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Pins in North West.


Jun 29, 2017
Pinball always seems limited here in the North West so finding myself in Blackpool for the weekend I was hoping to play a few games. Initially happy to see 4 pins back to back on the South pier, but sadly all 4 were uncared for and out of order.
Years ago these big arcades always had a tech on site able to get machines up but I guess no more.
Maybe these machines have recouped their outlay and are now too much bother, I don't know but it seems a great shame seeing them unplayed. I'd love to own one of these and it made me think that's maybe now's the time to buy my first.
Welcome to the forum! Sadly that's all too common in arcades now days. I think their thought pattern is the games don't take much money (because they're poorly kept) so why put money into games that don't make anything.
Welcome to the forum

As it happens I went to this new place at the back of the Guild Hall in Preston called Level yesterday with the wife & daughter to go 10 pin bowling. There was amazingly enough 3 pins in there, all on £1 for 1 credit, £2 for 3 credits. They had:

Stern Star Wars
Demolition Man
Star Wars Episode 1

Stern Star Wars played fine, a bit floaty and had no tilt bob on a carpet so its fair to say it was getting moved around a lot :)
Demo Man was fine, a bit slow and no GI but everything seemed to work. Replay scores needed were nice and low so could play all day for £1
Didn't play Episode 1 as its utter gash but was switched on at least! :rofl:

There's also a Family Guy in Fishers pub in the town center that plays decent.

Make sure to check out Play Expo in Blackpool next month where the NLP team will once again be present with pins in far better condition than you'll find on the South Pier!

Thanks for the tips. I'm about 40 mins from Preston so will take a look next time I'm there.
It's good to know there are more around, will be a change from the EM's in Southport.
Will definitely visit play expo this year to see what I've been missing these past few years. Loved pins in the 70's and later on a Fish tales addict but not really had a chance until now to get back into it. We did briefly have a Game of Thrones at the local Megabowl but it only lasted a few weeks there. Played it a few times but didn't really find it that enjoyable. The next time I went I saw the tech sticking a hacksaw blade down the coin slot as apparently "they are not allowed keys" . The machine was never seen again.
Good to see another new member from the North West! In Southport there is an Indy Jones in the tap and bottles pub in the town centre (and lots of great beers- being local i go there often) and i have heard there was a pirates from the carribean in the bowling alley. As for Blackpool in addition to the South pier pins there was a nice Ghostbusters in the bar at the back of central pier when i went last year.
I used to know an old tech from the South Pier arcade, I remember him saying he could barely keep up with fixing the machines. I'm never surprised when things don't work these days!
Also welcome, am from the North West too.
Hi @Gtclondon . Yes, sad state of affairs over here for the public pinwise..... I'm Over Wyre near Hambleton. @lukewells likely has the biggest collection this way but he's a busy guy, give us a shout if want to visit and try out the Sterns, Bally/Williams and weird Gottliebs I have here. :)
Welcome. There are plenty of pins in north west homes so come along to league meets and make friends then you wil have access to all the hidden gems
Thanks for the welcome guys. It's good to know there are members in the area willing to show their private collections.
I'm in Widnes now but originally from Kent so appreciate local offers of help and contacts.
Thanks again.
You mean stinky Widnes. Well it used to be far worse than it is now. I’m over the water in Runcorn and am also occasionally called Gary.
You mean stinky Widnes. Well it used to be far worse than it is now. I’m over the water in Runcorn and am also occasionally called Gary.

It still stinks and looks like Springfield.
Runcorn is off limits until my new bridge pass arrives. :)
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