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What are your thoughts on UKPinfest 2020 if it takes place? - POLL

Will you attend UKPinfest 2020?

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Big Phil

Site Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
County Durham
We're now two months away. As the country slowly starts to lift restrictions, UKPinfest may be allowed to take place. There are so many variables in play and no one can predict where the world will be next week let alone in 2 months. It may mean a reduced number of machines. Spacing and a 1 way system. You may have to wear a face mask. Regular hand washing/sanitising.

Also, we don't know if excessive hand sanitiser use will affect decals around the buttons. Anyone care to experiment with their own machine?

So, for the sake of this poll, lets say UKPinfest is going ahead. Will you attend?

Could I only have those who were always planning on attending take part in the vote.

Please also give your feedback. Let's discuss.
If i am honest i've pretty much written off any and everything this year.. With the fact that things will no doubt increase after the most recent announcements, along with my other half shielding, I cant see me going anywhere much. Which is crap as i could really do with a holiday right now (Like the other 99% of the population!)
I'd still support the event. Happy to bring machines still, most of mine are players condition so not too worried extra wear by the flipper buttons (if hand sanitizer did cause it?)
BUT, I don't think you would get as many people coming as normal, so from a financial point of view I think you would be better off postponing until next year if the venue will let you without penalty.

So, if I'm thinking of me, yeah go for it,
But if I'm thinking of @Big Phil I think you will lose money if you push ahead with it.
I voted yes, but I'm torn.

I've looked forward to it since last year, especially considering I have learnt a lot more and made me friends in the community since so would enjoy it even more the second time.

I really want it to happen but its a struggle understanding how it can go ahead without major restrictions that would be detrimental to what makes Pinfest so enjoyable...

I can't imagine having a drink, playing pinball and having to deal with a face covering and that's something that will be a struggle to enforce.

If it goes ahead I'll attend.
If not I'm assuming the hotel are OK cancelling bookings and not requiring payment? And Pinfest tickets will be refunded also?

Financially would it be better to cancel or postpone?

Looking forward to others thoughts
I bought VIP tickets the day they were released and booked the hotel as soon as possible as this is by far the best pinball event in the UK.

That said, even if it goes ahead now I don't think I'll go. Not really due to the worry of catching Bat Flu but wearing masks, social distancing, one way system, fewer machines etc etc takes the fun out of it. I find society really sad at the moment and the world has gone crazy. We had a flu outbreak in 1968 where over 60,000 died which is far more than today but the country didn't go into lockdown and carried on. Life is a risk and this thing, like existing flu and future viruses will never go away. I'm over the moon that pubs are opening on the 4th July but getting people back drinking before getting our kids back to school learning is a disgrace. Anyway I'll stop here as this is about Pinfest - sorry for the mini rant.

The hotel rooms can be cancelled with no penalty so I hope the event is postponed until next year with existing tickets valid. I also don't think this will be commercially viable for Phil and certainly don't want him to lose any money.
Unfortunately I think that it would be a very different experience to what makes Pinfest the top show of the year (no major comps, no overseas visitors, people wearing masks, no late night p!$$ ups in the bar, etc. etc.), and as such should be postponed.
However IF it does go ahead, I will be bringing my machines along and will run a comp (although unlikely to have any WPPR pts as the IFPA is not yet sanctioning comps).

I think the best bet is to try and organise a show/get-together at either Electric Circus or Flipout initially. Both venues have machines on site already and as such don't have the initial financial outlay as a deterrent.
Social distancing could be achieved with a bit of rejigging of machine layout if necessary, as well as providing a boost to the clubs financially - as they have both lost virtually all income over the last few months.
No from me. You can't trust the great unwashed at the best of times and you have to physically touch the buttons. Being stuck in a sweaty room no matter how distanced is unpleasant at the best of times!
I'd come along if the government advice allowed it, but I can see it being a very different event from last year and the masks/one-way system stuff could be pretty hard to control.
To be fair hand sanitiser at an event where you're constantly moving from game to game and pressing buttons with your hands might not be a bad idea pandemic or no pandemic.
If it goes ahead I'll come along, but if it gets postponed I'd 100% understand and just start looking forward to Pinfest 2021
If it's on, I'm coming. I'm happy to wait my turn, and hang out socially distanced at the bar with whatever happens.

But with less people, financially it wouldn't make sense to proceed, unless the price for those wanting to attend doubled (for example).

Ultimately your call Phil, I respect the fact it is a tough decision, but you have my support whichever you choose.

As much as I really want to go, I think that with the restrictions that will be in place it just won't be the same and as the social side of it is massive for me it's a no :(
I couldn't personally take the risk this year I don't think. There's still just too many variables with it.

