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Stern Led Zeppelin

Notice how most of the screen is static images? I'd imagine a huge update to come. This isn't an official stern video rather zach meny playing on his sdtm YouTube channel.
Notice how most of the screen is static images? I'd imagine a huge update to come. This isn't an official stern video rather zach meny playing on his sdtm YouTube channel.
Was the same with Aerosmith, started with static images. Updates gave a bit of animation although most along the south park animation model 😂
Notice how most of the screen is static images? I'd imagine a huge update to come. This isn't an official stern video rather zach meny playing on his sdtm YouTube channel.

I'm guessing you haven't seen the reveal play, as it's simply not the case that most of the animation is static, in fact, the oppoiste For example, there are non-static animations for the zep launch, zep mutliball, tour airplane, celebration day, magnet charging, ball save, zep scoring, records awarded, flip through songbook, extra ball foodlights, swangsong skillshot, electric magic ball, led symbols, stage entrance encore (replay), use of floating stills for LP covers, and so it goes on!

I posted the vid simply cause it was a first look by sdtm/zach, not necessarily as the best demo of the machine. Folks can register with Stern for the free, basic insider pass if they want to do that.
If you want to watch Led Zeppelin videos then put on the video for Song Remains the Same or the other DVDs they have out.
Aerosmith animation was great I thought. I actually liked the fact they didnt just put on the promo videos behind the game.
Stern did the same with Beatles and that looks great.

I still wish they had done this as a reskin. Would of been more inkeeping with the Old man rock Zep theme.

Yes. Plenty of teenagers wear Led Zeppelin 1975 T shirts as they think it looks cool, I doubt they own the albums. Same with Kiss, Ramones and GNR....

Jesus I am getting forking old.
If you want to watch Led Zeppelin videos then put on the video for Song Remains the Same or the other DVDs they have out.
Aerosmith animation was great I thought. I actually liked the fact they didnt just put on the promo videos behind the game.
Stern did the same with Beatles and that looks great.

I still wish they had done this as a reskin. Would of been more inkeeping with the Old man rock Zep theme.

Yes. Plenty of teenagers wear Led Zeppelin 1975 T shirts as they think it looks cool, I doubt they own the albums. Same with Kiss, Ramones and GNR....

Jesus I am getting forking old.
I like the Aerosmith animations as well. I have T-shirt’s with all those bands on as well other than ramones, have seen them all in concert (so allowed to have T-shirt’s 😂 ) have a right few Aerosmith ones also
If you want to watch Led Zeppelin videos then put on the video for Song Remains the Same or the other DVDs they have out.
Aerosmith animation was great I thought. I actually liked the fact they didnt just put on the promo videos behind the game.
Stern did the same with Beatles and that looks great.

I still wish they had done this as a reskin. Would of been more inkeeping with the Old man rock Zep theme.

Yes. Plenty of teenagers wear Led Zeppelin 1975 T shirts as they think it looks cool, I doubt they own the albums. Same with Kiss, Ramones and GNR....

Jesus I am getting forking old.

An interesting thing about the assets for the Beatles is that if you spend time with it, it almost seems as if new assets are released with the number of games played, as either I'm not being attentive or I'm still seeing the occasional new assets.

Mind you, I've possibly had my fill, now, of the Christmas call-outs from the Beatles 64 Fan club Christmas 45....
Aerosmith animations are great? Do you happen to know the same dealers Steve and Joe had? I love the game but the graphics are woeful considering it was meant to launch their LCD back box. Now I’m not saying that I’d want live footage of 70 year old men but there’s nothing especially inspiring on the screen.
A very genuine, open question, artwork and music aside (which are subjective), what is objectively better about Iron Maiden, as I know that game is ranked highly. Just trying to understand.

A very genuine, open question, artwork and music aside (which are subjective), what is objectively better about Iron Maiden, as I know that game is ranked highly. Just trying to understand.

Pretty easy question to answer what is better about Iron Maiden

Layout and coding
It’s the layout, shots and code. Maidens layout was completely new and unique.

Compare that to Zep, which has a slight variation on Ritchies go to layout that unfortunately for Zep he has used many times in the past to much greater effect.
Sorry, nope, still not understanding, but I have no doubt there's truth in it. Perhaps if I'm at Tilt one day somebody can explain.
The geometry of the ramps, loops orbits etc. The layout on the play field tends to be, along with code the biggest determining factor in how fun a pin is. Iron Maiden had a very unusual/exciting looking layout with excellent code at launch. I.E. interesting ways of scoring and approaches to playing the game. Led Zeppelin just looks a bit painting by numbers in comparison. Important thing is though, no one has played it yet. It may well be super fun but first impressions are a little flat I'd say.

Wouldn't bother with the first half hour. In fact, wouldn't bother at all :oops:

Seems to confirm that the original design went out of the window - 'there was a major redesign... and it was a little catastrophic' (Ritchie)
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Just to interject and bring some balance to the Turkish bath Elwin 'love-in'. Whilst you Elwinites get all steamed up and rub ointment onto one another at the alter of Keith allow me my two pence worth.

