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Outlane stuck ball


Oct 1, 2017
Bath, UK
Even since I got the TAF apron powder coated I occasionally get a stuck ball down the right outlane.

it’s super annoying when it happens because you have to pretty much take the glass fully off the machine.

I’ve tried bending the apron towards the playfield hook things, and also adjusted the outlane metal guide thing, but the ball hitting it knocks it back down again after a few games.



Can I just sand down the metal guide slightly at the very end, or is there another way to sort this?

Here is mine with a decent gap, you sure you haven’t got big balls☺
(Thats an old ball)
I think the powder coat is adding a couple of mm, maybe more. I had to sand down the hooks that go under those playfield bracket things to get it to go under properly. It definitely can’t go any further in though.
A Dremel with a grinding stone on would take enough off the metal guide and should still look ok if you take your time.
Something defo wrong there looks like something is not fitted correctly.
As above, are the metal lane guides right? Can they be gotten wrong??

is 1 ball bigger than the rest!?
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Loosen the apron clamp thats screwed to the playfield.
Or maybe turn it 180
Cheers all.

Other side has a much bigger gap by design on B/W pins, so a total non-issue there.

Pretty certain all the balls are the same size, they were all bought at the same time. It’s possible they are wrong though lol, though I can’t see how I would’ve ordered the wrong ones!

There is a small amount of play available in the metal guide lane things (if you mean the two tier thing with the plastic bit on the top). Adjusting it slightly and screwing it back down is how I’ve been fixing it currently, but eventually it moves back to a natural resting place with balls striking it etc.

I don’t think the fitting of those can be gotten wrong as the black plastic standoffs sit in recesses in the playfield.

Apron is definitely seated properly, although the extra thickness of the powder coating does make it much tighter.

I’ll see about getting some photos. Thanks all.
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