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OT - Stuff that is (thankfully) total different nowadays


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Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Rather than take the thread about the potential death of pinball way too far off track I was thinking about general stuff from the 70s/early 80s that younger people would simply find hard to believe were true as the world’s changed so much.

1 education. Let’s just say it was patchy. Physical punishment of students was still normal. Geography text books had a hell of a lot of the world still coloured in pink as they were 30 years out of date. Kids could leave with no qualifications on their 15th birthday. Teachers openly dated 6th form students. Teachers regularly went to the pub at lunchtimes and taught drunk in the afternoons. We used to put metal pencil sharpeners on the grills in front of electric heaters and then use rulers to catapult them at other kids when they were burning hot.

2. Telephones. Way before mobiles. All were rotary dial but were strictly for looking at only and NEVER for using unless it’s an emergency. Want a lift? Use the secret ring code. 2 rings means “at the station” Even businesses had a no ring before 1pm policy due to costs.

3. Money. Seven and a half pence was a perfectly sensible price point. Bonus points for shops displaying a “d” sign rather than a “p”

4. Restaurants. The idea of casual dining just didn’t happen. If you ate out twice a year at a restaurant you were clearly rich. The exception to this was a “ploughman’s” in a pub, often shared amongst the family.

5. Child care. Old enough to walk and talk? See you later. Provided you were home before dark that was the end of parental responsibility. Decided to hang out on building sites or in a flat with strange adults. What could go wrong there?

6. Glue sniffing. Seriously. WTF. your local dealer would flog you a tub of evostick and you dumped it in a plastic bag. Girls would swoon over the bad boy look of crusty scabs all around the nose and mouth 🤮

7. Casual bigotry. To say I’m deeply ashamed of some of the terms I used growing up is a massive understatement. See the boy over there who has an ironed shirt? Let’s call him “bender” for the next five years ….. and that was mild.

8. Sending off for stuff. “Please allow 28 days for delivery”. Bonus points if it involved using postal orders to pay for it.

9. Vaccination scars. I missed this by less than a year. Everyone older than me had one on their arm. Pretty much as good as an ID card

10. Porn. Although proper magazines could only be sourced dumped in building sites there was in hindsight an amazing amount of nudity on TV. Not entirely convinced programs such as the sweeny and The Bill had to have quite so many scenes shot in brothels. Compulsory Saturday evening TV included the opening titles to “tales of the unexpected” purely for the boob shot. When channel 4 launched it was pretty much porn and countdown.

11 chokes on cars and rip cords on lawn mowers. Seems such an alien idea now. Forget about it and your engine becomes flooded and you’re not going anywhere.

It’s easy to think of the past as a great time full of pinballs and arcades but a lot of it was ****. Nostalgia has a lot to answer for.

What else do you remember that younger generations would struggle with? What things should we celebrate seeing the back off?
Calling round for friends and them not being at home. No way to find out where they are, take an educated guess, get on your bike and get pedalling or get walking. No wonder we were fitter and healthier (on average) than the kids today.
I’ve just had a flashback to those full page newspaper adds for ringtones. I didn’t even have a mobile until the early 2000s.
I remember the physics teacher at high school would throw the blackboard rubber in your direction if you weren't paying attention :)

I also recall the middle school (which was quite old even back then) had a pipe running around the back of the room for heating. Myself and a mate though it be a good idea to melt wax crayons on there in maths - maths teacher did not concur with this. We had to spend the rest of the lesson cleaning it of. We were gutted obviously ;)

And Texan bars - really with they would bring these back.
Calling round for friends and them not being at home. No way to find out where they are, take an educated guess, get on your bike and get pedalling or get walking. No wonder we were fitter and healthier (on average) than the kids today.
Always one poor sod in the gang who didn’t have a bike running along behind - sometimes right across town 😂
building sites that had no concept of security. Spent many a night riding around on the dumper truck they left on-site - no key needed just crank the handle and we were off. We also found a couple of hilti nail guns lying around and had hours of fun trying to shoot each other by holding a thin piece of wood up to the gun - the nail shot right through - my mate got me in the leg - still got the scar!
Skate spots - spending all summer looking for the elusive local ‘skate spot’ that no one else knew about and you could skateboard there all day, this could be a tiny slope behind a garage somewhere but that was enough! Then venturing further a field as a mini ramp had been built in a nearby village, then being booted off by the locals as it was “their ramp” - back off home to pick our knee & elbow scabs!
Skating in the 80’s - best memories 👍
The physical dangers we exposed ourselves to back then as kids makes me shudder 😂 Thankfully we all came through with nothing worse than the occasional broken bone …..

Just everyday 70s / 80s kids …

Climbing up ridiculously high unstable old trees to make a rope swing. Actually a lot of climbing - everything was eyed up as a climbing challenge for reasons unknown .

Playing chicken across busy roads.

Building potentially lethal stuff out of old pallets etc - ramps, rafts, bridges over ditches

Sledging or sliding down crazy slopes on literally anything .

