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So this happened today...

So are you saying some believe he cheated, or someone playing against him was treated harshly?
Some who played there know, that was in the classic tournament

First I have heard of any cheating accusations. Given the level of competition and the disappointment of going out, I'm not surprised that accusations are made. Olli-mikko was the tournament director and he was spot on with judgements in my eyes but I will be the first to say that I didn't see everything that happened, too busy focusing on my playing.
Some who played there know, that was in the classic tournament.
Anyways, congrats to moonraker

This is very ambiguous, are you referring to other players, the competition organisers or Peter? To chime in with cryptic negative comments on a congratulations thread seems either bitter or cowardly!
This is very ambiguous, are you referring to other players, the competition organisers or Peter? To chime in with cryptic negative comments on a congratulations thread seems either bitter or cowardly!
Yes, it was another player, not Peter, if I have well understood Franck Bona our best French competitor.
It happened to Marco, our best competitor in classics in the tournament against Hugosson ( if l’m not wrong)
I’m sure Peter deserves it, don’t get me wrong. And I don’t think having talked about cheating but fair play. Marco played hugosson ball unless he thought he was playing his extra ball (shoot again insert was lit!)
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Congratulations, what a great trophy to be able to look back on and say I was number 1 in Europe
Well I am pleased to report that I defeated Franck Bona in the semi-final 2-0 (on Strike Zone and Paragon) and it upset him enough that he took it out on a chair and got a yellow card for his efforts...! :D

he is not a classic player, however he finished 5th or 7th, can't remember.
Franck defeated in final after being in the looser bracket. great performance too.
You wish! I’m not the scumbag trying to hijack someone’s thread! Crying wolf about cheating when it has nothing to with Peters Win!

But then again The French have always been like that... Sore losers ????

hey mate,
I already knew that there were morons everywhere, it was not worth proving.
@grospaquet31 in a tournament if someone is cheating you flag it to the tournament director and you get a ruling, then the ruling is made; life goes on and the matter should be closed.
If its not noticed and someone notices after the result (on streaming/video) then thats just like the referee not seeing a free kick or penalty in football, just a limitation of sports/competition - what you don't do is moan about it after the fact especially on the thread celebrating a fantastic success.

The other rules of pinball tournaments - don't moan at the tournament director during the event, don't smell bad and enjoy yourself. Giving constructive feedback after the event is always welcome and desirable but running a tournament is a non-trivial thing, most do it for the love of the sport and they don't need asshats giving them grief. If you don't like the way the tournament was run, then don't go next time.
one more time, who talk about cheating?
i was not there but the guy to whom it happened won't subscribe to any other tournament for a while.
just thought it was serious but fair play...it isn't.
that was my last post about it.
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