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Expired Revenge From Mars? (Or Pulp fiction)

Expired Due to no activity

Den - aka Wolfgang

Site Supporter
Oct 22, 2019
London (U.K)
Testing the water a bit here to see if anyone was thinking of letting a RFM go at all this year?
Have been enjoying JJP Guns'n'Roses and one of the modes is very reminiscent of one of the RFM modes (one of the same coders I think) and has got me thinking that I'd finally like a RFM.
Would like one with decent LCD screen conversion (lines up correctly with the shots etc)

Thought id mention that alternatively id like a Pulf Fiction, but who the hell knows when when any if those will hit the forum? 🤷🏼
Ideally with @myPinballs ' code update (+extended ball trough?) and also the LEDs/incandescents done right (my understanding is near the back it needs incandescent to fade out correctly etc)
Cab would have to be in nice condition, as I have my pin our living room/kitchen 👍🏻

No rush atall; could do a trade involving my g'n'r LE, or with some notice I'd put g'n'r up for sale.
Hi old farts opinion on RFM

It’s not a very good game the ruleset is shallow and the humour gets very tiring very quickly

Same reason I dislike CFTBL Red river rock gets very tedious…..don’t even start me on “gone fishin’ leave a message” arghhh one of the worst ever

Best thing I ever saw was it in a swimming pool at Bennett’s gaff

MM 🐰
Just goes to show you we all like different games......i think Revenge From Mars is a cracking game. Wish more pinballs had been made in this format. So much potential to do different themes as only two games were completed before the plug was pulled. I never thought of Pinball 2000 as a replacement for traditional pinball just a really good alternative way of making a game. Apart from the gameplay the way you could slide the entire playfield out of the cabinet so easily deserves a mention.
I loved RFM until I owned it are you talking from home use experience?

Not starting another firestorm it’s interesting

I don’t go much on MB or MM, TOTAN is marmite

Bally Radical now there’s a machine

MM 🐰
Hi old farts opinion on RFM

It’s not a very good game the ruleset is shallow and the humour gets very tiring very quickly

Same reason I dislike CFTBL Red river rock gets very tedious…..don’t even start me on “gone fishin’ leave a message” arghhh one of the worst ever

Best thing I ever saw was it in a swimming pool at Bennett’s gaff

MM 🐰
Rubbish, RFM is a great game!
Just my personal experiences over the years with these machines. I have owned a couple of lovely RFMs and probably played them way too much as i really loved them. Yet MM lasted a couple of months only with me. Great game but it disn`t quite do it for me . Monster Bash i liked a lot for a while but also felt way over-rated as a game. TOTAN always felt like there should be something more but was nice and smooth to play. I suppose i should consider myself lucky to have owned these when prices were 2 to 3 thousand rather than the insane prices of today. I think for me that is the problem all these games cost so much to buy now if you can find one yet it doesn`t make them twice as good to play as games half the price .

For what it`s worth i absolutely loved Radical ! Long time since i owned two at the same time........and let one go because way back over 20 years ago i had no idea how to fix what seems like basic faults now !
My old one I sold on here last year fits what you are after, it was a nice one with all the extra mods. I'm sure the new owner will chirp up if he's interested in moving it on.
I’ve had 2 RFM’s
Great pin, especially these days for the money.
Jim’s code adds a great deal to it.
Really fun game, clever use of the screen, sound is excellent and while no machine is a keeper these days, RFM is a game that will put a smile on your face for a good few months.
Just get one that’s already got a new pc, lcd screen, part LED’s, 6 ball trough, shaker and saucer mods and make sure the playfield glass is very good.
I sold mine on here last year and was in great condition
I rebuilt my Radical with as much NOS as I could find, I think I sold it for £450 back in the day that doubled what I paid for it though

This is where I unintentionally upset someone

Mr Beveridge kind of supported what I said about MM MB and TOTAN

We’ve had these machines as home use, big titles don’t make great games

MM 🐰
I’ve had 2 RFM’s
Great pin, especially these days for the money.
Jim’s code adds a great deal to it.
Really fun game, clever use of the screen, sound is excellent and while no machine is a keeper these days, RFM is a game that will put a smile on your face for a good few months.
Just get one that’s already got a new pc, lcd screen, part LED’s, 6 ball trough, shaker and saucer mods and make sure the playfield glass is very good.
I sold mine on here last year and was in great condition
That’s it in a nutshell 👍

