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Sling Tightness


Site Supporter
Dec 29, 2017
Just a quick poll really and some thoughts, since getting in to adjusting the pops thanks to @Jay Walker for the guide once again, I looked into adjusting up the slings and getting them really tights. It makes the game really snappy and increases that dreaded side to side action but it adds to the gameplay for me.

So I am a +1 for super tight slings, however I know some people suggest it can take away from the "fun" of home use. Thoughts?
As long as they don’t fire if the ball just brushes them. I don’t like them on a hair trigger.
When playing a Bally Eight Ball at a local arcade, I was helped to large scores by the left slingshot not working; there was no left return lane, so the flipper was right next to the lower corner of the s/shot. With it not working, it was easy to trap the ball if desired, and to hit the important 'Bank Shot' from the left flipper, advancing bonus multiplier

As to adjusting slingshots, it's a bit vaguer than for bumpers. One certain point is to use the right size band, and stretch it/them evenly*. The adjustment of the longer blades, which touch the band, controls their 'travel' as the solenoid kicks, and the return imparted by the band. Adjusting the shorter blades, even by bending the bracket, affects the gap. With older Williams games (and possibly post merger Bally ones) using the slings as 'Special' solenoids, a switch remaining closed^ will lock-on the coil. Williams had stopped using this method by the mid System 11 games - 11B games like Cyclone, with 50v slingshot coils, won't have it. Too close a gap allows the longer blade to close the contacts again as the band rebounds, causing 'chatter'

* I was called back to a Whirlwind I'd just serviced because the r/h sling was kicking randomly and cancelling the Skill Shot due to this
^ Even a ball jumping inside the rubber band and touching the switch can do this. Old Gottliebs often have headless nails behind the band to prevent access
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Get them as hair-trigger as is physically possible, but for a lot of games it needs to be possible for a ball coming from one of the far lanes to ride along the slingshot without firing (one example being CFTBL - hard enough game without being unable to take feeds from the outer lanes.)

But then again on some games it almost works better for that NOT to be possible; like Cactus Canyon. And of course some games simply don't return the ball to you that way.
I like them tight and snappy too. Basically the ball can gently roll down them, but any meaningful bounce contact should activate.

Having said that, the ones on my TZ are like this and it loves to blast the ball down the outlanes.
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