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Save the Date - Here Comes the Rush Flip Frenzy at Pinhaus, 13th November

A bit late to the party but also wanted to say a big thank you to Claire and David for hosting another mega event at The Pinhaus. Thanks also to the other members of 'staff' who helped make it a great day.
Finally, a thank you to everyone else who attended for making it a most enjoyable day, old and newcomers alike, the finalists for putting on a good show of pinballing skills and the eventual winner Andy who smashed it really against some stiff opposition and was dominant in qualifying for much of the tournament. :clap:
Claire busy working so hasn't posted results yet.
So here they are,
Flip frenzy:


Final standings to be submitted to IFPA
1,Andy Brock,83509
2,Andrew Foster,2522
3,Reece Powell,88364
4,David Bowery,83505
5,Greg Mott,974
6,Martin Roddam,94545
7,Alan Jones,60564
8,Paul Woollard,87613
9,Paul Rubens,21278
10,Martin Fox,83513
11,Thomas Calvert,83517
12,James Reed,87616
13,Clive Bush,58197
14,Steven Dale,87611
14,Gareth Sheills,87612
16,Pete Bennett,89499
17,Claire Lickman,83503
18,Diane Bush,61320
19,Dave Ashton,87614
20,Clare Johnson,60570
21,Matt Peck,84351
22,Dann Sullivan,89500
23,Marc Gatward,84350
24,Matt Bird
Not much more for me to say that David hasn't already and that I didn't say at the event yesterday - other than just a big thank you to everyone for coming, and to everyone who helped bring food and desserts. I am so glad everyone had a great time! I just read through everyone's messages and it really means a lot to me. I'm so thrilled for Reece (his first ever finals!), Andy Brock (who has been really on fire this year!), Andy Foster for another well deserved win, and of course David (his first pinball trophy!). It was also great to see people who are new to the pinball scene come along - it was Matt Bird's first ever competition, and Martin had only played a couple of games in the Pinfest comp earlier this year.

I have a Google photo album here, which has all my photos from the day - including @Pete Bennett's 'before and after' pics of the Andy's! I didn't take many throughout the day so, as before, do feel free to add yours here:

@Hiltoncriss Thank you again for your generous gifts! Let me know if you need any other info about the winners, but hopefully it's all there above. :)
Just a quick post to add my thanks to David and Claire for their hosting, it was a very enjoyable weekend, I had so much fun chatting and laughing with everyone and the food was top notch. Arrived home at 1AM thanks to night time roadworks causing an hour worth of traffic jam at 11pm by shutting about 5 miles of the M6 (although they were only working in about 20feet of the space!) been knackered today but was worth it. PS Andy Brock, bet you glad now you didnt turn round and go home when you saw me having breakfast in Mac D's! Well done buddy, and well done Reece and David too!
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