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Stern Spike 1 (Ghostbusters) Display panel decal size...??


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Hi all,

Inspired by @s000m's post with Holly doing some custom stuff, I figured I'd ask my Boy if he could help me in a task. He's a professional CGI artist - done films such as Flash (remember the dog in the end credits? - that was his!) and Heart of Stone - if he could re-design what in my view is THE most drab, underwhelming DMD panel in the world....


Unfortunately my GB is a good few miles away at my parents place, and since i currently have Covid (AGAIN!) i cant make it there to be able to measure anything.

Does anyone happen to have a template or dimensions of the standard decal please (Will also need to know the visible dmd "hole" size in the middle), so i can ask him to throw something together which is all together much more Ghostbusters-ish??

Many thanks!
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