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West Country road trip!


Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Well I'm off on Tuesday on a 5 hour trip to the tip of Cornwall to look at at, and maybe buy, a machine.

So if anyone needs anything taking down there from here, or anything small brought back (to High Wycombe) let me know!

well if you travelling 5 hours to cornwall,at least buy a decent pasty,even if you don't buy the machine!
Or drop into south Devon and my place for a few games
So apparently if you get to Devon and you keep going then you get to this place called Cornwall. Who knew? (Apart from The Shadow, obviously).

Anyway, several hours later I got to Falmouth, and headed for the nearest bookshop-pub, called Beerwolf Books.


Up the stairs I went to see the books and drink the beer, when what should I be confronted with but this:


LOTR, Creech, and Cactus Canyon. Very nice.

Anyway, I'm having a game on the CC when the owner of the bar/bookshop comes over for a chat.

So I ask him if he would consider selling it to me.

"No", he says. "Not this one. But I do have another one you can have."

Next thing I know we are hurtling through the Cornwall back roads in his transit van to a lockup in the middle of nowhere, where there was indeed another CC along with about 7 other machines.

The other Cc was in great condition so we agreed a sale, and then spent about an hour playing WH20, Black Rose etc and talking pinball ********.

So not much sightseeing or pasty eating has been done, but I have met a very nice fellow pinhead and will be coming home with a new pin.

Cornwall eh? What's not to like?
I'm impressed how many CC's turned up in that, considering the low run of them. Can't imagine there is more than 7-8 in the country tops.
Nice! What a result - if you don't ask..!

What were the other machines and was he selling those?
There was a space station which he said he would never sell, and an AFM with very faded sides which needed some work.

I don't think he was actively selling them but you never know...!
Here's a question though. He very kindly threw in a brand new set of ramps, but the ramps don't come with flaps or the various other switch brackets etc that are riveted on.

So what would the best way to make use of them? Can anyone here remove the old flaps etc and re-rivet them on to the new plastic ramps, for example?
Here's a question though. He very kindly threw in a brand new set of ramps, but the ramps don't come with flaps or the various other switch brackets etc that are riveted on.

So what would the best way to make use of them? Can anyone here remove the old flaps etc and re-rivet them on to the new plastic ramps, for example?

@Paul I think or @replicas
Here’s the little beauty:


@Paul thanks for that link to the flaps. I will order me some, and when they arrive any chance you could do some rivetty magic on them and the new ramps if I get them over to you?

@Marvello the daughter of a friend of mine who is at Uni in Falmouth had told me that there was a CC in a studenty pub in Falmouth so I thought I would try and find it.
Suddenly this venue is No1 on Google search and has received more phone calls and emails in the last 12 hours than it has received in the last 12 years!! :eek: :)

Actually just going to google it now and then get in my car and go for a drive :thumbs:
Great pub that one, only half an hour from me! Looks like the line up has changed since I was last in there, Spiderman was on the end where LOTR is now. Time for another visit!
Spider-man is still there. It's just set up in a non-customer area of the pub along with about 7 others! If you are nice to the owner he might show you.
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