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Pingeorge Wizard Blocks Project

That is incredible :cool: The guy is a one man pinball factory. Love the work on the stone effect ramp.
I was beginning to think he wasnt human....... Hope he gets around to the update soon.
Very talented guy. Also looking forward to the next instalment.
Wow!!! Absolutely incredible! bookmarked for future updates
Have there been any recent updates on the Wizard Blocks project? I'll have a look later on this evening after the footy.
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1677827 said:
Have there been any recent updates on the Wizard Blocks project? I'll have a look later on this evening after the footy.

Nah, not yet. Been waiting a while now. He used to update it every couple of days, but i think hes took on a job, and hasnt posted since.
This is the Pat Lawlor pin that got cancelled then, looks pretty interesting. Only played Revenge from Mars and I quite enjoyed that. Is Star Wars Episode I not up to much?
I played it once at the show and quite enjoyed it, looks cool with the light saber and I liked how you could use the 2nd buttons to shoot lasers at the screen. Not very deep a game apparently though
I just read over on maaca.org that PinGeorge has suspended his pinball creations for now. Another member posted this rather sad bit of info:

Maaca member: 'Sparky' wrote: I was hoping no one would ask. Unfortunately, George decided to leave the hobby entirely. I had been in contact with him by email and struck up a friendship. He was hoping that someone in the business would be interested in his skills. According to him, a European pin-maker told him that his staff was already complete, Jersey Jack wasn't looking and Stern was apparently quite... stern with him, stating that they didn't hire amateurs. So he got quite depressed about it all, completed the pins (he had 2-3 in the works including the WB) and sold them to cover the costs of it all. In his last message, he mentioned that buddies of his from his RC days contacted him to start something up, and he is now doing that.
I am sure he is doing well... Feel free to email him.

To be called an amateur when you are clearly the master is such a slap in the face. I hope the guy comes back to the hobby. :(
I emailed him recently and he said:

...in the last few days i had a lot of conversation / discussion / e-mails with some enthusiasted pinball guys, which want that i´m coming back into the pinball scene.

But i must give you now the latest update news about my decisions. I have no interest for a revival, all what´s upcoming soon will stay here at my home without any publications. There are a lot of brandnew things, which are created and done, also a complete new written software is in progress....... written in c and running under os win xp.

I have no further interest, showing the pinball industry my new ideas which they can get for free, without any help and support from this guys. That´s the big disappointment which i have, and at the weekend all sections about pinball will be removed on my homepage.

(Plug warning: there is a feature about George here: http://pavlovpinball.com/phantasmic-pinball-creations/)
Looks like someone really p*ssed of George. I wonder if it really was Gary Stern.

It wouldn't be the first time that a genius has been derided for his knowledge and talents for the monetary gain of a bigger corporation.

The work this guy did was utterly brilliant imo.
He did some interesting stuff, but to upset Gary Stern ? Can't see that happening.
I think it was George that got upset with Gary. Apparently stealing ideas too?

Could just be another case of a talented individual feeling unappreciated by the audience he seeks?
Vacant see Gary Stern being slightly interested in anything George does.
Perhaps it was that lack of acknowledgment from the 'Pros' which made him think he was less appreciated that first thought?

I'm going to send the guy an encouraging email. Its the least I could do.
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