Breaking into and wrecking an old long abandoned house and setting fire to it resulting in the fire brigade turning up and us escaping in a wild blind panic through dense woodland .

Walking out way too far on frozen rivers and gravel pits - that does make me feel queasy.

Run ins with angry dogs that just used to wander around looking for kids to harass 🤷‍♀️

Playgrounds with rusty broken equipment , jagged twisted metal and a nice soft concrete landing when you came off the roundabout at speed 😂

And then back home for your tea , parents none the wiser . Everyone happy . Good times 😁
Teachers regularly went to the pub at lunchtimes

One of mine didn't wait or even go very far; he'd write up a lot of text on the blackboard for us to copy into our exercise books and then leave the room, to his nearby hideout where he kept his supply. Fooling no-one, but shocking when i think of it now.

And I was sent to the bookies, in uniform as I recall, to put on a bet for a teacher.

When channel 4 launched it was pretty much porn and countdown.

With that red triangle top left corner. Rory Bremner's comedy troupe spoofed this; a couple getting amorous in bed - the woman says 'aren't you forgetting something?' (cue flashback when playing bsd) - the man reaches for a little box on the bedside table, takes something from it, then reaches up to attach a red triangle in the corner of the screen - back to the action.
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Definitely dog ****, was all over the pavements and kerb side back in the day. I remember back in the day visiting a friends house and his mum went bat crazy as I trailed dog **** all over her carpet from one of my trainers.

The upside of all the dog **** back then, it was easy to find for a game of ****e Alight 🔥 📰 👟 💩

Nowadays not so much dog **** about which is a good thing, looks like its a thing now though where people bag it and hang it on trees and bushes now.
Until 3 years ago there was an overlooked playground in Nunhead with the classic 70s rocking horse and slanty planet roundabout. No idea how they had escaped getting scrapped.

Many a nut jarring experience was had on both in the 70s.

The soft flooring next to them would never have existed though. Wusses.

To be fair that does sound like a rather niche experience 😂
Old abandoned buildings seemed fairly common then . Had little to no security, And were just treated as playgrounds until a nosey neighbour came along to tell you to clear off 😂That particular one was a big house by the river , still had a bomb shelter in the garden from the war. Crazy how it had just been left. Very much doubt it would happen now.
Being allowed to walk to my best friends house, probably 1KM away, across one of the busiest roads into town
Grandparents farm that had to generate their own power up until the 50's. I have a friend who currently lives on the same road, and now the push is for him to switch to solar
Swimming in the gravel pits during summer and finding an abandoned dredging barge to climb on and dive off of. I nearly drowned on a number of occasions 🤣
Buying massive bottles of woodpecker cider and fireworks from the little old lady at the shop who would serve any age. Then getting ****ed on the park and throwing the fireworks at each other before heading to the local petrol station to set a few off behind the forecourt building and laughing out heads off as everyone filling their cars sh*t themselves. No idea how we were never arrested 🤣
"10. Porn. Although proper magazines could only be sourced dumped in building sites there was in hindsight an amazing amount of nudity on TV. Not entirely convinced programs such as the sweeny and The Bill had to have quite so many scenes shot in brothels. Compulsory Saturday evening TV included the opening titles to “tales of the unexpected” purely for the boob shot. When channel 4 launched it was pretty much porn and countdown."

Ah, the porn fairy would leave raggy old Razzles and Escorts for you to find in hedgerows.
Modern picture. Just leaving this here... (Ofsted Outstanding nursery and he was supervised. This is part of the reason it's outstanding...)

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Yep there is a def move to getting kids doing this sort of thing . I think everyone realises that wrapping them in cotton wool away from ‘dangers’ isn’t a good thing - they need to get hands on dirty with stuff. Build up skills and resilience.
Mrs GrizZ is a head teacher - her school has a forest area and she has really pushed the forest school stuff - where they light fires, cook outside, build stuff , and at times go nuts using their imagination .They absolutely love it . And sometimes accidents happen but it’s all cool. Get them the hell away from screens.
"10. Porn. Although proper magazines could only be sourced dumped in building sites there was in hindsight an amazing amount of nudity on TV. Not entirely convinced programs such as the sweeny and The Bill had to have quite so many scenes shot in brothels. Compulsory Saturday evening TV included the opening titles to “tales of the unexpected” purely for the boob shot. When channel 4 launched it was pretty much porn and countdown."

Ah, the porn fairy would leave raggy old Razzles and Escorts for you to find in hedgerows.
The copy of the Kays catalogue (underwear section) was always well leafed in our house...
finding boxes of porn down the alley. riding bikes on a frozen grand union canal. mental when you look back.
Swimming in the gravel pits during summer and finding an abandoned dredging barge to climb on and dive off of. I nearly drowned on a number of occasions 🤣
When it came to playing over the Pits, Letting off home made petrol bombs was our favourite. Sugar and weedkiller was another great one.

making bombs in the garage whilst mum was out doing the weekly shop, what could go wrong :D
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