The mods you mentioned didn’t exist it was factory spec or nowt

Getting a Large DMD replacement was almost impossible

MM 🐰
Hi old farts opinion on RFM

It’s not a very good game the ruleset is shallow and the humour gets very tiring very quickly

Same reason I dislike CFTBL Red river rock gets very tedious…..don’t even start me on “gone fishin’ leave a message” arghhh one of the worst ever

Best thing I ever saw was it in a swimming pool at Bennett’s gaff

MM 🐰
Now your talking, the swimming pool saga 🤣
Nick had plenty more he imported that should have also jumped in….
Now round that time he’d sell you a great RFM for round £600, some great times & memories !
I’ve had 2 RFM’s
Great pin, especially these days for the money.
Jim’s code adds a great deal to it.
Really fun game, clever use of the screen, sound is excellent and while no machine is a keeper these days, RFM is a game that will put a smile on your face for a good few months.
Just get one that’s already got a new pc, lcd screen, part LED’s, 6 ball trough, shaker and saucer mods and make sure the playfield glass is very good.
I sold mine on here last year and was in great condition
Spot on 👍🏻
Now your talking, the swimming pool saga 🤣
Nick had plenty more he imported that should have also jumped in….
Now round that time he’d sell you a great RFM for round £600, some great times & memories !
New guys hobby now, we had our moment mate 😎

But it does pain me watching the learning curve happening all over again

Bet if I put BBBB on here for sale at say £900 I’d get my hand bitten off ?

MM 🐰
New guys hobby now, we had our moment mate 😎

But it does pain me watching the learning curve happening all over again

Bet if I put BBBB on here for sale at say £900 I’d get my hand bitten off ?

MM 🐰

Indeed, good to see though; met some great folks over the years so the hobby can give other rewards.

It's a bit like school though, the way people learn is much changed.

Now I doubt many will have played one, Spooky could learn from it though…
You’ve reminded me of a friend down south who probably still has one though, must look him up.

Install2balls though 😉
Morning all, many thanks for all the replies and PM's; much appreciated.
At work with a bad hangover now, but will get back to everyone when I get a break.
Couple of things now come to mind, now I'm not full of beer;

CRT vs LCD screen; is there a risk that a CRT could burst in to flames and burn out hoke down? (Think I read someone say before that they wouldn't want anything crt based at home because of the fire risk?
If a crt starts going wrong/fading, is it farily easy to do an LCD conversion?; are there people out there who'll come round and service a crt? (Recap etc, etc) - would this be a pain in a small space (living room)

Is it as much if a pain as some say to get the head/backbox on when there's a crt in there vs lcd?

Finally, when I was looking in to getting a RFM before, there was a bit of discussion around how Martin would/could deliver? ; might be a problem getting in to the flat if the head is left on (getting round corners etc)
Morning all, many thanks for all the replies and PM's; much appreciated.
At work with a bad hangover now, but will get back to everyone when I get a break.
Couple of things now come to mind, now I'm not full of beer;

CRT vs LCD screen; is there a risk that a CRT could burst in to flames and burn out hoke down? (Think I read someone say before that they wouldn't want anything crt based at home because of the fire risk?
If a crt starts going wrong/fading, is it farily easy to do an LCD conversion?; are there people out there who'll come round and service a crt? (Recap etc, etc) - would this be a pain in a small space (living room)

Is it as much if a pain as some say to get the head/backbox on when there's a crt in there vs lcd?

Finally, when I was looking in to getting a RFM before, there was a bit of discussion around how Martin would/could deliver? ; might be a problem getting in to the flat if the head is left on (getting round corners etc)
Got to take the head off, that would be too much hassle. Unless it’s going from a garage to a garage for example.

I prefer CRT, one in mine is very good. Not good to move though, I could have just got the backbox on by myself but you risk damaging the side rails and your back!

Got other CRT’s in video games and had those types for years with no fires and they have been left on for days after a bender and forgetting they were on🫣

If the CRT is fine I wouldn’t worry about it, you will probably be selling it before it goes wrong. I’m sure I heard there is someone in London who can service CRT’s though.

My van was out of action so had to pick up in my RAV4 that fits pins easily but not this one, my wife followed me in a car to put the head in. PITA.

