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Found it! Totan.


Nov 8, 2016
Looking for good to very good condition. In the north preferable but all considered.
There is a very nice original totan in Glasgow for sale at a good price, think it is £4750. Check it out on pinball owners for sale page.
There is a very nice original totan in Glasgow for sale at a good price, think it is £4750. Check it out on pinball owners for sale page.

Agreed to buy this then the seller backed out seemingly because I wasn't going to collect it in person :( I had an offer from a good friend, with a great reputation, with a van who is used to handling pinballs who offered to collect on my behalf and the seller backed out. Just bonkers. Oh well, search continues.
Very frustrating when sellers change their mind - happens a lot in pinball it seems.
Very frustrating when sellers change their mind - happens a lot in pinball it seems.

Not even sure it was a case of that, just that I wouldn't be there in person. thing is that I run a company, don't have a van and it was a 700mile round trip. Oh I dunno, just frustrating.
Not even sure it was a case of that, just that I wouldn't be there in person. thing is that I run a company, don't have a van and it was a 700mile round trip. Oh I dunno, just frustrating.

Just say you'll come then get your mate to pretend to be you :)
Not too late. Have your mate ring up, agree to buy it and go pick it up.

I think he's likely hanging on to it now. It doesn't matter. Thanks for everyone's suggestions though! the deal's been soured I think and its probably not for sale now.
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