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UK Pinball Party future?

Putting on NERG gets more expensive year on year. I've kept the ticket prices the same from the start and the increased attendance year on year has balanced this out but the attendance levelled out last year. I fear I may have to increase the ticket price next year. I lost money the first 2 years.

I'm forever thankful to the machine donators but it does get tiresome. It's a back breaking, time consuming and sometimes thankless task but the majority do it for the love of it. That's why I firmly believe in giving back ALL transport costs and rewarding them with a little memento at the end of Sunday. Loaning your pride and joy is the only cost you pay in my eyes.

When people chat to me about NERG, I always ask them how much they think it costs to stage the event. The majority of people say around £5k. Frankly, that's no where near. The costs are frightening and it's all on me. I have to make it succeed and I put my heart, soul and the majority of my "spare" time into making it work. I also have my family and friends around me who help out immensely.

It's really hard work putting on an event.
Neil definitely needs to talk to Wayne. outside sponsorship has been a deal breaker for a lot of events in the past. Pinball 2000 the Villa shows etc
Gary Flower used to wangle money direct from Williams for the POA shows BITD . Sometimes it is who you know ..
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