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Video/mame? cab swap for pinball

Alan Syson

Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
I supplied a guy with a holiday let a Flintstones. When it’s gone wrong he’s brought it to me or I’ve gone out to it. Thing is it’s bloody miles away in the middle of nowhere.
Just got a call from him asking if he can bring it round but until I get my posh shed I haven’t got the space.
I’ve told him in the past to swap it for a video cab and now he’s come round to the idea.
Problem is I know nowt about them, they leave me cold, last time I played one was Space Invaders in the 70s.
With less moving parts I presume they’re less likely to go wrong? Was thinking of one of those with loads of games you can choose from, doesn’t have to be original/correct, it’s just something to keep kids entertained on rainy days.
What sort of price are they and where would I get one from?
Cheers, Alan
60 in 1 if wanting just the oldies. Table tops and uprights £400 and up. Non coin op are cheaper. Ebay they come up but some are ridiculously over priced

You can get cabs with Pandora boxes hundreds of games but I find too much choice confuses the casual customers

MAME are not supposed to be used commercially whereas no issue with the 60 in 1 or Pandora

Could ask on UK VAC

I'm sort of looking for a FS if it needs a new home LOL
60 in 1 if wanting just the oldies. Table tops and uprights £400 and up. Non coin op are cheaper

I was thinking about an upright, with around the 60 game option, something with a bit of presence in the games room. He’s got table footy, pool table, dartboard etc in there.
Thinking on I should’ve tagged @Big Phil in this. It’s his area of expertise and he’s local to me.
They require less routine adjustment, but if your going original hardware, eg PCB and monitor your still dealing with 30+ year old electronics.

99% of people won't be able to tell the difference between playing on original hardware vs a modern multigame PCB, I would say your best off with an old 90s Jamma cab for the retro aesthetic, but with an LCD monitor and 60-1 or Pandora's or even something like a Mister FPGA (if you want to get really close to og gameplay)
With a new PSU that's about as reliable as your going to get.

The modern cabs on eBay are cool if you want to play more modern PC and console stuff, but well overkill for 80s classics.
You know your way round the cab/video malarkey. Are they more reliable than pinballs?
Alan, if you go full name cab route then biggest risk is the monitor as will probably go wrong over time. Less authentic but more reliable would be an LCD but sacrilige to aracde collectors. No idea how reliable a 60 in 1 is but name cab normally runs off a PC which again can go wrong but less likely to. I have had to replace 2 in 15 years. Ultimately like anything it can go wrong at any time but more works or not unlike a pinball comp wher you're more likely to have minor fauts but still be able to play.
99% of people won't be able to tell the difference between playing on original hardware vs a modern multigame PCB, I would say your best off with an old 90s Jamma cab for the retro aesthetic, but with an LCD monitor and 60-1 or Pandora's or even something like a Mister FPGA (if you want to get really close to og gameplay)

This is the sort of thing I’m after.

Less authentic but more reliable would be an LCD but sacrilige to aracde collectors.

Honestly not bothered authenticity, so long as it looks about right.

Cheers, Alan
MAME pc or Pi in a cab with LCD screen (with appropriate scanline/video filter settings!... - looks naff without scanlines imho) would do the trick.
Could even buy one of those bar top arcade packs from Ebay (seem overpriced mind..) and fit a cheap pc, speakers, controls and screen, MAME+a front end and you'd be sorted; all depends on how much your/the buyer wants to spend on it really.
A mate of mind fitted a Pi and controls in to a coffee table which was pretty good, although the connectors or something he used were terrible, as there was bad input lag, which I don't have with my set-up at home.
I currently have a 60 in one cabinet. Multigame (you can just set it for any number of games) - on site it has earnt me £4 in the last month. Has a coin mech (currently set for 2 credits for £1 but you can change it).

@Fat Lil’s has first dibs. Otherwise I want £600.pac.jpg
I currently have a 60 in one cabinet. Multigame (you can just set it for any number of games) - on site it has earnt me £4 in the last month. Has a coin mech (currently set for 2 credits for £1 but you can change it).

@Fat Lil’s has first dibs. Otherwise I want £600.[ATTACH


That looks just the job. LMK when you know,
Cheers, Alan
I currently have a 60 in one cabinet. Multigame (you can just set it for any number of games) - on site it has earnt me £4 in the last month. Has a coin mech (currently set for 2 credits for £1 but you can change it).

@Fat Lil’s has first dibs. Otherwise I want £600.View attachment 167446

Did you ask if @Fat Lil’s still wanted this?
Bloke’s been asking if I’ve sorted anything.
Cheers, Alan
@Alan Syson

Alan, how about this?

Or this:



One more:

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What condition is the Flintstones In?

I have a quote nice Starwars mame cabinet, with 10,000 games. View attachment 167779

It left me in good nick, good PF, no broken plastics/ramps etc. wouldn’t think it’s had many plays since then. All I know is it’s not now working. I was going to find a video cab & give him some cash & fix it with a view to keeping or trading.
What would you want for your cab?
Cheers, Alan
Alan, how about this?

Would those have the newer, more dependable screens in them can you tell?
Joined UK VAC today for a quick shufty. What a minefield, site’s awful and full of people talking a language I don’t understand. It must be how some feel coming on here for the first time.
Cheers, Alan
I've got a 160 in 1 Neo Geo I could sell. I would be looking for what I paid for it which was either £600 or £650, I would to check. It's big. 7ft tall. Very heavy cabinet. Not an MDF job. Has an LED screen.F7C6395F-B449-4F69-9532-ACB4C4D680C9.jpeg
This ons has am LCD:

and probably this one, but would need to check:

If you are putting an arcade cab out make sure the monitor and PSU has been fully serviced with a cap kit and what ever other fixes are recommended for it. Or get a arcade 1up for a few hundred quid. They are solid and easily worth the money compared to the risks of an old arcade cab.
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