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Permanent Phone Solution For Village Hall


Oct 26, 2014

After some advice from the tech wizards on here please.

During lockdowns we invested quite a bit in my local village hall - aircon, new bar equipment, new kitchen etc etc Our aim is to push it more as an events venue (dances, bands, weddings, cinema etc) to help cover the massively increased electricity bills of late.

Is there a good way of getting a "permanent" phone number that we use on our advertising and bounce onto any mobile phone ? Theory being ..

1. It can be reassigned to other individuals over time as need be
2. We control the number - so if an individual leaves they don't take it with them
3. Volunteers don't need to carry 2x mobiles when they are "on duty" as it were

thank you
Hi David!

Plenty of online virtual number providers who provide a web portal/app so you can decide where it forwards to, have a look online, should be easy to set up for a few quid a month.

Good luck!
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