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In Progress Quite a nice (LW3) Lethal Weapon 3


Site Supporter
May 28, 2015
Inspired by a few recent shop logs thought i'd share what i've been working on!
Quite a nice (LW3) Leathal Weapon 3
I bought this because it looked in quite a nice condition, and was sold as fully working apart from the flippers!! (So not really fully working really!!!!) so the idea was to give it a quick wipe around fix the flippers and get playing!
a few images of it as it came
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It even has the original Blue siren! most of these are long gone! and I bet not many of you have a "White" illumination panel behind the backglass! these are usually heavly marked! Cabinet is pretty good and the back glass is slightly faded "new Translight ordered", just missed out on @PeteB's alteranative translight!!! Playfield is really in great condition. Boards look untouched and the battery area has long since been removed, with no visable battery damage.
So hopefully looks good so far!
It turns on and seems to work but, it is in German for some reason? will look at menus later and remote battery as suspect this is factory settings as no battery back up can be found I suppose thats one way of protecting the boards.
Decided to do a partial strip down as the top of the playfield is relativly straight forward
I do believe that this machine has been maintained and cleaned as first impressions are its quite clean...........
But then of course you start and it dosent take long to find the dirt and grime!!!!!!
IMG_3529.JPG IMG_3562.JPG IMG_3563.JPG IMG_3564.JPG IMG_3565.JPG IMG_3566.JPG
I actually thought the clear plastic was brown tinted!!!!

Anyway before too long most of the plafield was in pieces and thanks to @chris b and his suggestion for traffic film remover i had a box of "New looking" clean bits they came up lovely!


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Ok so most things removed and cleaned new rubbers and full LED's in top surface installed

On my travels around the playfield, I noticed that the steel ramp had split my tyre garage kindly welded back together for me!!! I did buy tyres at the same time!!


Like most people on here I do like a nice set of legs!
Unfortunately this set had seen better days!

So I remembered somewhere a suggestion to clean them up!

Now these are never going to win any prizes but certainly look a lot better! the front two are not that bad the rear are still pitted but it was never going to re plate them.


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Ok top surface all back together last night, Clear discs added to protect slingshot plastics! I decided to turn it on; I know most people would have already done that! But I’d been busy with the top of the playfield!

All was ok for about 5 mins maybe less! Then it shut off! The thoughts that race through your brain can’t really be repeated here.

So I pulled myself together and started at the bottom and worked up!

I remembered the chap that I got it off saying that he had replaced the plug! not a bad place to start, I took the plug to pieces and I didn’t like his wiring much so replaced the plug, that’s when I noticed the 3 Amp fuse that had been installed? It was a wonder that it had worked at all?
New plug on and correct fuse fitted we were back in business.

Right back on with the flipper rebuild Kit recieved from andy @pinballmania and I had noticed the 3 drop bank target didn’t seem to work quite right another one to look at.
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Cool. Anyone else been watching the lethal weapon series on ITV? Im loving it. Made me want one of these now.
Ok ok ok
Yes been watching the TV series's really enjoying it so far it's one of our must watch Friday night things!
Right back from holiday and in coming:clap: so got to get this finished!
Flippers rebuilt, drop targets taken to bits, new coil (Thanks for the advice guys) sleeve arm and bracket fitted gonna try and clean these up!


They didn't come up as clean as I would have hoped:(
But had some new! In the ever growing spares box:thumbs: and the missus was making tea result.
Read a post somewhere about making your own cushion target decals? So I thought I'd give it a try? Found the target decal on line printed it off on photo paper, stuck Mylar to the front and automotive double sided cushion tape to the rear then cut them out! I think they look pretty good the Mylar is really shiny :D
Made my own instruction cards!

More to do but busy busy, I think it's coming on great!
Ta Tony
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