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Shiny happy people


i like pizza
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
ooh, , i know what'd be fun.
everyone fun their favourite Christmas films please?
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I was thinking that's what normal people call us pinheads.
I live alone so i'm here drinking beer :)
Plenty more where you came from baby. Sat watching dreadful film with young relatives. Now you see me 2
If you like magician films I strongly recommend The Prestige. The Illusionist is also a good one, but it uses cgi to cheat which demeans it a little imho

I lost interest in nysm2 when the guy kicked his shoes to change them and flipped a stainless tray over and it became a briefcase. Too much cgi again
Gotta watch it's a wonderful life and scrooged, xmas wouldn't be the same
Had a house full, sheer chaos and alleged merriment but all I could think of was sneaking off to the office where I keep all my tables :) maybe tomorrow...
I strayed off line yesterday but the dog and I had a nice dinner , Xbox. , game on turtles and a film with mr carling and miss lambs
Had a bit of a break from the pinball of late. Hoping to get cracking on refitting the GI bulb holders on R&B tomorrow.

In the meantime i've been binge-watching movies on Sky and drinking and eating as much as I can get away with. Back to the fitness regime in a day or so's time.

Happy christmas to all on Pinball Info :)
Just got to 40 out of 40 when screen froze and kicked me back to home screen went back in got to start at 1 again:mad:

Woah, you're heading for a clean sweep, I think I got my 3 wrong quite early on with films I never even heard of. I hate those websites that won't put it all on one page, just because they're loaded with clickbait ads and they get paid for every page load. Shame, cos it was a fun quiz. If you do go back and retake it, grab a screenshot of your score, or I'll never believe you can identify a film called 'Heathers'.
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