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Pinball rite of passage

I used to jam a piece of sponge ( not Victoria! ) into the trough eject to the shooter lane to save taking the balls out when lifting the playfield. I lost count of the number of times I put the glass back in and tried to start a game, sponge still jammed in there. I've got out of that habit luckily and just take them out.
Kev - I was once helping to set up someone else’s machine and found a pair of their old y fronts in the trough- I kid you not 😀😀😀😀
how was the RFM that let the special smoke out? It was pretty bad, and then nobody couldn't find its power button?
I bought a couple of games from a member on here who clearly didn’t know how to eject the balls. Each time she used old underwear to plug the shooter lane.
It was rather disturbing…….
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