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Road Tax has gone insane!

Rob zombie

Site Supporter
Nov 30, 2018
So I was thinking about buying a 987 Porsche Boxter S....but Jesus Christ the road tax is £695 per year and shortly due to go up to £735 apparently! What the hell??? When did this become a thing? It's seriously off-putting considering I'm not even likely to do 1500 miles in it per year. What a ridiculous system! I swear this country is going backwards.
I’m sure someone told me it can now go over 2k 😱
It won’t be long before they want their 2 penneth out of my EV you watch.
Yeah I just saw something about brand new cars emitting over 250mg or whatever it is having a road tax of £2500 for the first year. It's gone bonkers. I can understand it a bit for brand new cars. But for something that's a 10yr old limited edition collector's car that's not likely to be driven much it seems very heavy handed. It seems overly biased against mid 2000's sports cars in particular.
I had a PT cruiser - that was over £50 a month - and that was sold prior to the 2nd lock down!

It is just more tax on top of the fuel tax, VAT on insurance payments.

The government doesnt want you to drive.
Been like that for years. I remember looking at Porsche Caymens and if you picked a certain model/year it was the highest tax band. Was annoying as the cars themselves and insurance was pretty reasonable at the time.
I don't understand how a 2005 Dodge Viper with an 8.3lt V10 pumping out 488g/km is £395 but a 2006 Porsche Boxter 3.4lt pumping out 254g/km is £675. Makes absolutely no sense?!?
I don't understand how a 2005 Dodge Viper with an 8.3lt V10 pumping out 488g/km is £395 but a 2006 Porsche Boxter 3.4lt pumping out 254g/km is £675. Makes absolutely no sense?!?
I think there were a few months that year where you get road tax cheap, I was looking at Land cruisers years back and realised. Same with vans, don’t know why it is though.
Isn't the idea "to put you off" ?

Both my cars are £240 a year (MX5 + Starion). My better 1/2s car (and "evil dirty diesel" is £20 a year... love to know the formula for it.

Course if the road tax was on the fuel it would balance itself out ? Gas guzzlers would pay more, people that drove 100k miles a year (that use the road more) would pay more.. folks that did both... would cry :)

And I think @Colywobbles is right - only a matter of time before EVs get to pay too \o/
Isn't the idea "to put you off" ?

Both my cars are £240 a year (MX5 + Starion). My better 1/2s car (and "evil dirty diesel" is £20 a year... love to know the formula for it.

Course if the road tax was on the fuel it would balance itself out ? Gas guzzlers would pay more, people that drove 100k miles a year (that use the road more) would pay more.. folks that did both... would cry :)

And I think @Colywobbles is right - only a matter of time before EVs get to pay too \o/
Isn't the long-term plan to move to a pay-by-the-mile scheme, particularly as the government is losing out on duty on the fuel that EVs don't use, so a spy in the cab system? I read an article last week (from the US, but where they lead we follow, particularly if it's a bad idea), where someone's insurance had suddenly jumped up across all insurers, and when he queried it he eventually got sent a report detailing every journey he had made in the past year, highlighting when he had broken the speed limit and/or was guilty of heavy acceleration or braking. The car manufacturers have found a lucrative sideline selling your driving data to intermediaries who inform the insurance business! The future we all dreamed of!
I have no issue paying Road Tax on our EVs, but I do object to paying road tax on an EV if the charge is based on emissions from the tailpipe - as there are none! That's just bonkers. Tax fairly, not stupidly.

Road and fuel Tax has and always will be based on whatever generates the most revenue. I remember when diesel was cheaper than petrol until they started producing desirable tractors, emissions was a fair way to tax as it usually indicated a heavy more polluting vehicle.

EV's are bound to be hit, they've had their time out of the equation. I suspect it'll be a weight tax they come up with next based on how heavy the car is.
They've left it too late, I've seen some of the core reports. The substrate is far too damaged for patch and run to be of any use now. They need to be re-laid.
They've left it too late, I've seen some of the core reports. The substrate is far too damaged for patch and run to be of any use now. They need to be re-laid.
The council spent the last 3 weeks completely resurfacing the road outside my house. I don't know if it was a direct result of me complaining to them and the local councillor that my whole house was shaking every time a bus went over the potholes but surprisingly they came and did it. I thought the house would collapse before they ever got round to it.
Unfortunately that's what people don't expect to happen as a result of potholes, but it is !
I have no issue paying Road Tax on our EVs, but I do object to paying road tax on an EV if the charge is based on emissions from the tailpipe - as there are none! That's just bonkers. Tax fairly, not stupidly.
another reason to put duty on fuel?
then evs would kinda automatically be exempt 😁
the only downside I see is the initial jump in fuel cost. but fuel prices do that anyway time to time?
EVs should pay road tax. Road tax is about maintaining the roads (stop laughing....)

Do EV's weigh more than a normal car?

I do feel it would be much fairer to have road tax within fuel prices (which lets EV drivers off I know... perhaps some duty could be added to commercial charging points). If you do a lot of miles, then you pay more.

Or should they scrap it?

Can we have a debate about the TV license fee as well ?
EVs should pay road tax. Road tax is about maintaining the roads (stop laughing....)

Do EV's weigh more than a normal car?

I do feel it would be much fairer to have road tax within fuel prices (which lets EV drivers off I know... perhaps some duty could be added to commercial charging points). If you do a lot of miles, then you pay more.

Or should they scrap it?

Can we have a debate about the TV license fee as well ?
Is WWF wrestling fixed?? So much to debate, so little time…
I had a PT cruiser - that was over £50 a month - and that was sold prior to the 2nd lock down!

It is just more tax on top of the fuel tax, VAT on insurance payments.

The government doesnt want you to drive.
My wife had a pt cruiser back in the day, 2.4l engine converted to run on LPG also (as was mad low MPG) I seem to remember the road tax was £700 or there abouts.. great car for lugging pins about though (as long as you weren’t going far)
I had and LPG conversion done on my MX5. Was only 80p a litre at the time... Its £1 now - but even so.
Havent bothered doing anything tax wise - it runs on petrol or LPG. Did tell the insurance company - but its got a sports exhaust and coilovers too - so price didnt change :)
I had and LPG conversion done on my MX5. Was only 80p a litre at the time... Its £1 now - but even so.
Havent bothered doing anything tax wise - it runs on petrol or LPG. Did tell the insurance company - but its got a sports exhaust and coilovers too - so price didnt change :)
I didn't think you could do anything tax wise with LPG conversions?
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