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Pin Number Two


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
My second pin arrived in the kitchen this evening and I'm absolutely made up
WCS has now been joined by Whirlwind!!! Massive thanks to Nick for bringing it over and helping me move stuff about and get setup. I'll take some pics tomorrow and put them up. I'll also be needing to change my avatar pic.....not really accurate anymore
I have heard this.....I'd only had the first one since May so it's didn't take long for the second one to arrive. I'm properly out of space now though so any more will need a house move.
Congrats on your second pin,
its all downhill from here. Like Chris say's #3 won't be far behind.
Yeah I went from 1 to 3 pretty quickly. Moving the one from my spare bedroom down the stairs next week. Its a right faff on taking the head off and putting it back on again :confused:
I swore to the missus three was the limit. Managed to jam 2 more in but she aint happy. Going to have to sacrifice one or two soon, and i really dont want to. Total nightmare.

Apparently we need a sofa more than we need pinball....
Took a few pics of the latest addition this evening with my iPhone so quality is not the best........



Looks good mate. I found a bit of maplin foaming spray cleaner on the spinners breaks down the dirt in the "crevasses"

Nicely so they come up real clean. I couldn't beat my score of 21 million before I sold it :-(

Also, a bit of magic sponge from the £1 shop will work wonders on those spinners

Now you have two, they will definitely mate, so not long before you have 3;)

Rather than sell one I just worked out I could fit another behind a door..........wife thinks I am bonkers!
Fantastic. Love that game. Playing it at the last pinball party i was begging for the fan to kick in.....lol.

I think that Marcospec.com have the spinner decals if you fancy some new ones.
Cheers all,

There's easily room for a 3rd one in place of that MAME cab

Too much time and effort has gone into that MAME cab for me to ever part with it. I also need it for my regular Street Fighter 2 fix.

Also, a bit of magic sponge from the £1 shop will work wonders on those spinners

I'm going to try the foaming spray cleaner as Gaz mentioned on them first as I've got some in the house but thanks for the tip. I'll give the magic sponge a go if the spray doesn't get the job done.

I think that Marcospec.com have the spinner decals if you fancy some new ones.

I saw these but I'm going to have a go at cleaning up the old ones first. When he brought it over, Nick mentioned that replacing the decals can be a right PITA so I might hang fire on it for now. Does anyone know whether those repro ones are the proper textured decals or just smooth. I've read posts on RGP where some people in the US order repro decals and they were rubbish.
I think they are abbrasive but not as good as the originals. I found mine cleaned up a treat with a bit of scrubbing. As long as they aren't lifting too much at the edges they'll be fine mate:)
Cool, there's no lifting at all
I'll have a go tonight and take a before and after pic.
I'd be looking at some motor upgrades for the spinners. Tron style......

Failing that, theres always this very cool mod for whirlwind:

Then there were two, Not long before #3 turns up

Yep the more machines next to each other, the better the look.
Loved Whirlwind at Daventry - wise purchase!!!

Me too, first time I'd played it was at Daventry and it went on this list of pins I wanted next along with BK2K. The one I've got is the one from the show at Daventry

So I did a bit of cleaning on the spinning discs this evening using the foam spray cleaner. I concentrated on the big middle disc to see what difference I could make with the first pic below being before I started cleaning.....


and then this next one is after I'd cleaned for a bit........


The flash went off in the second pic so I think thats making it look like its had more of an effect than it really has......what do people think? I reckon I'll have to pick up a magic eraser and see if that works better.

Also, does any one have any ideas on how to make the spinning discs quieter? I've got them set to normal but they make a bit of a rattle/screeching sound. It's not too bad but would be cool if I can get it quieter....is it just some grease on the bearings underneath?
looks loads better that does. Dont fancy the new decals yet then?

Not too clued up on the mechs of the spinners, but i would want to strip and rebuild them at the very least. I bet years of spinning away has taken its toll.
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1677557 said:
Updated avatar pic too...much better

Thought we had a new member with the same pins as you.
Those machines are too close together..........they will breed, BE WARNED!!!

Perhaps I should have put the MAME cab in the middle to keep them apart

Have to say that I'm absolutely loving Whirlwind, been playing and tinkering with it all day today. Spent some more time cleaning the discs and they look a lot better. Got a ramp protector on the way from Cliffy but I think I'm going to leave the scoop holes without, there's not much wear there and I like the look without having the protectors. I've also noticed that sometimes (not very often) the balls are spat out of the lock in the middle of normal play. I've had a look at the switches and I think the one for the first ball lock only comes on right at the bottom of the wires movement so I think that when the machine moves or is nudged the ball is moving on top of the switch and it's opening....I think just bending the wire so the switch is less sensitive will sort it. Has anyone had/heard of this problem before?
Not that clued up on sys 11 games but dodgy switches can be a common occurance. The WPC games that use opto leds to sense ball movement break all the time in well used games. Not that hard to fix, but it means soldering new leds to the old pcb or buying whole new units. The ball lock on my CV uses micro switches with long, flat arms that the ball rests on. When i first got it, it needed lots of adjustment to get the balls to properly close the contacts on all three switches. Eventually got ****ed off and bought new ones. Job done.

Spinner switches i hate the most. It just seems whenever i change one, it takes an hour to get it setup right so that it works properly....
Bent the wire and it seems to have solved the problem
Played for a couple of hours non stop this evening and the balls didn't get ejected from the lock at strange times at all. Two more minor issues to sort out now, one is the up/down ramp that goes up and down a few times when it moves position but Nick told me he'd stretched the spring to fix an earlier problem and over done it.....just need a new spring from The Legend.

The other I'm not so sure about. One of the top pop bumpers has stopped working. It fires when I run the solenoid test but not if I manually press down on the bumper skirt. I've never had to mess with pop bumpers before so I'm hoping it's something simple....any ideas? I'll have a look underneath tomorrow to see if anything has come loose but any pointers would be cool.
Check the pop bumper skirt is making contact with a little plastic spoon looking thing under the playfield. The little plastic spoon pushes down on a switch contact when the skirt is touched by the ball. It may just be a case of fiddling with the gaps on the contact switch, but worst case would be that the end of the skirt (the bit that makes contact with the little white spoon thing) has worn, and requires replacing. Rebuilding pop bumpers is a bit fiddly, but once done they can transform a game.
Cheers Rus, I didn't get chance to have a look at it today but will do tomorrow.....too busy playing
I did manage to hit the three way combo during a game today.....sets off a really cool siren noise
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1677524 said:
Too much time and effort has gone into that MAME cab for me to ever part with it. I also need it for my regular Street Fighter 2 fix.

Bit OT, but what MAME cab is that? Did you make it or buy it?
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