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New members - say hello right here : )

Sounds good, how does the league work?

Have a read of the info on the league website:


Our league co-ordinator is Kate Morris (hoochtheseal@ymail.com) and the first meeting is at John Bateson's (boffbiff@hotmail.com) place in Grantham on Nov 11th. If your interested in attending them please drop them a mail for more info

Just want to say hello. I am in the Swindon area. Only have 1 pin at the moment, a Data East Batman. I know it's not considered one of the greatest machines but we love it....
I agree. It gets played to death in my office. For the future I want to get Star Trek Next Generation, Apollo 13 and Bride of Pinbot so a lottery win would be useful right now!
Welcome Dalek.

Of all the things I am not very good at, winning the lottery is top of the list. Followed closely by 'having rich relatives that die and leave all their money to me'.

I will keep working on both of these things.
Yeah DE Batman is great. Data East tend to get a bad rep...

They made some great games though, Star Wars is a particularly good one (espescially when the new rom code is released in December)

I have 3 other Data East tables. Rocky & Bullwinkle, Simpsons and Hook. The weakest one of those is the Simpsons but then the theme carries it IMHO

Lots of people rave about Medieval Madness but I just dont get it, its pretty good but not the Holy Grail everyone seems to rate it as. I always wanted to play it becaue it looked cool with the big castle and draw bridges etc. Ive played it a good few times now and I am a bit dissapointed with it really. Saying that Attack from Mars would probably be one of my favourites which is very similar gameplay wise so go figure :confused:

One mans poison is another mans cure...
I'm Neil, I've always loved pinball but never had the space for a table until now.

I love the engineering aspect, the themes, artwork and of course, the gameplay.
i have to say I find it a little daunting but after bulding a number of Lowrider cars with hydraulics running well over 3000Psi at 36v, hopefully I'll be OK

I do have a multimeter and larger than health selection of car waxes!
Welcome mate. I love low riders. Good luck with your pinball hunt and welcome to the forum. There's plenty of friendly advice available here. And normally a few machines for sale too
Yeah, if you can go low, you can do pinballs. The wiring is straight forward and then it becomes the trouble shooting on issues and circuit boards, that is where the forums help out as someone will have the answer.
Have you bought a table yet? Do you know what you are looking for?
Thanks for the welcome guys. I'm in the process of trying to buy my first table. I know what I'm looking for but apparently Big Bang Bars are a little tough to come by.

So far list includes:

Family Guy
The Shadow
etc. etc.

but I'll start with one, in the house and we'll see from there. this is supposed to be cheaper than building cars ;)
I said the same comment about cars. I haven't bought one or a bike since I got into pinball but one pinball is never enough.
Have you been able to play the tables in your list? It might change your opinion of what you can live with, I wanted a Family Guy until I played it and realised it was not for me just yet. Someone will probably let you play an example of theirs but a show is also a good bet.
Welcome to the forum Neil, some great games in your wish list. Family Guy might be a tricky one though as there aren't many in the UK and the people who have them don't let them go. All the others should be pretty attainable though, Steve Arnold has got a Flintstones for sale at the moment.
Great choice Neil, Shadow is a fantastic game....really need to get the shop job on mine finished. Depending on where your getting it from and who you may want to see if a local forum member could come with you to check it over with you if your not sure what to look for.
I'm buying off a member of this forum with 600+ posts and a history of providing mods to pin owners. The table was apparently workshopped some time back and I am able to see it working. I know to look for cracks missing bits etc. I also understand that the knife diverters can wear (but am unsure how to check for this).

Angelsey is a bit of a way to expect someone to accompany a noob with 4/5 posts at 2 days notice I think also. I'll post lots of pictures once its back home. but heres a couple of unrelated car pics...





I think you will be getting good advice from the seller then, that table looks like a very nice one.

That Chevrolet is simple porn to me. I have wanted to own one for years, since seeing them in old movies. Do you still own it?
nope, both gone, (and both chevys actually) the truck went to pay for the conservatory, which gives me space for a table, so not all bad
No wing man needed if your getting that Shadow. Buy with confidence from Dreads, he's a top man :D
Thanks guys. I figured all would be well. I bought the truck from a us forum. People who go on forums regularly tend to be enthusiasts.
So I went to see Andy over in wales and picked up my shadow. I have to say thanks for the information on pins and letting me poke around a part of your collection. The table is exactly as described and Andy really is a top guy.

I've had a few games now. Figured out how to reset the high scores and change to 5 ball mode for learning

I officially own a pinball machine people! I'm a little overexcited.
So I went to see Andy over in wales and picked up my shadow. I have to say thanks for the information on pins and letting me poke around a part of your collection. The table is exactly as described and Andy really is a top guy.

I've had a few games now. Figured out how to reset the high scores and change to 5 ball mode for learning

I officially own a pinball machine people! I'm a little overexcited.

Welcome to the madness officially. Now go play that bad boy :rockon:
Just wanted to say hi to everyone, my names joe and i've been into console/arcade/retro gaming for years but just started getting into pinball over the past year...looking to get my first pin soon but a bit scared of the current situ re prices....oh well....my fault for leaving it so long lol!!!

Based in london btw....:)
Yeah, I left it too long and hear of the days when pins were bought for £50 and a pint. Do your research, try to buy off the group and consider something which is not a trophy pin and you should be fine.
Where abouts in London, I am near Watford?
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