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OT: Covid boosters

IMHO: it’s all bollix- they are scaremongering. it’s not a pandemic like 100 years ago - spanish flu, and, when you mask out the natural deaths and seasonal flu deaths, it’s actually minor. don’t get me wrong, it’s real and it killed my Mum last year, but it’s not as serious as the authorities are making us believe, IMHO.

The definition of “pandemic” was downgraded recently. Easier to create panic I suppose.
I'm glad to hear it. At the end of the day they need to be seen to act. Its a shame politics comes in to it, however at least we have policy underpinned by sound scientific minds, unlike some countries.

I've got a few trustworthy sources I follow and omicron could be a good thing. It's looking to be far more transmissible than Delta and far less deadly. This is a godsend combination if confirmed to be true. Will rid us of harmful delta and all majority of risk we face today.

But only for the vaccinated. Anyone who isn't, good luck to them because you're going to get it in the next 3 months with this 2 day doubling of cases. Why roll the dice? Trust science, not facebook. Get a jab.
Covid is certainly real, but personally I think there is a lot of selective reporting going on about how serious it is in the sense it’s just as serious and as unpredictable as other big yearly killers, seasonal flu, hypothermia even a severe case of gastroenteritis can be fatal to some.

What makes me question it is the bull**** I’ve seen over the last couple of years, specifically people who have died in front of me at work and then speaking with their families weeks later, their cause of death has been officially recorded as covid.
Got a fair amount of kids / staff down with it this week, most luckily just seem to have mild symptoms. Got “pinged” again on the way home tonight. Almost certainly based on a positive teacher in the room next to mine as the app can’t cope with walls etc.

Got to go through daily LFT testing which isn’t a big deal but I know hardly any teenagers bother 🤬
I've got a few trustworthy sources I follow and omicron could be a good thing. It's looking to be far more transmissible than Delta and far less deadly. This is a godsend combination if confirmed to be true. Will rid us of harmful delta and all majority of risk we face today.
Let’s hope you’re right and the FT are wrong.

IMHO: here’s my view:
cases will soar. so what! deaths won’t follow - this is the fear lie they are pushing. the more of the herd who get it, the sooner it dies. it’s all scaremongering. it’s also well known that as these viruses mutate they weaken. it’s utter bollix what the news and govts are feeding us.
Let’s hope you’re right and the FT are wrong.

That chart doesn’t contradict what @strobey is saying. He acknowledges that it’s far more transmissible than Delta, which is what that chart shows, but that he hopes that it is far less severe. If that’s true then he’s right, it could be a good thing - it will outcompete delta to become the dominant variant and cause less severe disease in those who catch it.

However, it would have to be significantly less severe given how transmissible it appears to be for it to really be a good thing. If it causes half as many people to be hospitalised, but three times as many people catch it each day, the pressure on the NHS will increase. A small percentage of a very large number is still a large number.

Unfortunately its too early to tell how this will play out as hospitalisations and deaths lag infections by several weeks and we only caught the first cases a couple of weeks ago. We’ll know more over the coming weeks, but it’s hit us at the worst possible time of year - cold weather, lots of indoor mixing in the lead up to Christmas, and then the Christmas / New Year period. Let’s just hope that the severity is significantly decreased or we could be in a bad position come Jan.

If it does turn out to be the best case scenario - much more transmissible and much less severe - then it could be a big step towards this becoming endemic. The Spanish Flu pandemic came to an end because the virus mutated into something much less deadly.
IMHO: here’s my view:
cases will soar. so what! deaths won’t follow - this is the fear lie they are pushing. the more of the herd who get it, the sooner it dies. it’s all scaremongering. it’s also well known that as these viruses mutate they weaken. it’s utter bollix what the news and govts are feeding us.

Not all viruses weaken as they mutate.

Edit: Just look at Delta - that was a variant / mutation which was more transmissible and caused more severe illness.
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Still OT, but my grandma used to say, every time I had a cold, a short rhyme. I'm sure some of you will have heard it, but I certainly never took it seriously, or passed it on to my daughter.

Coughs & sneezes spread diseases
Catch them in your handkerchief

It struck me recently that she would have been 16 in 1918 - I guess it could well have kept people alive back then, and there's probably some merit to it now.
This is the problem as usual, so much wrong information going about that people get mislead.
Everyone is an expert now🤷‍♂️
We mainly have the yellow card self reporting system that allows people to report 'suspect' deaths that *could* have a correlation with the patient receiving the vaccine. Even so, the 'suspect' number of 1,645 deaths between 9th Dec 2020 and 8 Sept 2021 is an incredibly low percentage of the 93 million or so vaccine doses administered in the UK over that period. And the official medical evidence suggests only 5 cases of death actually linked to the vaccine. (sourceL: https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2021/10/04/how-many-people-have-died-as-a-result-of-a-covid-19-vaccine/)

Honestly - it's ridiculous that there is so much fear mongering over the Covid vaccines, or vaccines in general. This all started with Dr Andrew Wakefield and his attempt to scam people into using his measles vaccine rather than the MMR vaccine. There's a good video on that scam here that I strongly recommend to any vaccine skeptic:

I love that youtuber I wish he did more videos!
anyone found a source of official stats on :

a) how many people are dying due to the vaccine itself ?
b) of new cases - how many are 1,2 or 3 times jabbed ?
On b), I don't know of any data but expect that it is now seen as an irrelevance as months ago we have moved away from expecting vaccines to block transmission as we now know their effectiveness is in preventing serious illness/ death. On death, there is plenty of data in this report that shows the effectiveness of being fully vaccinated at preventing deaths. It's a shame that press and politicians focus on misinformation reporting; I always look for the data and make my own mind up.