Imagine a LCD in Defender😖


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Not too sure on the RFM specifics, but the CRT in those are Hantarex, similar are used in arcade cabs, generally unless it gets physically damaged the big glass tube is reliable, if issues occur its usually the monitor "chassis" basically the big electronics board, these are usually removed and posted to someone for repair (there is a method for making sure the monitor is discharged though, as the tube acts as a bit capacitor)
LCD conversions are possible but your normal office style LCD isn't directly compatible, but there are adapter boards that convert the 15khz signal to VGA readily available.

CRT's are brighter than LCD though, something to bear in mind if your planning to use in a bright room.
Remember CRT's were in every house across the country not that long ago, and well.... maybe some caught fire, but no riskier than most other electrical appliances, would be more worried about laptops/Tablets/phones etc in terms of fire risk.
Fairly easy to LCD, there is a post by @newdos about doing his years ago, you will need a sync adapter though, but @myPinballs has one on his site, unless of course the original PC has been replaced with a Nucore or Pinbox replacement where you wont need any adapter anymore.

Doubt a CRT would burn down your flat if it failed, people had them for years in houses before flatscreens came out, and unless your in the habit of switching on your machine and walking away you will notice when its about to fail.

In terms of repairing the chassis on a CRT from the arcade side of it, the ones Ive heard of doing repairs usually ask you to remove the chassis and post off, you just have to be careful of discharging the high voltage before removing the HT lead to the tube.

Only difference with putting the backbox on with CRT will be the added weight, wouldnt like to try and do it myself but can manage ok with a LCD converted one (Have both RFM and SWEP1 myself)

Something to be aware of as well is that its a shorter cab and its easy to take the entire playfield out of the cabinet with a few plugs, its designed that way.
Pinball 2000 uses 2 types of crt monitor. Well gardner and Ducksan, not Hanterex. 19" size. CRTs are no more dangerous than any other high voltage pinball part like a dmd, but as with everything its all about making sure things are in good working order and looked after properly, kept in a decent temperature and humidity where there is central heating ideally.

I have had ALOT of RFM's and been back and forth between CRT and LCD. Personally my view these days is if you have a wells gardner crt keep it and get it rebuilt. (New caps and new flyback etc) which i can do if required. LCDs are good for when you need to move the game as the backbox is much lighter. Also you get a bigger screen picture with widescreen lcds which looks nice. I currently use IPS led screens in my own game.

Moving wise, i always take the heads off and move in 2 pieces. Slower but saves your back!

Finally if you do get a game with a wells gardner crt and dont want it because of lcd conversion i will buy from you.
IPS screens are much better than standard LCD, I bet an OLED would be pretty good if you could get one to fit.
I bought a super nice RFM from ChrisB with Jim’s conversion that a really nice LCD with great black levels.
It’s a great game but at the rate you going through your pins and the hassle I’ve seen 1st hand when delivering GnR I would definitely give it a miss Den as the head would definitely have to come off.
Maybe try get your fill at the next show or track someone down you can visit and play.
I bought a super nice RFM from ChrisB with Jim’s conversion that a really nice LCD with great black levels.
It’s a great game but at the rate you going through your pins and the hassle I’ve seen 1st hand when delivering GnR I would definitely give it a miss Den as the head would definitely have to come off.
Maybe try get your fill at the next show or track someone down you can visit and play.
I hear ya Col 👍🏻 If I get a RFM it'll have to be in 2 pieces and would get a neighbour to help me get the head back on etc.
Also, have basically promised my wife if I change games I'll stick with it for atleast a year.
I don't know if anyone else has experiencd this, but what's happened with me lately is, it's not that I get bored with the game (Elvira was amazing and so is G'n'R), it's that I feel uneasy having something so expensive (especially when I can go through periods of not playing for a week or 2) and feel a bit irresponsible with other more important things to be saving up for (also, I should be spending more time working on music than I am..)
I've just decided to have a period of owning something fun that also relatively cheap'n'cheerful that I can have a quick blast on and something simple to play with mates who aren't pinheads .
In a couple of years once mortgage renewal and stuff is sorted, I'll be able to guilt free jump back in to having one of the big hitters again if the desire takes me:)
Also, might get a RFM with the SWE1 kit, so I can swap out from time to time. Played quiet a bit of RFM over the years and love it (AFM is one of my faves) and even quite enjoyed SWE1 at the pinball office for a quick fix.
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