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Northern Lights 2014 Tickets now on sale.

Looks like my Dirty Harold will be joining the South Coast party. Add him to the list [emoji41]
Nice one.
Will look forward to a few games on DH.
A very nice example of a cracking game.
Does anyone know what my chances are of being able to pay at the door for northern light ?
Ticket booking is closed, and only just been given the ok from work to have it off.
Really don't want to get there travelling from watford to find out I can't get in.
It's never been an issue before getting tickets on the day. The people on the door usually try (and fail) to make 2 seperate queues, one for people with tickets and one for people without.

I recall 2 years ago when there was an almighty cock up getting the show started (the official word was it was a power issue when the truth was they simply were not ready) so it didnt start until about 90 minutes after it should have. They made the 2 queues but let them both in at the same time, the queue for people without tickets was tiny so they got into the event far quicker than those who were organised. Last year worked out much better thankfully.

The above is nothing to do with NLP, more to do with the Play Expo event itself.
Ticket woes.............HELP!

Bought two tickets for Sunday and two for Saturday have arrived. Checked Paypal and it states I booked Saturday. Can anyone from the NLP help me out please? Also, best to check your ticket dates(if you have only booked one day)
Went to book earlier... and cant... looks like i'm buying on the door :( Rats!
It's never been an issue before getting tickets on the day. The people on the door usually try (and fail) to make 2 seperate queues, one for people with tickets and one for people without.

I recall 2 years ago when there was an almighty cock up getting the show started (the official word was it was a power issue when the truth was they simply were not ready) so it didnt start until about 90 minutes after it should have. They made the 2 queues but let them both in at the same time, the queue for people without tickets was tiny so they got into the event far quicker than those who were organised. Last year worked out much better thankfully.

The above is nothing to do with NLP, more to do with the Play Expo event itself.

Last year, on the Saturday I think, I waited in the "have a ticket" queue at opening time for a good hour and a bit (the queue went all the way round the sides of the building to the main road, and was probably four people wide), whilst the peeps with no tickets wandered to the front and went straight in...
Ok so home now, feeling utterly exhausted from 2 solid days of nothing but pinball, pinball and more pinball. Is there a medical phrase for it? If not there should be!

What an absolutely amazing event from NLP, the organisation, tables and above all, the people were top draw. Had a chance to meet quite a few of you for the first time and others who may not be, too many names to mention on here and may have forgotten a few by now but you all know who you are :D. It was a bit surreal to see Gary Stern there (or Mr. Stern when I spoke with him :)), sound bloke.

So many great tables, favourites being Ade's Circus Voltaire, Marks Twilight Zone, Wizard of Oz and all of the AC/DCs, big thanks to the Slam guys for bringing those, it's on my pin bucket list and my favourite Stern table by a bajillion miles now. Also getting my name on the high score table on one of them was awesome too, it's great when a game just comes together.

The lock in was a blast and probably the best part of the whole weekend, and well done to Dan for lugging all those pizzas back :clap:

Big thanks to everyone organising and was great to lend a hand on the Friday and all the best with the clear up :thumbs:

One last thing, Mr Stern is a table hog, he had a game on Spider-Man and I was waiting behind, when his game finished he just played another! Tut tut Mr. Stern :rofl:
Ok so home now, feeling utterly exhausted from 2 solid days of nothing but pinball, pinball and more pinball. Is there a medical phrase for it? If not there should be!:rofl:

Good to meet you - thanks for the help setting up. Just got home, buzzing from a manic weekend.:clap:

Was great to meet so many Pinball info-ers this weekend, a lot of names now have faces to match :)

Thanks @kevlar for halving my hotel costs (hope you made it home OK) .

Big thanks to @mission65 for helping me cram my machines into my trailer tonight.

It was a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year! :thumbs:
Top bananas. Shattered now though. Six hours sleep, then doing some more pin deliveries to the wonderful loaners

Thanks kindly of course to everyone that helped. Too many to individually name, which is a huge credit to our community.

Was nice to meet Windoesnot, and Kevlar (very briefly.. Apologies!).

More thoughts later when I've recovered!
Big thanks to all the NLP guys and anyone else who helped to make this an awesome weekend. Thanks also to all those that pledged machines, what a great lineup. Great to put all lot of faces to forum names, probably met even more but didn't realise who you were :). Can't wait till next year.
Well done and massive thanks to everyone who contributed to put this show together - amazing people, great pin line up and enough space to swing ten cats!! Had a blast! Cheers dudes, til the next time...
I had a great weekend.

The NLP guys and loads of other helpers put a lot of hard work into this. Thanks again to all the crew.
Awesome weekend as always :D Big thanks the the NLP guys, everyone who provided a game, helped with the setup and tear down or supported the show in some way :thumbs:
Cracking weekend as usual guys, the feet are still killing!!!!! Back home now and unloaded the fish tales which at Pauls fun corner had an amazing 380 plays over the weekend!!!!!

See you all soon Kev & Matt.
As per everyone else, great weekend, huge thanks to NLP for a superb pinball experience and the lock in was great with plenty of time and pins available, I was like a kid in the candy store, and nice to meet so many people from the forum
Cracking weekend as usual guys, the feet are still killing!!!!! Back home now and unloaded the fish tales which at Pauls fun corner had an amazing 380 plays over the weekend!!!!!

See you all soon Kev & Matt.

Huge thanks again for the use of your table Kev. Your FT is just beautiful inside and out, and your generosity was really really appreciated. Thanks :) Was fun watching it from a distance. I saw a few kids playing it and their jaw dropped when they realised it was the same machine as the video game they had played.

Thanks also of course to @replicas who (along with everything else he was doing) kindly brought his Flintstones for use with the dance-mat contraption I hacked together. Cheers buddy!
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Huge thanks again for the use of your table Kev. Your FT is just beautiful inside and out, and your generosity was really really appreciated. Thanks :)

Thanks also of course to @replicas who (along with everything else he was doing) kindly brought his Flintstones for use with the dance-mat contraption I hacked together. Cheers buddy!

Kept coming back to that FT, playing with an Xbox controller was a great twist, finding myself trying to nudge the controller was funny.

FH with reversed flippers was interesting too...my brain couldn't cope with it. @kevlar suggested playing with your arms crossed so your hands are still operating the correct flippers, made it a bit easier but still a head****.

Sorry didn't even attempt the Flintstones dance machine - dancing not my thing. Good to see something a bit different though.:thumbs:
Was even funnier Mark seeing you swinging the controller in your hand whilst playing it ;)

The Fish Tales was one of the many highlights of the weekend for sure.
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