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Sold Most gone with £1580 total 10% donation made for all the help THANKS


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Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks

Due to reasons I wont go into I’ve decided to de-clutter my life a little so I intend to sell off all the spares i’ve accumulated over the past 30 odd years or so but require help with pricing and description on some of the stuff like these boards as I dont have a Scooby (apart from the spooky one if it ever arrives)
Everything here was either bought from fellow pinheads leaving the hobby and like me scrapping pins and salvaging the boards for spares. Let me know what to trash what’s worth selling and any holy grails I may be holding onto. I can tell what some of them are obviously so will mark them up tomorrow some point and once everything is catalogued will put them up for sale here and make a donation.

This is the 1st of 2 big boxes I’ll list 1st then I’ll drip feed the rest of the stuff lying around. Ill keep the next post for descriptions and pricing for the sales.
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With quite a lot of help Here and also a few conversations with respected members in the trade the boards are now listed to sell on 1st come 1st dibs. If Any / All don't sell I will reduce them every now and then until they are either sold or I decide to go via eBay at some point.
Postage is £7.50 on top for 24hr tracked and insured.


A - Sega. Batman Forever - 520-5126-02 - sound board - has ROMs x 3 BATFORE SND - £90 SOLD to @Nevin PAID

B - Data East. Large DMD display controller board 520-5092-01 - Frankenstein - £125 SOLD to @Nevin PAID

C - Data East. Playfield Power Board 520-5055-00 - £75 SOLD @PinIB PAID

D - Data East. Controller Board 520-5055-00 - £90

E - Data East . Rocky and Bullwinkle 520-5055-01 - £90

F - Bally Williams WPC 5760-12710-00 DMD Display Driver Board PCB Dot Matrix - £90 Sold to @Tony PAID

G - Bally Williams WPC 5760-12710-11 Pinball DMD Display Driver Board PCB Dot Matrix - £90 SOLD to @Calimori PAID

H - Bally Williams - WPC Sound Board Dr Who - £150 - SOLD to @Calimori PAID

I - Williams Pinball Sound Board - 5766-12433-00 - A-12738 - £150 SOLD to @Tony PAID

J WPC Fliptronic Board - £60 SOLD to @Calimori PAID

K Data East Flipper board (Last Action Hero??) - £50 SOLD to @Jagspete

L WPC Fliptronics Board (needs confirmation on version) - £60 SOLD @Hiltoncriss PAID

M WPC Fliptronics Board (needs confirmation on version) SOLD to @Tony PAID

N DE CPU Board - £185 or £200 with board that follows for spares ( O ) SOLD to @Asiapinball PAID

O DE CPU Board - I have noticed Corrosion on parts of this board so for SPARES ONLY £50

P WPC Driver Board - this is the earlier version with the relay so it will work on all WPC games inc the early pre fliptronic boards like FH, TAF & T2. So more sought after. - £185 SOLD to @Calimori PAID

R WPC Driver Board - later revision of the above but not suitable for aforementioned pre fliptronic ones. - £175 SOLD to @Hiltoncriss PAID

Q Random Daughter Boards - no idea on these so ill start them at £35 each and reduce till gone or binned if of no use to anyone.

Red sold to @Hiltoncriss PAID 1 board @£35 other threw in FOC

thanks for your help and patience in identifying and pricing the boards for me and I hope it helps others with pricing.
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See several DE and sega boards, that I’d be interested in for project machines, value all depends on if they’re working
I am also interested in BW boards to play with once Paul has his first choice.
I also don’t mind if they are not working but the price difference between project to working will the bit that is hard to work out.

Good WPC power driver boards do not pop up for sale very often, eBay has one for £360 at the moment which felt high, US prices seem to be £200 but I won’t risk it getting mangled in the post.

The box of BW daughter boards, for me, each one could be anything from £15-£60, depending on working and desperate to get hold off. I recognise a few in there but no idea what machine they are in??
Sure l spotted a de display driver . Those are hard to find. And the sound boards sell well despite people swapping in pinsound
F and G are wpc DMD board. One sold here recently I think. But replacements are ~£90 from memory. Horrible board to work on as the HV toasts them.
OP asked for help identifying and pricing at this point. FOMO is going to kick in for a lot of us, me included. But let’s help @Colywobbles work out what he has and he will then post up the sales adverts.
A Sega Batman Forever - 520-5126-02 - sound board - has ROMs x 3 BATFORE SND
B Data East Frankenstein - Sound Board (??) has ROMs FRANK ROM v1.03
C Data East. Playfield Power Board
D Data East DMD Controller Board
E Data East DMD Controller Board (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
F WPC DMD board (5760-12710-00 DMD)
G WPC DMD board (WPC 5760-12710-11)
H WPC Audio Board (Dr Who)
I Williams Pinball Sound Board - 5766-12433-00 - A-12738 ?
J WPC Fliptronic Board (needs confirmation)
K Data East Flipper board (Last Action Hero??)
L WPC Fliptronics Board (needs confirmation on version)
M WPC Fliptronics Board (needs confirmation on version)
N DE CPU Board
O DE CPU Board
P WPC Driver Board
Q Random daughter boards
R WPC Driver Board

