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Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Anyone use one of these? Any good? Anyone know any good suppliers (Pref cheap and UK based). Do these support the Pi4 now?

I know @ronsplooter mentioned about one in his Dino King Cab a while ago, however I'm looking ideally for something i can either use in my Dino Cab and in my Atomiswave cab... (Atomiswave currently has a Naomi2 in and working hapilly via a Sega JVS IO board)...

Fancy the idea of being able to load a Pi up with an SSD and a bunch of games, and then being able to move between as required. Theres a good few decent images out there.

Not sure what the DK is monitor wise, however the Atomiswave is a tri-sync, so hopefully should support most things...

Is this the Australian one? If so, yes. I have a couple and they're great. Got them in my jamma cabs. Don't know about the Pi4 bit though.
@Paul this is the one I’ve got in my Dino King:


And I’m using it with a Rpi 3b as that’s what I had avaliable. I’m running the emulation software recommended by pi2jamma as that worked better for me than retropie (tried both and had issues with the latter). The monitor in a Dino King is 15Khz based on what I understand and pi2jamma is 15Khz output.

I’m only running Sega Megadrive emulation on mine as my Dino King is basically a mini Megadrive arcade but it works great for that 😁
Could i ask you chaps where you got yours from please? Everywhere these seem to be available are EU... Cant find any in the uk... (to be fair, China would also be an option)...

I’m not even sure they were offering two versions when I bought mine (it was a while ago) but from looking at the descriptions I’m pretty sure I’ve got the pro
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