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Pinball Beer - Any interest?


Site Supporter
Apr 26, 2016
Brewery I have worked with in the passed have just brewed a beer called Pinball as you can see it has a pretty awesome label

Its a pretty accessible beer in terms of flavour profile - NE Table Beer

If anyone is interested in grabbing some cans let me know and I can order accordingly... There has only been 2000 cans produced and majority will go to normal bars and disappear within a week

Presumably it tastes bitter & comes in a Limited Edition glass?

The artworks looks good, maybe a little too much pink for a beer label, but it’s really the taste and price that’ll dictate the level of success in my opinion.
Presumably it tastes bitter & comes in a Limited Edition glass?

The artworks looks good, maybe a little too much pink for a beer label, but it’s really the taste and price that’ll dictate the level of success in my opinion.

Its not a case of level of success, it will sell out within the weekend of the launch... Its a case of me buying extra for pinball community...

Love it !

but .....'table beer' .............what the hell is that ?? Does it just mean a weaker session beer :hmm:

Basically Table Bar is a lower ABV New England Style IPA... So it'll be well hopped and unfiltered
You know what... I'd love to partake in a can of that please!

It's Tilt's fault that I developed a taste for IPA at all, so may as well lol
I knocked these up for a friend's meet the other week.

I can brew anything in any quantity for you, either to your recipe or we can build one together based on your tastes.

These were just standard paper labels, but we can do much more intricate designs and prints.

I should be legal to sell from next week, so will post a bit more up when I can.

My brewery career has started...!
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