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OT: Covid boosters

Sorry to hear this, i was just about to send my next message but message like that puts things in perspective ... just a heads up since covid came along the world stopped along with a backlog of shipping agriculture now has a massive shortage of nitrogen fertliser, this will, if not this year then next lead to a massive shortage in a fair amount of food groups. if you think fighting over bog roll was bad wait till you are fighting over the beans .... it isn't going to get better any time soon ..... and to make it worse stern are making a rush pin !!!
To be honest didn't know her vax status, didn't feel right to ask.
Look 👀 fact: it kills people, it’s has been widespread but it isn’t really a serious pandemic ala 1920 spanish flu.
I maintain my view that this is a weakened variant. ie it spreads more but is a lot less deadly- the medical community support this view : therefore- the current panic is just a load of bollix. sorry. but that’s the way i see it
Is it not a big pandemic like Spanish flu because things have moved on since then?
If we had just left things as normal and no vax, maybe it would have been?
The one statistic that appears to have been completely suppressed is the number of healthy people croaking as a result of the vaccine itself. Also number of people contracting it after one, two or three jabs.
The vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching it - it just inprives your chances of not kicking the bucket. There is no story to tell on people Croaking from the vaccine.
Look 👀 fact: it kills people, it’s has been widespread but it isn’t really a serious pandemic ala 1920 spanish flu.
I maintain my view that this is a weakened variant. ie it spreads more but is a lot less deadly- the medical community support this view : therefore- the current panic is just a load of bollix. sorry. but that’s the way i see it

what medical community are you talking about Alan?

the current focus isn’t about people dying - and it never has been- it’s about ensuring the NHS can cope with the scale of the pandemic so that in the worst case you don’t watch your loved one die in the hospital car park, like what happened in India a few months ago - Accelerating the booster is the sanest way to do this because it means we don’t have to shut anything down and pay folks to sit on their ****s. even if this is a less deadly variant itncould still affect a large amount of people to cause a lockdown and nobody wants that so we should be taking this plan seriously.
IMHO: it’s all bollix- they are scaremongering. it’s not a pandemic like 100 years ago - spanish flu, and, when you mask out the natural deaths and seasonal flu deaths, it’s actually minor. don’t get me wrong, it’s real and it killed my Mum last year, but it’s not as serious as the authorities are making us believe, IMHO.

why are the scaremongering us Alan? What’s in it for “them?”
At the start of the pandemic we where getting documents internally that where passed down direct from the health secretary departments. Some of the documents are very eye opening and contradictory to what’s being fed to the general public.

An you share the “documents”? from my engagement in government I would say the opposite.

Since delta and omni we have had nothing!

What I do know from first hand experience since the vaccines and especially boosters is there has been a massive up kick in red one calls more often than not being fatal, with the individual having a jab or booster within the last week, there will certainly be some revelations down the road about all this.

compared to what? What you remember?!

when are you remembering from because I can barely remember 2018?

Have you any real stats or are you just <AlanJ>scaremongering?</AlanJ>
compared to what? What you remember?!

when are you remembering from because I can barely remember 2018?

Have you any real stats or are you just <AlanJ>scaremongering?</AlanJ>
Our turnout stats Neil, first part of this pandemic we barely moved a wheel quietest I have been in 15 years. Since the Jabs and boosters rolled out we’ve barely sat down.

Most of my close friends are also font line workers, a lot working on the ambos. It’s really not hard for any of us to remember going from stand still to continual calls and you always remember these people and situations, trust me you hear someone screaming at the news of a loved one it sticks with you some short term some long term.

The funny thing I found about all this is there’s no sides to take, I don’t think anyone is right or wrong as such. A bad case of Gastroangitis can make a person seriously I’ll and even kill a person. My neighbour is 80 something he was out gardening when he had covid, lad I work with Daz runs marathons he spent 3 weeks in hospital with covid and still is not right, on paper he should have been absolutely fine abd my neighbour should have been on deaths door, the unpredictable nature of any virus is the killer theres interesting debates from both sides.
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Look 👀 fact: it kills people, it’s has been widespread but it isn’t really a serious pandemic ala 1920 spanish flu.

Article from September:

Also worth bearing in mind how far medical science and technology has come in the interim.

I maintain my view that this is a weakened variant. ie it spreads more but is a lot less deadly- the medical community support this view : therefore- the current panic is just a load of bollix. sorry. but that’s the way i see it

The problem is we don’t know this yet. The evidence from SA suggests that it does cause a less severe illness, but their demographics are wildly different to ours - much younger average age, higher rate of past infection recovery, lower rate of vaccination, coming into summer when we’re heading into winter etc.

In terms of the medical community - everyone I know is worried about Omicron. NHS staff are exhausted from almost two years of the pandemic, many ICUs are already at 90%+ capacity and a new wave of hospitalisations has the potential to cause huge disruption to emergency medicine. Doctors are concerned that they could end up in a position where they have to triage admissions based upon likelihood of survival.

As I posted earlier in this thread, if Omicron hospitalises 50% less people who catch it than Delta, but it spreads three times as fast, admissions will rise. It’s just a numbers game with those being the key variables.

I honestly hope you’re right. As I said before, a variant that is much, much less severe and spreads much faster could start leading us out of the pandemic. But it’s just too early to come to any conclusions just yet. I don’t think now is the time to panic, but I don’t think it’s the time to relax either. Until we know more we should be cautious.