On b), I don't know of any data but expect that it is now seen as an irrelevance as months ago we have moved away from expecting vaccines to block transmission as we now know their effectiveness is in preventing serious illness/ death. On death, there is plenty of data in this report that shows the effectiveness of being fully vaccinated at preventing deaths. It's a shame that press and politicians focus on misinformation reporting; I always look for the data and make my own mind up.


Next update of this report is due next Monday:

I’m one of the immune suppressant lot, I was told to hide in a room in my house for 5 months , with 2 young kids this was never an option, I have had 3 jabs now all Pfizer, tbh it’s playing on my mind more than ever. I will say after being involved with the media after recent storms in the north , the media cut anything to make it sound bad
I’m one of the immune suppressant lot, I was told to hide in a room in my house for 5 months , with 2 young kids this was never an option, I have had 3 jabs now all Pfizer, tbh it’s playing on my mind more than ever. I will say after being involved with the media after recent storms in the north , the media cut anything to make it sound bad
The storms were awful for some around me (also Northumberland). Some were without mains water for 5 days mainly due to water pumps losing power and some without any power for 12 days which meant those relying on power to pump water out of their private wells were also without water for 12 days. And none of the oil fired boilers work without electricity and even an oil fired aga requires electric so no heat other than traditional fires / woodburners. And the mobile masts went down for 15 days too so many had no communications either. And most who live remotely keep animals so there was no real option to go check into a hotel. Northern Power were useless in communicating - kept saying that "power will be back on tonight" every day for 12 days. The press and army just didn't get out this far, so there was no external help whatsoever. The community just banded together to help those that needed it, but getting the message out was the hardest part as no internet / phones or those worst affected.
yup round hear it took 4 days before anyone could call anyone, it was like something out of a dr who trapped in small villages, people from the south think we are nuts but i thought my house was going to blow down, the wind although not as bad a kentucky tornado was the worst i have ever seen - and ive seen some **** !!! if it had happened in souther england - not including storm of 86 all hell would have been made of it and the damage would have been colossal, very weird few weeks as we one of the few who were last connected .... what a rive on
Yes - no levelling up in action here. I always have the amusement of listening to my wife shouting at the misreporting southern based news reporters on TV about how the just don't understand what the North is all about.... in her broad cockney accent (she's from Tottenham - sounds like Adele!)
levelling up , what a joke. the north has seen literally nothing in the last 5 years. luckily for boris covid has been a unwelcome distraction from the B word. I just love seeing literally everything going up by 40% genius - insert facepalm
levelling up , what a joke. the north has seen literally nothing in the last 5 years. luckily for boris covid has been a unwelcome distraction from the B word. I just love seeing literally everything going up by 40% genius - insert facepalm
Boris was a clown before Covid and keeps proving he’s an even bigger c*nt time and time again, all politicians are less than trust worthy but this current crop of conservatives give a new meaning to the word incompetence!
IMHO: here’s my view:
cases will soar. so what! deaths won’t follow
This is the problem. You can't guarantee that - nobody can.

There's ultimately no amount of feeling sorry for oneself that could be done to reverse time, if a mutation happens that suddenly does indeed make the thing incredibly lethal, or teratogenic, or something even ****tier than it already is at the moment, with plenty of people suffering long-term damage from its effects, a serious problem only being reduced by vaccine uptake.

One of the cognitive difficulties with taking precautions against risk, is that the risks that prompted the precautions feel less and less realistic if they never happen. Is that because the precautions work, or is it because the risk never existed? Did the carton of milk you prayed to last night answer your prayers, or was it just a coincidence?

Hence, the tendency to scaremonger creeps in, because some people don't respond to less emotive imagery.
This is the problem. You can't guarantee that - nobody can.

There's ultimately no amount of feeling sorry for oneself that could be done to reverse time, if a mutation happens that suddenly does indeed make the thing incredibly lethal, or teratogenic, or something even ****tier than it already is at the moment, with plenty of people suffering long-term damage from its effects, a serious problem only being reduced by vaccine uptake.

One of the cognitive difficulties with taking precautions against risk, is that the risks that prompted the precautions feel less and less realistic if they never happen. Is that because the precautions work, or is it because the risk never existed? Did the carton of milk you prayed to last night answer your prayers, or was it just a coincidence?

Hence, the tendency to scaremonger creeps in, because some people don't respond to less emotive imagery.
One thing that is guaranteed - the hospitality industry is destroyed (again).
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