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Upgrade work


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Morning all,

This is just to advise that I'm looking to get some background upgrade work carried out this week on the site.

This means that the site may be prone to coughs, splutters, pages not available, things moving about and all the usual things that might be associated with this.

Just to let you all know, in case you see anything strange going on :D

Keep up the good work!

It intrigues me that some people still use the UK Yahoo Pinball group more than this forum - it's like comparing Ceefax to the Internet.
Keep up the good work!

It intrigues me that some people still use the UK Yahoo Pinball group more than this forum - it's like comparing Ceefax to the Internet.

I moaned at Martin that for some reason I couldn't reply to any mails from there - so he fixed it... and 3 days later it stopped again, so unfortunately cant be ****d with it any more :D
Keep up the good work!

It intrigues me that some people still use the UK Yahoo Pinball group more than this forum - it's like comparing Ceefax to the Internet.

The number of messages posted on there has dropped off significantly month on month compared to previous years.

Ceefax (RIP) was actually better ;)

Saying that I just actually posted on there for first time in ages :) Still clunky as f*ck tho. The fact that one of the 'Trending' topics featured is 'Pinball Extravaganza 2005' :hmm: says it all

Anyhow - dont want to go off on a Yahoo slagging rant. But it is truly sh*t. Shame cos there are a lot of the older guys on there with a lot of knowledge who just wont entertain participating here.
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Just to add to the above, will be doing some upgrades today, so some things are likely to change about a bit... More updates to follow later with some new functionality :)
Woaaah!! I had to manage almost 5 minutes there without my Pinball fix. What you doing to me Paul? ;-)

Lots of work done over the last week or so - Apologies for anything weird or any interruptions.... :D

Anyhow, I have a new DARK skin (ie layout) that will be used here. It will replace the current dark one. It supports the new features that have been added, along with being much more compatible with people who browse using Mobile devices.

There are more gems to be introduced, however i'll update with a separate post soon explaining these :)

I'll be switching the new layout on later tonight. Those of you using the default dark skin will see the difference immediately...

Hope you like it :)

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I like the new font for the Forum page, nav links etc. I'd go for a Sans Serif font for posts too, but not going to lose sleep over it. Looks nice overall!
Ooh! Bing Bong! All change! That caught me by surprise. Looking good so far @Paul. Going to take a little while to assimilate all the subtle changes, but good so far. I too am not 100% sure about the serif font for body of posts; generally sans serif is easier to read on a screen. Only thing that looks a bit odd is the centred logo on slightly blue background. Bit fuzzy after resizing maybe?

Can we have a list of all the new features, please?
It's coming over the next couple of days.... I think i might put a video together :)

It took me a few days to get used to the fonts and layout, however am quite comfortable with them now.

I dont change themes lightly. Most people get "comfortable" with how things look and feel. However the lack of even semi-decent mobile support and also some other subtle reasons meant that the existing theme wasn't suitable (buttons missing etc etc).

I'll make a list and throw together a "new features" video tonight :)
Could we not at least try another typeface?

We could, however obviously want to gauge general feelings and thoughts first. I too found it difficult to follow for the first 24 hours, however got used to it very quickly.

Will leave as it is for a few days, and then gauge feedback and see what i can do :)
My eyes....

It's uglier than a 50 year old prostitute's groin kebab.
And there I was just enjoying a nice chunky choc-ginger biscuit with my mid-morning coffee... the image created in my mind by the phrase "groin kebab" can never be undone... o_O
Let's give it a week and put together some useful feedback.

It looks miles better on an iPhone screen than before. In terms of accessing this site I'm roughly 25% desktop PC, 50% iPad & 25% iPhone.

I'm sure Paul has some more accurate stats on site access platforms hidden away in the background.

Just in case @Paul only gets a stream of negative comments about the new theme can I just say I LOVE the new sticky header! For those who haven't noticed, on the desktop version of the site the header bar containing your user menu, Conversations and Alerts lists now stays stuck to the top of the screen no matter far you scroll down the page!

Hooray! No more scrolling back to the top of the page to open the Alerts list! AWESOME :D

Nice ;) I have to put one of those on the web application I'm building at work at the moment. My own personal solution to the scroll-to-top issue was to program my middle mouse button (wheel) click the same as pressing the HOME key. Click! Boom! But sticky header is nice as it's always in view and updates whilst you're on a page with new alerts. Very swish :cool:
I like having a change, helps it keep fresh :) But I'm struggling a bit with the darkness of the grey in thread posts, and the darkness of the blue used for the titles - for me they could do with being a few shades lighter so they contrast more with the black background. I tried using the white theme instead too, which was better for reading posts but on that one the yellow text used on the leader-board etc is unreadable (due to lack of contrast) against the white background. Looking forward to understanding about the new features too.
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