Elwin may well be inventive and more forward thinking than Ritchie but I wouldn't suggest his machines are more fun. More interesting, challenging, strategic and complicated certainly but I wouldn't chuck fun in there. I enjoy easier games but that's because I'm crap.

JP2 is probably my third favourite machine and in all honesty that LZ looks ugly as hell. However I've dismissed too many pinballs in the past only to find out that I've enjoyed them after a few games later. Most if not all of the people on here have played Iron Maiden and not played Led Zeppelin so nobody can really give an accurate comparison.

Don't pay too much attention to Huggers . . . . . he has an Elwin tattoo on his left buttock so he's not impartial.
Care to explain, by a compare and contrast?

Dubi, don't go there, It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between clue and stupidity, between made up bull**** and fact, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of non-reality. It is an area which we call - The "I haven't played it zone".

Just after game comes out, unless it has Keith Elwin's name on it, it's a dog (although even with AIQ there was some doubts). It usually takes about a year for the community here to realise that most games are fun (exceptions are Munsters, Popeye, TAF and Star Wars) recent history includes games such as Deadpool, Batman 66, Elivra and Stranger Things.

I was a creature living in the "I haven't played it zone' BUT I ESCAPED!

people think Maiden's layout was unique but sadly not strictly true. Indy500 is incredibly similar. See below, Indy500 is a great game one of BW best, but its simple. What Keith did was to bring a challenging ruleset to good playfield. If you look at the IMDN playfield and the LZ playfield there is also alot of similiarities... BUT ITS NOT ELWIN!

I predict about a year from now people will like this game and all this nonsense will be resigned to the search engine.

Watching LZ its clear that the shots look great, especially that centre shot, the ruleset looks interesting too so I'm looking forward to playing it and then if it shoots as good as it looks I'll try and get one.



I didn't get it on pinside, sure its missing a flipper but the layout is the same, I own both games. Even the mode start is in the same place! Yes Keith has made changes but there is no doubt that Indy500 has been an inspiration for it.
Dubi, don't go there, It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between clue and stupidity, between made up bull**** and fact, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of non-reality. It is an area which we call - The "I haven't played it zone".

Just after game comes out, unless it has Keith Elwin's name on it, it's a dog (although even with AIQ there was some doubts). It usually takes about a year for the community here to realise that most games are fun (exceptions are Munsters, Popeye, TAF and Star Wars) recent history includes games such as Deadpool, Batman 66, Elivra and Stranger Things.

I was a creature living in the "I haven't played it zone' BUT I ESCAPED!

people think Maiden's layout was unique but sadly not strictly true. Indy500 is incredibly similar. See below, Indy500 is a great game one of BW best, but its simple. What Keith did was to bring a challenging ruleset to good playfield. If you look at the IMDN playfield and the LZ playfield there is also alot of similiarities... BUT ITS NOT ELWIN!

I predict about a year from now people will like this game and all this nonsense will be resigned to the search engine.

Watching LZ its clear that the shots look great, especially that centre shot, the ruleset looks interesting too so I'm looking forward to playing it and then if it shoots as good as it looks I'll try and get one.


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It’s each to there own really but I agree with Neil that what is deemed as an amazing game on launch can often become a dog in a years time
And other games that get slated on launch often become classics
I think it takes about a year over here for a game to take off as there are not that many people who buy nib and with COVID this year limited places to play new games
I am not too sure about the comment on Elwins games that sell out immediately st le has out sold any of elwins le s in the uk
And Taf was the best selling pin of all time so it can’t be that bad
To be fair to Elwin he must be quite unpopular at Stern, they keep giving him turds to polish in terms of theme. The poor fella has been asked to make three pinball machines based on a terrible film, a tuneless thrash metal band and a comic book that features an ant and a some blokes called Tony & Steve.

Quite frankly the man deserves a medal for making silk purses out of scrotal sacs. I'm going to set up a gofundme and a have a whip round for the chap.
IMDN - they did everything correct for the Theme:
- Shots
- Code
- Art
- Callouts

Usually when making a pin out of the 3 models Pro,Prem,LE - chances are high Stern will fcuk something up, but with IMDN they pretty much nailed everything.
It’s a safe bet and they should be commended for it, they did a good job 👍
with LZ soundtrack

Tbf, that doesn't look half bad! I imagine this being a bit of a winner for Zep fans.

Since the second greatest pinball machine ever made* has come up. Here's my review of it from back along;

*I've ever played
Watched his heavy metal stream. It doesn't look half bad apart from the playfield art and ludicrous price. I'd take it over zep.
Tbf, that doesn't look half bad! I imagine this being a bit of a winner for Zep fans.

Since the second greatest pinball machine ever made* has come up. Here's my review of it from back along;

*I've ever played

So good you almost had me wanting to buy one mate 😉
Doesn't look as bad as everyone suggests, but as has been said, you have to play to TRULY know. HOWEVER, on first impressions, it didn't appeal to me as much as other games such as TMNT and GNR. Still, I haven't ever purchased a NIB so... not the target market.

Why don't Stern put actual coils in kickbacks? It is all software even on LE versions isn't it? Is that the same for all manufacturers?
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