5768-12938-04 is Addams Family Flipper Controller Board, no letter
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N and O are DE CPU, if board code ends in 03 they'll fit any DE game and sell for 200-300, lesser numbers only fit earlier games. d and E are display boards and sell for 60-100 there's 2/3 different designs for different era games, B looks like DE sound board 100-150 again 2/3 versions, C DE PPB fits most games 50, K is flipper board probably 30-50 2/3 versions, priced as working! Small boards for feature lights and coin mechs,
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N and O are DE CPU, if board code ends in 03 they'll fit any DE game and sell for 200-300, lesser numbers only fit earlier games. d and E are display boards and sell for 60-100 theres 2/3 different designs for different era games, B looks like DE sound board 100-150 again 2/3 versions, C DE PPB fits most games 50, K is flipper board probably 30-502/3 versions, priced as working! Small boards for feature lights and coin mechs,
I have updated my previous post with your comments
Once agreed on what they are, we can add the values.
£60-100 sounds about right for a working DE DMD board, a new rottendog one would cost £120, if ever in stock and then how reliable would it be.
wow Thanks man 🙏

As for

5768-12938-04 is Addams Family Flipper Controller Board, no letter.

I have 2 of those L and M.
It does say Rev 4 on the back of both if thats what you mean?

Thanks everyone for the help. I have has several PMs here and txts on my mobile after the boards but only one to give guesstimate of price untested and another much higher tested and working.
I have quite a few pins here I could use to test these boards but TBH I am wary I may damage something in the process is this possible as I don't want to open a can of worms and end up with non working pins through my own incompetence? Selling as is would be preferable TBH but i’m happy to give it a whirl if you reckon its safe to do so.

My pins - TFTC, DM, FT, DrDude
Mate across the road - HS2 - TAF - BMDK, TOM

In picture 'Q', bottom left right, with a bridge rectifier and fuses, is an additional flipper power supply board, AFAIK only used for Addams, as labelled.

The centre of picture Q is a 3-bank drop target opto board, with one opto missing.
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For B, these DMD controllers are difficult to find and difficult to fix. PinballSP does a new replacement for Euro297, so much more expensive than standard DE DMD controller board. @Nevin was selling a tested working original a few months back and I recall asking £200, but reduced down and don't know where it ended up).

K is a 520-5070-00 DE 2 flipper board used in lots of games. New boards are available for around £100, depending on where you go.
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TFTC will only take a 520-5021-05 PPB(C), 520-5055-01DMD controller(D+E) and a 520-5033-03 / 520-5076-00 , 3 Flipper board(K)
For B, these DMD controllers are difficult to find and difficult to fix. PinballSP does a new replacement for Euro297, so much more expensive than standard DE DMD controller board. @Nevin was selling a tested working original a few months back and I recall asking £200, but reduced down and don't know where it ended up).

K is a 520-5070-00 DE 2 flipper board used in lots of games. New boards are available for around £100, depending on where you go.
yes that was my old one, took in part ex for £40 off me. think it went for 120 in end? i got another on here for £60
I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone with help in pricing the boards and I now have a better understanding of what exactly they are and what they are worth so I will list them tomorrow night after gabes football around 7-8 pm. This will give everyone an equal chance using the 1st dibs system. Please be aware they are priced to Sell NOT make an offer so bear his in mind. I would rather a reply on the forum but I will mark and sold via a DM also if they prefer to remain anon.

I have had several offers of cherry picked boards at various prices and two offers of complete job lot but rather than sell them privately I will keep this up front by listing on the thread so the community has an idea of what they go for should they be looking to buy / sell in the future.
If no takers on the boards I will drop them over time till they gone and donate 10% of all proceeds to the forum for all the kind help.

If anyone feels the price is too high then hang on as they may hit your budget as I drop the price rather that derail the thread with pointless opinions as if they too expensive they wont sell much like pinballs themselves. However I do have a minimum figure on a few boards that are suitable for my own classic pins so ill just keep them as a spare.

Prices are based on a few well respected members taking the time to help value them and informed me of what hey have bought and sold for recently on and off the forum.

A few things I have learned over the past few days that may help others:
Some of the boards are almost unobtainable as its rare to see a pin scrapped now unless its for the boards themselves!
All Will/Ball boards can be repaired easily although battery damaged CPU boards negate this statement as I’ve learned many times. I have none of those anyway.
The boards much like the pins they fit are only escalating in value so its doubtful they will ever devalue due to supply / demand.
Remakes by the likes of Rottendog dont stand up to the originals and can actually devalue a pin not to mention compatibility issues.

I have been honest and upfront as much as possible and when I bought these boards from a friend in a job lot I was told most of them had either beeen tested or came from working scrapped pins back in the day of 10 pins for the price of a current stern pro 😱

Thx again Colywobbles
I will take, if available, 1 of each of the following:
WPC driver board
WPC display
WPC Audio
WPC fliptronic 2
5768-12938-04 is Addams Family Flipper Controller Board
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