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UKPinfest 2020 August 28th, 29th & 30th

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Jeese reading this feels like I’ve gone back in time 30 years to stuff that went on in the school playground.

As someone above has said I too believe Phil has tried to create an event that offers something for nearly everyone. Pinfest is a bit of a social get together for most with plenty of different pins and also a competition over the weekend. I can’t comment on these competitions as I’ve not played in them because I have no interest in competitive pinball. (I may enter next year just so I can have a few games on the pins I wanted to play that were roped off!) I go to The event to have a laugh with a few mates, a few beers and to play on machines that I don’t own myself. This year I brought my bro in law to his first event. He loved it and will return next year and has now even bought his first pin. Next year 3 more new people to pinball are planning on joining us for the weekend. This is a niche hobby and we should all support people like Phil who put themselves out there to organise such events. I don’t understand why someone would organise another event for the same weekend and therefore make ‘X’ amount of people have to choose where to go. There would surely be a drop off in machines pledged if the tournament players are going to a different location. This is turn will potentially harm the success of the whole event and may lead to the end of Pinfest which was almost unanimously enjoyed by all this year from reading the relevant thread. Surely we don’t want events like this to disappear
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Registration for the biggest ever event in European pinball history opens 29th December.

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Registration for the biggest ever event in European pinball history opens 29th December.

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I'm really disappointed and disheartened to see this as your response to what I and others have said. You've deliberately chosen the pinfest dates out of spite. You could have chosen any other dates and the community would have applauded and supported you. Instead, it looks like you've done the opposite and torn it in half.

I've been one of your biggest supporters and advocates over the last couple of years, always speaking up for you against the naysayers. I've also discussed with you the personal sacrifice and financial risks I've taken to make ukpinfest a success so your decision to do this feels like a personal attack on me. I'm truly offended.
This is truly unbelievable. Appalled. I really feel for you Phil. What a childish spiteful thing to do.
I'm really disappointed and disheartened to see this as your response to what I and others have said. You've deliberately chosen the pinfest dates out of spite. You could have chosen any other dates and the community would have applauded and supported you. Instead, it looks like you've done the opposite and torn it in half.

I've been one of your biggest supporters and advocates over the last couple of years, always speaking up for you against the naysayers. I've also discussed with you the personal sacrifice and financial risks I've taken to make ukpinfest a success so your decision to do this feels like a personal attack on me. I'm truly offended.

Why create such a dilemma? We had the 5 days of pinball in July which @Neil McRae helped to run followed by a fun filled pinfest weekend in August!

There is plenty of scope for fun and tournaments at pinfest surely perhaps run this other comp in May?

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Why create such a dilemma? We had the 5 days of pinball in July which @Neil McRae helped to run followed by a fun filled pinfest weekend in August!
There is plenty of scope for fun and tournaments at pinfest surely perhaps run this other comp in May?
You need to read Phil's earlier post addressed to Neil, Ben. The choice of date is deliberate.
My only comment in this thread:

1: I didn’t post about the event here.
2: the venue I’m holding the event at has limited availability and it’s a truely epic venue.
3: The last two competitions at Pinfest have been a total shambles (and I predicted this but was ignored.).
4: Many people have asked me to do something huge and are excited about the plans.
5: we are in different markets for attendees and both events can run at the same time.
6: it’s great to have been judged, hung drawn and quartered on the forum though ;)
7: Get to da chopppa!

Interesting show of priorities that you've been around to apply reactions to various posts in the thread, and post a load of half-excuses along with a picture of Arnie, but have no words publicly for Phil who is clearly hurt by your decision.

If you don't want to be judged for things like that, don't do them.
Hotel booked so I'll be seeing you all at Pinfest, very much looking forward to it again. Last year was my first and I hope to make it to them all in the future. I'm an appalling player so comps don't bother me at all, if anything I was a bit annoyed as was dying to play Roadshow but it was roped off all weekend. But for the good of the community why would anyone try to split us by hosting another event on the weekend of the biggest social event of the year??
Interesting show of priorities that you've been around to apply reactions to various posts in the thread, and post a load of half-excuses along with a picture of Arnie, but have no words publicly for Phil who is clearly hurt by your decision.

If you don't want to be judged for things like that, don't do them.

Ok sorry I’m posting one more time just to say I’ve spoken to Phil.

The public flogging can continue!
Ok sorry I’m posting one more time just to say I’ve spoken to Phil.

The public flogging can continue!
I would be quite amazed if that conversation went so incredibly well that the flippancy towards the entire thing was given Phil's blessing. Call me cynical and all that.
OK, what's done is done. Let's just concentrate on putting on a fantastic event for the community.

All the best in your comp, Neil. I sincerely wish you well. Your passion for pinball is second to none. I would still like to see us working together in the future as we're all small cogs that work great together in the machine that is pinball.
The last two competitions at Pinfest have been a total shambles (and I predicted this but was ignored.).
I'd love to hear what your definition of a shambles is?

That certainly wasnt the feedback that I received in person or have read online.

I'd say a shambles was changing the format of a competition on the day during the competition itself, cancelling an advertised competition, changing groups/opponents after publishing, having only 6 machines available for practice/freeplay at a venue with over 50 machines and nearly 80 competitors, but your opinion is obviously different - and in your eyes superior.
I'd love to hear what your definition of a shambles is?

That certainly wasnt the feedback that I received in person or have read online.

I'd say a shambles was changing the format of a competition on the day during the competition itself, cancelling an advertised competition, changing groups/opponents after publishing, having only 6 machines available for practice/freeplay at a venue with over 50 machines and nearly 80 competitors, but your opinion is obviously different - and in your eyes superior.
Ahhh, phooey. Nothing that a tournament held from atop an ivory tower couldn't solve!
i feel i have to speak up here. it is totally crazy to have two uk pinball events on at the same time. There are (I guess many) people who would like to support both, so it’s just not on. The whole idea of the forum thread with event dates is to allow the community to plan properly and not double book.

@Neil McRae I urge you to please change the date or cancel the event. We need everyone including you at Pinfest next year. You will be greatly missed by many.

Stallball was sooooo much fun when we attended 2018. We sadly missed this years but have got well organised for next and want it to be the biggest and the best.

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+1 Alan. Please reconsider @Neil McRae this is unnessecerily divisive and no good for the hobby we love or community we have here.

If everone just takes a step back and looks at the situation with clarity, it's very obvious that the success of both events would be threatened and very likely risk the future of PinFest, which we all know is a huge financial risk for Phil as it slowly grows from its infancy.

We all need to pull together and show support for both events.

Would you reconsider your proposed date to avoid this truly damaging clash of both events and community spirit?

+1 Alan. Please reconsider @Neil McRae this is unnessecerily divisive and no good for the hobby we love or community we have here.

If everone just takes a step back and looks at the situation with clarity, it's very obvious that the success of both events would be threatened and very likely risk the future of PinFest, which we all know is a huge financial risk for Phil as it slowly grows from its infancy.

We all need to pull together and show support for both events.

Would you reconsider your proposed date to avoid this truly damaging clash of both events and community spirit?


I agree with Tim’s comments I’d too would love to do both!

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