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NERG 2015 - Back to the NERG!

Big Phil

Site Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
County Durham

NERG is back next year. June 20th & 21st.

As usual, something like this couldn't happen without you and once again, I'm calling on your help and support.

Pinball donations are welcomed. In return, you get your transport costs paid for and free entry into the event for the weekend.

I have an agreed rate with a local hotel and I have a batch of rooms reserved. If you're donating machines and would like to stay over, let me know and I'll put your name against one of the rooms. They £70 per room per night B&B. It's the same hotel as last year which is really smart.

There is also a chance to win a Back to the Future pinball machine which is being raffled off for the Bright Red blood cancer charity.

Any questions, fire away!
NLP well be supporting NERG as always.
Reserve me a twin Phil, more names will follow.
Looking forward to it and also Mr Sysons pub crawl around Newcastle city centre in the evening. Bring it on.
I'm sorting out a proper license to sell raffle tickets for the Back To The Future pinball machine. That means, those that can't make it to the event will be able to buy tickets from me online.
I have never been to an event like this before

For the newbies like me, could someone give a flavour of what is involved in taking a machine as I would like to support this if I can. I need to take back boxes off my wpc games to get them out of the house. My recent vector is so much easier to dismantle and is much easier and lighter to move around with my limited gear

Turn up early Saturday morning to install the machine ?
Randomly grab someone to give you a hand getting it out of your vehicle and carrying it in ?
Normally a home pin only gets used for a short time, at a show it will be far more intense
If a game needs some "reactive maintenance" (broken drop target for example is a risk on a vector) at these things, can you just power it down, open it up and fix on the spot, or do you have to "stretcher it off?" and fix elsewhere
Do the professional guys like pinball heaven offer a hand to get them going again if it is more serious ?
What I've found at the events around the country is the pinball community are VERY helpful. They all muck in to help out.

Events vary when it comes to costs but at NERG, I pay your full transport costs. Some of the guys who live close together share a van.

Set up day is Friday. Once everything is complete, we head back to the hotel and chill with a few beers an a laugh.

During the event, if a machine breaks down, it's popped open and repairs are carried out. If it's unfixable, the machine is left off.

Come close of play, again, everyone mucks in to tear down.

NERG this year is it's 3rd year. A few of the others who have attended can comment also.

If you want to come along with machines, drop me a pm or an email.
I've been to the last two NERGs. First year as a visitor, last year as a contributor (took a van and collected a few others pins on the way too). NERG is a fantastic event. Really relaxed atmosphere, full of friendly faces. Phil is always exceedingly generous at looking after contributors, and a good selection of NLP guys will be there again I'm sure to help with unpack/setup/repair/tear down/reload as needed.
I will give it a go.

Vector shall be making an appearance in all its polished chrome, futuristic, crazy sound-tracked, retro glory
Im in phil (as you already know) and will be bringing my white water and you have already got me down for a twin room I think? how many nights did I ask for ?

Cheers Kev
There are about 20 traders but nothing for pinball I'm afraid.

I'm soooo glad I invest a lot of time, money and effort into the informative website ;-)
There are about 20 traders but nothing for pinball I'm afraid.

I'm soooo glad I invest a lot of time, money and effort into the informative website ;-)
haha!!!! i've never looked mate - will take a gander!!!
There's loads of room at NERG as I'm sure you have seen so a few more machines are always welcome.
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