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Tron backbox LCD mod

Call me picky... but not keen. The black screen pauses in between pics and vids reminds me of an old slide show.... and a bit unpolished in the finish/interaction with game.

OK I'm picky..... Colour DMD looks good though.
If JJP did Tron...

Has potential with extra polish, but I doubt it’ll ever be more than a personal project due to the footage copyright.
Think he's saying from the outset that you must own a copy of this to have it. Like the DVD, Blu-Ray etc...
I'd love to redo the software on that thing. Add some software with a real graphics engine to get some HDR and bloom going, as is essential for Tron... and to make his video playback smooth instead of choppy.

He could also use some selective editing on the movie segments themselves to remove 'dead' space and to remove confusing aspects, such as the central focus on Quora during the Zuse section, which is used by the DMD for Quora multiball. It's Zuse scoring, focus more on him and his attack force!
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