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New vpw table, iron maiden


Site Supporter
Sep 5, 2021
Dereham/ Norfolk
Steven Dale
Love or hate virtual pinball, everyone has they’re opinions
But the way digital pinball is heading, is bloody exciting

Check this upcoming release of iron maiden, it’s simply outstanding

And will give thousands of people, the opportunity to play this masterpiece, in the comfort on their own home

What's the legality of it all? I thought recreations or modern Pins got shut down pretty quickly?
I have no idea
When watching this, I did wonder what stern might make of it
I can only assume, that the loophole is that these tables are a free download, so no money or sales are involved
What's the legality of it all? I thought recreations or modern Pins got shut down pretty quickly?
Happened with the GB table but eventually they get circulated around and not hard to obtain.
Does look good and promising way forward.
I'm surprised Stern didn't kick on with their Stern Pinball Arcade partnership, especially with current manufacturing issues and I doubt it would have affected sales of their real Pins.
doubt it would have affected sales of their real Pins.
Yeah, most people into v pins, are not in the position to collect real pins.
These digital recreations, will have zero effect on sales, wouldn’t think the likes of stern are worried one bit
Love or hate virtual pinball, everyone has they’re opinions
But the way digital pinball is heading, is bloody exciting

Check this upcoming release of iron maiden, it’s simply outstanding

And will give thousands of people, the opportunity to play this masterpiece, in the comfort on their own home

Now how the heck have they done that.

I'm not super familiar with the IMDN graphics - I assume these are all recreations? Otherwise they would have had to have gotten access to the assets somehow. @Fubar probably knows more about that than me.
Can't find any technical info about it. Anyone got a link to a forum thread or something?

Graphics look original from what I can remember of mine. My guess would be that the original code is running in qemu, but it's possible that they lifted the assets and rewrote the game...
Amazing work. Interesting how they got hold of the assets?

Looks like it plays really slow though.
Happened with the GB table but eventually they get circulated around and not hard to obtain.
Does look good and promising way forward.
That was taken down as they ripped the code out the pinball arcade version. Stern had nothing to do with it.

There is no agreement in the VP community about current tables with Stern. Gary Stern couldnt be ****d from what he told me.
Still a work in progress (early access), but pinball FX are releasing more WMS tables. Latest new one is Swords of Fury, and Road Show is one of the re-released ones @David_Vi have you tried that version yet?

With VPX and similar if it just a few hundred using it then Stern may just take the view that its not worth the bother taking action until or unless a properly licensed version becomes available (which seems inevitable but not imminent).
Still a work in progress (early access), but pinball FX are releasing more WMS tables. Latest new one is Swords of Fury, and Road Show is one of the re-released ones @David_Vi have you tried that version yet?

With VPX and similar if it just a few hundred using it then Stern may just take the view that its not worth the bother taking action until or unless a properly licensed version becomes available (which seems inevitable but not imminent).

Hey Wilbers!
I haven't bought pinball FX. It didn't appear to add anything new and was getting mixed reviews.

I dabble with vpx occasionally and it seems the better option for learning tables. Can't find a nice Road show tho (not that I need one 😁)
This vid shows more gameplay
Maybe does play a little slow, but table is work in progress, so final release will probably be more polished

This vid shows more gameplay
Maybe does play a little slow, but table is work in progress, so final release will probably be more polished

Frame rates look low in that video so either it’s not optimised well or a low spec setup.

My current in progress mini pin runs fine with Pinball Arcade (cabinet version) VPX and Pinball FX3 on a 32in QHD gaming monitor running 2660 x 1440 using a GTX 1070 8gb.
However it struggles like hell on the new Pinball FX
My main rig i9 with 2080Ti works perfect on FX fulll quality setting in 4K but dam if I’m using that on a mini pin project.
Love or hate virtual pinball, everyone has they’re opinions
But the way digital pinball is heading, is bloody exciting

Check this upcoming release of iron maiden, it’s simply outstanding

And will give thousands of people, the opportunity to play this masterpiece, in the comfort on their own home

That looks really good but definitely slow as David pointed out.

Really impressed with the graphics and how the ball travels though, very clever.

Every time I see that game I think I want one, the upper flippers & loops look fantastic and it makes me want to learn the rules . . . . and then the noise starts and I don't 😂
I've only just realised Batman '66 has been released (a year ago!), will have to look at getting that setup. Looks pretty good from the videos.
Got Batman '66 installed today, fantastic! I was able to make all the shots that I could when I had the real thing and from the look of it the rules, videos and sounds are the same.

I'm also slowly starting to get my head around DOF (Direct Output Framework) as I had to do some configuration to get feedback working on it. It was made harder as I don't have my VPin's configuration on the DOF website. Through trial and error I've got most of the feedback working and it should be easier next time now I've saved my setup. Still a bit more to do with it though like getting the speaker lights working. Looking forward to Maiden now!
I'm not sure but it would be odd for so much time and effort to be spent creating 2 different versions of the same table.
I think this one that’s been released, he’s been working on it for a while. He didn’t know VPW were working on one too. I could be completely wrong though!
Yep, this isn't the VPW one, this one is a heavily modded version of JPSalas's Mago De Oz table.

I don't generally bother with the non-rom based tables, but I'll make an exception for the VPW IM and give it a bash - Their stuff is generally top notch.
BM66 is probably the best Pup Pack game I've played. Iron Maiden feels like a Pinball FX table (the arcadey non-Williams ones). Still a great effort but as noted by others this one isn't the upcoming VPW version.
Just set up Iron Maiden on my 2 screen Vpin. Made up a new backglass as the one that came with it wasn't very good.

Also set up Batman 66
That looks a good size. I've got a full size 4k setup but wouldn't be against something smaller to reduce the floor space it takes up. My previous Ultrapin was Safecracker size and I still also play on a 10" tablet.
Yes, this one uses a 27" screen for the playfield and is great for in the house. My real Pinball Machines all have to go in the garage.
suspect stern are not in favour is that their license requires them to stamp out illegal copies and this is an illegal copy on the Flip side it might help sell more real games
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