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The show!!


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Well what a weekend most seem to have had! I only managed to make it on the Saturday since it was my daughters 2nd birthday on the Sunday, however it was a great day!

Firstly was great to see "Jersey Jack" Himself - Really nice guy, happy to talk to anyone if he had the time. I sorta muscled in when he was talking to one of the French and one of the Dutch guys - he had his ipad out and was hapilly flicking through some shots from the factory etc etc - Some great pics and videos in there!

Then the shocker of the tournament - Entered the open as per usual as a complete no-hoper - Ended up after the first round in thirty-something position (was either 31 or 34 cant remember), and noticed (just before i was about to head home) that there was a "B" league - So ended up in this secondary group. First game on Stargate, which i'd never played before however a respectable 208Mil, to strangely slip into the 2nd round, which was on TAF. Now I have an Addams, however it's been in "hundreds" of pieces since i started to tear it apart for referb around 3 years ago, so i may as well had never played it before! A REALLY tight round though, and I feel I have to apologise to Paul Owen for pushing him out into 3rd by a meagre 400k points!

So into the final. WPT. Was quietly optimistic since I'd rolled in around 11th in the qualifiers on this machine - and if I'd have gotten the same score in the final as I did in qualifying then I'd have won! Well done to the others, Dave Langley, Phil Eaton and Adrian Donati for getting there, and i ended up sneaking into 3rd place (congrats to Dave for winning and Phil for coming second (maybe the stance does work!), and apologies to Adrian who rolled in 4th - I dont think he liked this machine!

How incredibly unexpected but pleasing to Come away with a trophy!!!

Nice to See loads of you there - Good to see Andy N and Sir Squires outside in the sun mending a power driver board (did that end up working in the end??), and met with the guy that apparently managed to flood half the hotel out on Friday night... Good to see the usual suspects (Phil, Nick, Greg etc) keeping the British fighting spirit going up there at the top of the leaderboard!

Just to echo many others - Many thanks to Andy H, Martin A and all the tournament team, Gary F, Andy N and his incredible support for show after show, and in fact everyone else who made the weekend what i feel to be a great success.

Just a final note. Never got to play on Tron due to a couple of guys who decided to hog it for best part of 30 mins having game after game. I'll be honest and say that all I came across on the Saturday were people who played game after game on the same machines. Was a little annoying since never really got to warm up or practice at all, however I guess I'm in the lucky position oh having one or two machines myself, so wasn't too aggrieved, however I do feel sorry for some others who clearly wanted to get on and couldn't. NOT a criticism, just an observation.

Hogging of the premium titles is going to be a perpetual problem. In my opinion, they should be in a semi-controlled area. Haven't thought through the logistics thoroughly, but i'm thinking something like putting them on token operation. If there are say three premium machines, each attendee is given three tokens when they come in, to spend as they like, one on each machine, or all three in one. That way everyone should get at least one go. When the machine appears to be free, and no token holders are waiting, then tokens are given out, one per person at a time from the nearby desk only when there is no-one playing, to allow initial token holders to come back on after the returning players. Does that make any sense, or is that feasible?
Think it's a good idea. I know in the past, new titles have been put on pay to play but there has been gripes about all games on free play on the flyer. Tokens seems a good compromise.
Good idea as my kids never even got a game on Tron. People playing 3 player games. As it was I was standing so close to one person on SS and he just started another game. I was all ready to make a scene but he did finish after 2! One player, one token on A titles a good idea.
Getting withdrawal now. Come on, the one big bonus is we can atach pictures. Let's see some!
Maybe tokens is overkill, and tricky to operate. As mentioned on the group, some barrier queueing system may work, to the group of premium machines. Say 4 machines behind ropes. A single line, with ettiquette guidelines posted to read while you wait. The person at the head of the queue chooses to play the next available machine that becomes free, or wait at the head of the queue for their machine of choice to become available. Next in line gets to jump them if they choose to wait and so on. When finished, if they want to play again they go to the back of the line. With multiple pairs of evil eyes watching current players, surely they daren't start a new game. Just another idea to mull over that may not work either. Or maybe three shorter lines/waiting areas.

That is a good idea for sure
A tap on the sholder and a smack in the teeth usually works, :cool: unless they are built like a brick sh*thouse then waiting it is.
pinballmania' date=' post: 1676333 said:
Maybe tokens is overkill, and tricky to operate. As mentioned on the group, some barrier queueing system may work, to the group of premium machines. Say 4 machines behind ropes. A single line, with ettiquette guidelines posted to read while you wait. The person at the head of the queue chooses to play the next available machine that becomes free, or wait at the head of the queue for their machine of choice to become available. Next in line gets to jump them if they choose to wait and so on. When finished, if they want to play again they go to the back of the line. With multiple pairs of evil eyes watching current players, surely they daren't start a new game. Just another idea to mull over that may not work either. Or maybe three shorter lines/waiting areas.

Yep - its the way to go I think. Also draws attention to the new machine(s), giving that extra buzz - especially as a lot of visitors to the Shows are probably unaware of what is the new, must play, must see game
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