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Sold (or trade) The Shadow £1850

Sorry Hen TeeTee, no thanks. Your offer of £350 less than the asking price wasn't too enticing, and then someone answered for me.

Welcome aboard, shipmate? Aaaaaaarrr pieces of eight shiver me timbers etc etc
Sorry Hen TeeTee, no thanks. Your offer of £350 less than the asking price wasn't too enticing, and then someone answered for me.

Welcome aboard, shipmate? Aaaaaaarrr pieces of eight shiver me timbers etc etc

Dan also has an annoying habit of defusing situations, which is probably just as well bearing in mind the reply i was in the process of typing.... Cheers Dan ;)

HenTeeTee - You may "own" 3 businesses, however this is the big bad interweb, so please realise that bouncing that about as justification for your point doesn't get you anywhere.

In my "real" job I'm in customer services too (in a rather convoluted way), and have been for the last 25+ years. I also used to own and run the UK's biggest forum some while ago. Does that make my points any more Valid than yours?


I just run this place, along with my esteemed co-admins who keep the place afloat on a daily basis :)

At the end of the day the For sale/Wanted/Trade forum is here for one reason alone - to put people in touch with each other. I'm all too aware that a lot of trades and sales go on here via PM's and thats not a problem - this isn't Ebay, this place doesn't charge for stuff like this, and people will discus these things wherever and in a manor they see fit. Some only get on once a day - some are on here all day.

People will be people and everyone is different.

Everyone is welcome here - including yourself.

Oh and PS - if you pick up a mint Shadow for £1000-£1300 then you have done very well... Personally tho i cant stand the game - but thats my opinion ;)
you got yours working yet, Rudi?

you've certainly dived right in with your first pin, very impressed with how you've gone and researched everything and tried your hand at mechanical fixes, electrical fixes, optos, magnets, etc etc etc .... it must be perfect now? so what's your high score? did you get to the Final Battle?
Well it's working but I've cheated at the mo I put I a 5amp fuse to stop the magnet blowing I still need to investigate that. Balls are still getting stuck on the 3rd switch in the lock might re bend that later. And the battle field popper still sticks up every 20 games or so no idea y it's running freely and won't do it in solenoid test ill have to take a vid next time. So apart from that its done still wanna rede cal the backbox and put new legs on at some point. My highest score so far is just under 389.000.000 not got final battle yet but did get 1 away from it in the progress thing me tho
I think the shadow is quite a hard machine, the main cause being that the left phurba is so low in the playfield that a missed shot has a very good chance of ricocheting sdtm or down the left outlane. Saying that you can have a really good game when your timing is on and you make the phurba with ease.
I did an 8 loop combo last night using the outer loops and both ramps diverted both ways. You can 9 times out of 10 do either ramp if you wait till the ball gets to the tip of each flipper found that with a lot of machines. I want to put some more tilt on mine just need to unseize the rear leg bolts or wait till I get new legs
I did an 8 loop combo last night using the outer loops and both ramps diverted both ways.
you musta got more than 389M on that game, surely? i'm sure that if you can get Vengeance and then Super Vengeance, beat the Battlefield twice, and maybe get a couple of inner loops going, that would be enough to get you at least 600M. Bowen did a great tutorial where he explored the merits of going for only loops or only modes or Battlefield or Vengeance ...... the inner loops were way more valuable than anything else

savage game i agree. really difficult. brutal, in fact.
That's the highest one I've noticed anyway its still not given me a knock or high score yet. Got super vengeance the other day to. I don't cheat like Kevlar either I'm on 3 balls lol
Haha. I've only got to final battle once and that was with 5. If I ever get to the point where I get there fairly often I will drop a ball or 2 but I don't think that's ever going to happen. My high score is 1,089,261,000 but that's with 5. The meet I played in last Sunday had everything on 4 balls except where it had to be 5.
I'm not his spokesman I'm just stating if you read back through all the comments he says the cash price is fixed but is open to trades. But by all means carry on and troll. I was trying to help because you were unable to read sheesh!

Dan is one of the good guys

My replies were not trolling - if you think that is trolling you live a very shelterd life.

Also did you actually bother to read my reply where I quoted him saying "unlikely to reduce it" - where does that say "will not reduce it" - it wasn't a definite negative, it was a probably negative - they aren't the same thing.

I made an offer at a value I thought the machine was to me - simple as that - only to get jumped on for no reason. How would you have responded if you were a new user to this forum and someone did the same to you?
Basically I wouldn't of been as gormless in the first place lol. He's answered you now.

On a more positive note the shadow is very popular at the mo a few have sold here lately one for 2.5k others cheaper. Mine will prob be for sale early next year
gif you are boring me back to death.gif
no idea, probably Shaun of the Dead or something similar

HenTeeTee, take a chill pill dude, grab a beer and take some deep breaths and sit down and come back and start again. i'm sure you're a nice guy and you just got off on the wrong foot is all. i'm sorry i didn't reply to you directly sooner in the thread, i meant no disrespect by it.

fancy a nice Freddy Nightmare pin for a Solstice Special price of £750?
cmon you know you want to
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