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Selling Used Pantiles - Any Suggestions pls ?


Oct 26, 2014
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to get rid of these please ? Stuck in a derelict building I will refurb later this year.

A salvage guy I know offered to take them for free.

I have hundreds that were piled up perhaps 40 years ago. I don't know how many or what quality. Each row is about 80 tiles. This pile is 4 rows deep so I would guess around 1200.

Simply moving them to count and check them would be a major undertaking.

Just stick on Gumtree at 30p each ? Have as many as you want?


They are definitely worth something mate so don’t give them away for free. They are an ‘old English’ style hand made clay pan tile. They would be perfect for someone doing a restoration of a grade 2/curtilage listed building as the local area listed building officer that everything needs to be passed by will love them.

Bit of a jigsaw to put together on a roof as most will have slight discrepancies in size, curve etc but an experienced roofer wouldn’t have a problem. Shame I didn’t know you 5 years ago as I had to source 12000 of them for different roofs at a development.

They look great on old barns when done

Build an extension and use them up. That is what we are doing with the spare that came off our roof. Though not as old and nice as yours @DRD.
I have also spotted work on other houses in the area and sold some off
And me like everyone else... thought i should read the contents before hitting the edit/Warning button!!! :D
Also guilty.
Without doubt do not give them away FOC, they have worth, unless you're desperate to get rid of them.
The pain with these pantiles, besides the horror of interacting with them ,and why I have done nothing with them for 5 years, is that they seem to be a 2 quid item if you want to buy them but a 1p item if you want to sell them.

That x 1200 tiles is a meaningful sum
That's bloody typical.
Someone will want them. 50/75p each?
Reclamation yard or Fleabay, bugger giving them away
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Gotta be people in the area that want them.. if your place has them then others will have also!
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