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Northern Lights 2014 Tickets now on sale.


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Jul 21, 2011
Nipper Pinball
We now have discounted tickets on sale for the 2014 Northern Lights Pinball Show.

You can buy them now from our website at


If you want to save on postage we will be at NERG and will have them on sale there.
Also we will have them for sale at the Pinball Party.

These are discounted for the pinball community and you will not find cheaper.

Northern Lights Crew.
You are going to be blown away, it's going to be a mega weekend.
These shows are great for people to reignite the old passions. The work you guys put in is astounding to say the least.

One question though; Is there any plans to let people hear the machines properly? Now or in the future?

I realise the semantics of trying to get folk to let you hook up an audio device to a loaned machine and whatnot, but surely there must be 'some' scope to allow this at another time?

Even if there were only a handful of games that you could properly hear via headphones,it would be a huge improvement and it would go a long way in setting life long passions in those that used them.
Since we have talked about this on the forum I am going to see if I can sort out a few machines that can be used with headphones.
Watch this space.
The true pinball player likes to know what's going on and not being able to hear anything makes it a little hard to do,
If you built a mod that puts an audio jack/ USB audio connection in the front door where the coin return slot is I'd buy some :)
As we speak @Paul is making some Bluetooth units up for some of the machines that we be at NLP.
The true pinball player likes to know what's going on and not being able to hear anything makes it a little hard to do,

I'd disagree, a true pinball player has the ability to filter out all the other noises in an arcade and concentrate on the game at hand.
That's the problem, if all machines are turned up they all drone out each other.
If you want to hear a machine then the only way is to turn off all the others off , or listen to it on headphones.
It would be nigh on impossible getting the balance right between different machines. And older machines tend to only make noises when things happen whilst playing, whereas modern pins tend to have a continuous stream of background audio/music. And poor old EMs aren't even adjustable as totally mechanical (and rather quiet). At UKPP last year there was BK2K turned up full and it was deafening, painfully so, not only to play but to be within 2 or 3 pins distance. Right put me off!
Not when that's all you can hear all day long.
I'm still have ing therapy and nightmares for having to listen to that R+B that was turned up loud one year. Wrong Hat, Wrong Hat.
My wife wakes me during the night and says what hat.
There are some call outs that drive you nuts or tunes that start to really irritate. Add in two days already, setting up and running events and by Sunday I start to lose it.
We don't need to go deaf at these events, a sensible volume is just fine.
As we speak @Paul is making some Bluetooth units up for some of the machines that we be at NLP.

Got it working, however despite supposedly being "stereo" it's definitively mono in the headphones. I'm gonna order another BT unit and see how that goes...
Got it working, however despite supposedly being "stereo" it's definitively mono in the headphones. I'm gonna order another BT unit and see how that goes...
Which machine/s are you testing with. I thought most (even modern Sterns) were mono. From memory only the Data East range were stereo.
Your up early Paul ;)

I am most days :( ;)

However i meant at the earpiece stage. I think i may have a faulty BT unit... everything directly connected via BT to the headphones is stereo - everything through the BT unit is one ear only... :(
Just a bump on the nlp show at play expo Folks,tickets still available so if haven't got ya tickets c'mon perps promises to be great,tickets avail at web page and will be on sale at the show this month at Daventry!
message me Pudseypinball or Replicas and we will bring what tickets you require and sort out a meeting time for anyone wanting NLP discount tickets this weekend
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