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Pinfest Parkrun


Site Supporter
Mar 28, 2016

I'm sure in the past I've seen people sneaking off to do the parkrun. Do you get back in time for breakfast (and if so, how fast do you do the run)?

Cheers, Stew
Hi stew looking at the website Daventry park run starts at 9. I’m sure breakfast will be on til 10 maybe even 10:30. I run park run up my way. My best is 17:18 but that was a couple of years and stone ago! Haha! I am tempted to but I plan to be in the lobby playing til late. I might throw my trainers in the car just in case. 😁
Yeah - it's not for my, but my other half. That's bloody quick, about 10 mins faster than me. As for my other half, she takes nearly 40, so being back in time may be a problem (& she certainly won't want to miss breakfast)
Haha like I say I couldn’t run that now. Breakfast will be my priority over park run that’s for sure. Your other half could always have breakfast first then do parkrun that would be interesting!! 🤢
I’ve had an early breakfast then done park run. It’s a loveley circuit round the lake. I’m very out of practice with park run but tempted to join any others who are thinking of going
Also remember you don’t have to run the whole course one can walk all, or even part of it. I’m sorely tempted given the course is a beautiful one too! Come and find me at pinfest later if anyone is up for it! I just need to locate my park run wrist band.
Bugger. Just seen this. I always try and do a Sat morning run when i come to Pinfest. Wasn’t to be this year as i bust a toe on holiday. I do have a nice 8-10 k Strava route some of which goes around the reservoir; for next year if anyone is interested.
Park run is on every sat so will be on next yr. didn’t make it as was up till 3am on the sat morning setting a GC score on scooby doo!
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