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The Walking Dead Pro, Premium and LE to be all-LED




So it’s farewell to the humble incandescent bulb, it seems. In a very illuminating message to the world earlier this week, Gary Stern announced that Stern Pinball is to ditch old lighting technology and going LED across the board. … Read more...

Damn I SO want that pin.

Any clues as to the winning lottery number for the weekend, or a good bank to rob...?? ;)
Damn I SO want that pin.

Any clues as to the winning lottery number for the weekend, or a good bank to rob...?? ;)
Scottish banks are piling up a bit of extra cash in case a few folks decide they want their money in their hands because of YES/NO vote thing, so maybe try north of the border?
True... My lad is slowly working his way through the compendium - it's well ahead of the TV series, with some notable differences apparently.. well worth a read if you are into TWD...
Watched the pilot episode last night to see what the fuss was all about.

Not bad at all, I don't know whether I have the patience to watch all of them though. Is it worth it?

I also enjoyed a few episodes but it's no way a thing they can spin out into series after series, as it's just a one trick pony: people hide from zombies ..... people kill lots of zombies (admittedly ace to watch repeatedly) ...... every so often the zombies get one of the people ...... add some filler about the people falling in love or learning secrets or hiding stuff ...... add some tear-jerking crap about a sick kid or something ..... zombies kill another person ....... oh my god they're all gonna die .... they don't all die after all .... rinse and repeat.

Actually that sounds pretty good now I come to think of it.


I also enjoyed a few episodes but it's no way a thing they can spin out into series after series, as it's just a one trick pony: people hide from zombies ..... people kill lots of zombies (admittedly ace to watch repeatedly) ...... every so often the zombies get one of the people ...... add some filler about the people falling in love or learning secrets or hiding stuff ...... add some tear-jerking crap about a sick kid or something ..... zombies kill another person ....... oh my god they're all gonna die .... they don't all die after all .... rinse and repeat.

Actually that sounds pretty good now I come to think of it.


Sounds like the entire series :D

I watched until the end of Season 2 or 3 i think... then lost interest....
The series has its ups and downs, but on the whole - very very good. From memory you just need a bit of patience to get through the first season where it felt like the acting was a bit hammy, and the characters not well established.

Pin looks amazing. Can see it doing VERY well on site.
I like it too, some episodes are a bit boring but it looks like the story is at last going somewhere ( in the last season ).
ok not marvel but it is a Comic
I didn't know TWD was a comic book. From what little I know I thought it was just a TV series and the pin is a tie-in with that.

That said, I do like the look of a pin covered in zombies! I really like the middle photo in the post above - only pin I've seen with what looks like brown rails, legs and lockdown bar!

Frankly, I'm still a bit shocked that Andrew Lincoln, who got his big break as "Egg" in the BBC drama This Life, is the leading star!
stupidly let my son read the comics. Checked the first one before he had it and there were a couple of dodgy words but nothing too bad. Just got round to reading the others and **** me there's some graphic stuff in there. Got to hide them from my other half now in case she sees what he's been reading.

Seriously considering getting out of the Hobbit and buying this pin
First couple of seasons of The Walking Dead were really good. Then Frank Darabont had a falling out with AMC over how much money they were willing to invest so he left the project (it's not clear if he walked of if he was 'encouraged' to leave). But that's part of the reason why there was so much footage shot inside the Prison towards the middle and end of Season 2. It was simply cheaper than exterior filming.

I'm still watching it now and it's started to pick up again but it's definately fair to say it fell a bit flat on a number of occasions.

Now Breaking Bad, on the other hand, well that managed to sustain things for a full 5 seasons and they had the good sense to finish it with people wanting more. Not sure that could ever be made into a Pin theme though..... ;-)

Frankly, I'm still a bit shocked that Andrew Lincoln, who got his big break as "Egg" in the BBC drama This Life, is the leading star!

Haha, mentioning that groups a load of us squarely in the same age bracket. That's also where I first saw him and he's done a load of good stuff since then (Teachers included).
First couple of seasons of The Walking Dead were really good. Then Frank Darabont had a falling out with AMC over how much money they were willing to invest so he left the project (it's not clear if he walked of if he was 'encouraged' to leave). But that's part of the reason why there was so much footage shot inside the Prison towards the middle and end of Season 2. It was simply cheaper than exterior filming.

I'm still watching it now and it's started to pick up again but it's definately fair to say it fell a bit flat on a number of occasions.

Now Breaking Bad, on the other hand, well that managed to sustain things for a full 5 seasons and they had the good sense to finish it with people wanting more. Not sure that could ever be made into a Pin theme though..... ;-)

Haha, mentioning that groups a load of us squarely in the same age bracket. That's also where I first saw him and he's done a load of good stuff since then (Teachers included).

See I found the first series of breaking bad slow going all the others were great tho
stupidly let my son read the comics. Checked the first one before he had it and there were a couple of dodgy words but nothing too bad. Just got round to reading the others and **** me there's some graphic stuff in there. Got to hide them from my other half now in case she sees what he's been reading.
That's the best recommendation for a bunch of comics I've read in years! Amazon Prime here I come...

Haha, mentioning that groups a load of us squarely in the same age bracket. That's also where I first saw him and he's done a load of good stuff since then (Teachers included).
Oops! Brighton. '96. Final year of uni :) Happy Days
Everyone likes zombies

Not me, they're rubbish. 2 exceptions:


(but not PvZ2 because I can't be bothered with it)



Even Zombieland with Woody Harrelson was very average, and I loved Cheers!

Perhaps we're in a Zombie-saturated era right now - because they're everywhere; as if it's mainstream and cool to be or like the walking dead. If we were back in the 80's when they were niche maybe I'd feel better. I blame Thriller.
Is it just me but I think the TWD is a hideous thing that I wouldn't put anywhere in my house. I like the show, but zombies gore and death are not really what I want to be looking at as artwork in my home. I want something fun, happy, humourous, large breasted or at the very least a little bit less dark that the undead staring at me from a backglass and on the playfield...

And Zombieland was great, imho...
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