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Pinball injuries and playstyles

One for today... Messing with springs for drop targets. Been stabbed in the finger by the sharp end.
Not as bad as a few months ago trying to get a spring on a flipper mech and it going between my fingernail and finger!

Fell in a Star Wars once, then had playfield land and top of me.
My dad had to drive round to free me...
After he stopped laughing he obliged

🤣No way? Did you happen to have your phone in the cabinet with you?!

I'm surprised there's no pinball related deaths after I had a playfield land on me. I did wonder what if I hadn't reacted quick enough and a mech hit me in the wrong location.
Being a lightweight at 10.5st dripping wet I’m always jarring my wrist trying to nudge a table and for some reason I too kick like a horse at times but no idea why.
I once had 2 local guys contact me to see if they could come play my pins and as usual said yeah no problem anytime.
I supplied a few bottles and as we started to play both had this crazy nudge technique where the slapped the button incredibly hard to both time the flipper hit with a combined nudge. I too do this but no where near the force of these guys who reminded me of Thor flailing his hammer.
Near the end I notice one of the guys had a handful of sovereign rings and though oh that’s what the noise was but on inspection of my cab noticed the horrendous cabinet damage of only 2hrs play!
So either they were trying to devalue my pins or were slightly envious of my lineup at the time.
Lesson learned that day check how people play and what’s on their hands and needless to say I never invited them back.
Another good reason for my button protectors I fit to all my non lollipop pins.
Not good, out of courtesy, if I was invited to play other people’s pins,…I just wouldn’t nudge, tilt or slap.
My back is messed up (not from moving pins although it can't have helped!) and I'm seriously considering a bar stool for when I play. Anyone tried this? Did it detract from your game?
I’ve got a herniated disc lower back, painful as f….
Waiting on an op for quite some time.
I’ve tried a stool but Na, not for me.
Loads of Skirt like this technique though 😃
I’ve got a herniated disc lower back, painful as f….
Waiting on an op for quite some time.
I’ve tried a stool but Na, not for me.
Loads of Skirt like this technique though 😃

They don't know what's wrong with mine. What I can tell you is dead lifting in the gym can be risky... Thought the bar stool was a bad idea tbh, desperate times!
They don't know what's wrong with mine. What I can tell you is dead lifting in the gym can be risky... Thought the bar stool was a bad idea tbh, desperate times!
It gets worrying when you lose mobility in your legs due to the pinched nerve.
Happened to me few times, one of the doctors advised to get some physio and stretching exercises and employ proper H&S advised lifting techniques 🙄
I said, “you are having a 🦒
I can sneeze some days and end up on the deck.
I screwed my back from my military days…..carrying crazy weight Bergans and pulling pulks up mountains in Norway
It gets worrying when you lose mobility in your legs due to the pinched nerve.
Happened to me few times, one of the doctors advised to get some physio and stretching exercises and employ proper H&S advised lifting techniques 🙄
I said, “you are having a 🦒
I can sneeze some days and end up on the deck.
I screwed my back from my military days…..carrying crazy weight Bergans and pulling pulks up mountains in Norway
Your past activities/work catches you up in the end😫 Heavy lifting/kneeling down etc
I was out in the garden all day yesterday moving heavy logs, cutting them down into lengths with a chainsaw then splitting and stacking them. Can’t bloody move today.
If it’s not my knees it’s my back and if it’s not my back it’s my wrists, I’m trying to stop drinking but it helps so much😂
I've had 3 rotator cuff tears ( muscle torn off in the shoulder ) repaired one of which happened lifting a machine out of a van. Pretty sure I have a weakness there from years of playing golf. Moving a machine is fairly easy most of the time with a hydraulic lift and sack truck but lifting/carrying a machine I avoid at all costs.
I've had 3 rotator cuff tears ( muscle torn off in the shoulder ) repaired one of which happened lifting a machine out of a van. Pretty sure I have a weakness there from years of playing golf. Moving a machine is fairly easy most of the time with a hydraulic lift and sack truck but lifting/carrying a machine I avoid at all costs.
I did that lifting a big old plasma TV on my own, I heard it rip😫 Had no treatment though but was painful for a long time.
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