The story is in our ignorance of how people die:

In 2019, there were 7,565 deaths registered in the UK that related to alcohol-specific causes - are we stopping drinking?

There were an estimated 778 deaths of homeless people in England and Wales registered in 2019 - are we doing enough for the homeless?

4,393 deaths related to drug poisoning were registered in 2019 in England and Wales - people who argue about taking a vaccine but inject god knows what **** in to their arms, smoke or other BS?

Whilst we put up with that stupidity above there is no story in people who croak from the vaccine.

The story is in our ignorance of how people die:

In 2019, there were 7,565 deaths registered in the UK that related to alcohol-specific causes - are we stopping drinking?

There were an estimated 778 deaths of homeless people in England and Wales registered in 2019 - are we doing enough for the homeless?

4,393 deaths related to drug poisoning were registered in 2019 in England and Wales - people who argue about taking a vaccine but inject god knows what **** in to their arms, smoke or other BS?

Whilst we put up with that stupidity above there is no story in people who croak from the vaccine.


There is no story to tell on people Croaking from the vaccine.

Lot of waffle there for no story to tell.

The reality is that rare adverse reactions like this happen in pretty much every imaginable medical intervention, from major surgery to OTC pain medication.

The risk of developing a blood clot after the AZ vaccine is estimated at 1.9 in 1,000,000. As a point of comparison, the risk of the same from female oral contraceptives ranges between 6 and 10 in 10,000 depending on the contraceptive.

The risk of suffering from pulmonary embolism after the AZ vaccine is estimated at 1.3 in 1,000,000. The risk of the same from a flight longer than 12 hours is 5 in 1,000,000.

Also worth noting that covid-19 infection also has a higher risk of blood clots than the vaccine.

So yes, there are incredibly small risks involved. But it's good to have some context.
Still waiting for PCR test results but there isn't really any doubt: We are now a "Covid Household." I'm coughing like a heavy smoker and my son and wife have just had positive lateral flow tests.

My point is I AM SO GLAD we're all fully vaccinated.

Good luck - hope that you all have mild cases. Just today I've heard of six people who've tested positive. Not too surprising seeing as London is the current Omicron hot spot, but I've never known more than one or two positive cases at a time before.
With covid we are messing with very dark forces. The UK has not known dictatorship for centuries but many countries have been through it in living memory - Argentina, Chile, Italy, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain .....

Covid has led to fundamental reductions in human rights globally.

Let's start with the letter A

Australia - internment camps

Austria - fascist policing

Covid to vaccine passports to digital ID to Chinese social credit system. The wackos were saying this 18m ago, but more and more sensible commentators are singing from the same hymnsheet

People would do well to listen to first hand Jewish survivors of the Nazis regarding how their rights were salami sliced and it ended up with camps.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

And remember- not one credible source - UK, USA, South Africa .... is saying that omicron has killed a single person.

Word is that the current UK 2 jabs for travel and access to certain events will be 3 jabs by February 2022 if/ when the vaccine passports come in

The booster that Boris is telling you to take was designed before Omicron even existed. They are shutting down huge swathes of the NHS to vaccinate folk with this old technology.

Beforw covid, diabetes was usually stated as the biggest threat to the nhs with spiralling costs and long term needs of patients. I don't know who put this on twitter. These words may offend some, but as crude as they are; after you get the travel apartheid and the vaccine apartheid how about the obese apartheid ....

"The best way to protect to the NHS is to lock down fat bastards, start taxing them or let us kick the **** out of them. One of the three please Boris."

And then they came for me

This is not about the virus. It is about control
Good luck - hope that you all have mild cases. Just today I've heard of six people who've tested positive. Not too surprising seeing as London is the current Omicron hot spot, but I've never known more than one or two positive cases at a time before.
Having had relatively few cases prior to Omicron, there are now 16 kids in my daughter's school off with it today, plus 11 others self-isolating because they've been exposed to close family members with it but yet to test positive, plus 3 staff members tested positive - in Cheshire. No info whether any kids have passed it to their parents too.

That's roughly a quarter of the school taken out in the space of a week.
Pretty much every outlet and resource is saying Omicron is far more transmissible than the previous variants but not as severe which in the opinion of various medical experts is a blessing as it means a much greater spread of the virus without the severe effects creating a mass increase in anti body immunity.

Dr Angus Dalglish has been doing some really interesting interviews in the past couple of weeks saying as much, but in far more educated terms :lol: think his most recent was sky news and the guys POV is very interesting plus he basically calls Boris an idiot so straight away he’s not wrong :rofl:
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Have we hit Godwin’s Law already and we need to lock this thread?

I will ask this time.
What does our government or the medical advisors at SAGE have to gain by generating fear? I can see they use fear to get people to react and get a booster. Maybe avoid contact. Wear a face mask.
We are saying it is to avoid a possible future issue with resources at the NHS as we just don’t know how folks will respond.
But what do you think is their ultimate aim?
Have we hit Godwin’s Law already and we need to lock this thread?

I will ask this time.
What does our government or the medical advisors at SAGE have to gain by generating fear? I can see they use fear to get people to react and get a booster. Maybe avoid contact. Wear a face mask.
We are saying it is to avoid a possible future issue with resources at the NHS as we just don’t know how folks will respond.
But what do you think is their ultimate aim?
When lots are happening upfront, check the back door....#misdirection

Not saying this as fact before some dood gets on a high horse but worth a read...

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