Ive's opinion that we all have our own game likes and dislikes, I don't think it extends to disliking a manufacturer. I love SM and LOTR and POTC but not crazy about recent Sterns. I'm not crazy about ACDC either but agree that it sounds nice.

Can't wait to play a WOZ as I think it's the best looking new game in years
I'm for from a Stern hater fwiw. I think SM and TSPP are 2 of the best tables out there and have owned both
In answer to the original question, try Pinball Pleasure http://www.pinballmachines.co.uk/ also ring Phil at Pinball Heaven and talk to him, he may do you a discount if you ask (he may not but no harm in trying). It's a good game, build quality isn't great but the game is good as it stands, when the software is finished it could be awesome.
I was too - it made no sense
Same thing was agreed by about another 4 pinheads so there is at least half a dozen

Dumbing a games speed down makes NO SENSE:noidea:
Should of snapped his hand off at £ 3,795

Duty at 20% 759

Shipping around £ 500 tops I shipped an AFG to Aus for less than that

Got your self a LE for just over £ 5 k then

There was another pinsider selling a Wolverine LE for $5300 just a few days ago. Was very tempting, but how do you get past the region protection (60hz -> 50hz) that Stern put onto their pins? Is there a shady hack to the ROMs or something?
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