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Target Foam Issues


Apr 7, 2013

Whilst play testing Rocky & Bullwinkle tonight i've noticed that a number of the stand up targets are really really hard to register. So much so that in some respects the game feels almost unplayable.

The main culprits are the three hat trick targets and the B-O-M-B targets.

I've tried adjusting the leaf switches but I think the target foam i've fitted behind those targets is also contributing to the problem. When adjusting the leaf switches it tended to be more the case that the targets would misfire or 'shotgun' when they were adjusted to be closer together.

Any suggestions on how to address the issue would be really appreciated.


Whilst play testing Rocky & Bullwinkle tonight i've noticed that a number of the stand up targets are really really hard to register. So much so that in some respects the game feels almost unplayable.

The main culprits are the three hat trick targets and the B-O-M-B targets.

I've tried adjusting the leaf switches but I think the target foam i've fitted behind those targets is also contributing to the problem. When adjusting the leaf switches it tended to be more the case that the targets would misfire or 'shotgun' when they were adjusted to be closer together.

Any suggestions on how to address the issue would be really appreciated.

What foam did you use?

A cheap and suitable replacement are the sticky pieces of foam glaziers use separating panes of glass. They're the right thickness and also the right density so as to not inhibit registering a switch hit.
It's target foam I got from Pinballmania.

As it turns out i've fixed the issue. It took a lot of messing about but I managed to use the adjustment tool to get all of the targets just right.

The yellow BOMB target was playing up because the foam had come off the metal post so it was fouling the switch. Whilst looking at the issue I noticed that the target had a huge crack down the side of it. Now as luck would have it I had a full set of targets that I got from Marcos - and I could't figure out why I hadn't fitted them.

So, I swapped out the yellow target for the new one, and then I remembered why they were still in the box. The target plastic is ever so slightly wider than the originals; only 1-2mm but just enough difference to make it impossible to assemble the switch stack and then feed it through the playfield. I ended up having to feed some bits from underneath and then the plastic from the top before trying to assemble it in situ. What a total pain in the butt. Fitted new target foam and adjusted the switch and they all look good now. It's too late at night to fire up the Pin to test but hopefully tomorrow I can confirm it's all good again.
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