If it goes ahead, I will get the committed games to you, and pick them up, but I couldn't swing it with my wife, after not allowing the boy to see the grandmother (joint decision) as she lives with BIL etc.

Nothing about this whole situation has got me down, in fact I have quite enjoyed the different pace of life for lockdown. This however, is a real ****er as it is a highlight of my year.
I would love to still come and bring a machine however because work has been closed this whole time I really don't know if I'd even be able to get the holiday approved in time for it.

With less machines and social distancing measures in place I really think the spirit of the event would be lost slightly, last year was fantastic bumping shoulders with other players and then realising who they are and making new friends. I think trying to ensure people to sanitise hands between machines would be a nightmare as it seems most people have already given up with it all (at least in my town they have)

If it goes ahead I'll try my hardest to get the time off when Namco does reopen
I have been looking forward to PinFest all year, but with the uncertainty of everything at the moment, I really don't want to take the risk.

My thoughts, take a year break and come back making 2021 the best yet :)
Iv cast my vote on how I feel at the moment and its a Yes. However if a second wave comes around then I think I would have to pull out. As Phil says its hard to predict next week let alone 2 months. I understand that it would not be the same event we are used to but it would be as good as we are likely to get for the foreseeable. Im sure someone could make us some decal protectors if they are needed? I think what needs to be considered is if it would put future pinfests in jeopardy if this one went ahead. sensible head says better to postpone til next year if the hotel will allow. If that does happen then please dont clash it with Pinburgh next year as thats also set for August!
After being locked down for 3 months I think asking if I could go away for a weekend on my own would be pushing it. Who knows though a lot can happen in 6 weeks. Not sure I’d fancy playing in a mask. I‘m Bad enough already without having the fun of foggy glasses.
Absolutely love this event but I can't see it this year. I think numbers would be hugely down and wouldn't make it viable. I'd hate to see it go ahead and for Phil to get hammered on the costs, it would suck the enthusiasm out of doing it again. As many others have said, go for a biggie next year
Personally I think it should be postponed till 2021. We are unsure of how the situation will be in August. I can't see it being the same event sadly. Whatever the decision is ! I would come and bring a machine and support the event. It's a tough one to call!
I'm amused by the fact that folks think things will be wildly different next year.

Short of a vaccine and assuming this doesn't mutate like flu this is the new normal. With the right precautions this could work and we would learn alot from this first show.

You going to hide in your houses for another year?
The first pinball event I went to was 8-bit Flip at a small club in Lostock Gralam, which (unless I'm remembering it wrong) was over the Easter weekend. If it could be rearranged for then in 2021, that would cut down the wait. Don't know how this clashes with other established events, though. Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore.
The first pinball event I went to was 8-bit Flip at a small club in Lostock Gralam, which (unless I'm remembering it wrong) was over the Easter weekend. If it could be rearranged for then in 2021, that would cut down the wait. Don't know how this clashes with other established events, though. Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore.

That was Our NLP in conjunction with Arcade Club
Pie n peas 😁
I was one of the victims of the 8bit-flu from that event. That was the worst I'd been ill for ages 🤮

Postponing to next year seems sensible to me. Keep the calendar slot roughly where it is.
I'm amused by the fact that folks think things will be wildly different next year.

Short of a vaccine and assuming this doesn't mutate like flu this is the new normal. With the right precautions this could work and we would learn alot from this first show.

You going to hide in your houses for another year?

Vaccines in trial in the UK, let alone over the world. Not sure why you would think that Next year will be the same.
Yes, it will take time... but I am convinced the old normal will return.
Because there is little evidence to say that a vaccine is imminent let alone actually deliverable.

Unless there is an incredible amount of luck and the everything went right there _might_ be a vaccine but I can’t imagine that will be the case. Look at testing - the failure rate just to test for this virus is ridiculously high.

I’m hopefully the old normal will be back but I’m less convinced it will be soon so I’m done with staying at home locked in when with measure things can be done to lower the risk so some sort of normality returns.


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Going to be many months before a clear strategy emerges for tackling corona.

Even setting aside the great unknown - whether anyone would catch the virus as a consequence of the event going ahead - I would forget about it for 2020.

There are immediate necessary risks - food, teaching kids, staffing hospitals, police ...

There are near term necessary risks - having a functioning economy

There are unnecessary risks - discretionary leisure

These events are a mountain of work and involve significant financial risk for the organiser. This wretched illness also catalyses significant financial risk for attendees too.
  • Sudden change in government/ local guidelines kills the event?
  • Venue bankrupt?
  • Vehicle hire companies bankrupt?
  • Refunds for vehicle hire/ tickets/ accommodation?
If folk want to meet up right now, have a socially distanced beer in the garden
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